
Apr 11, 2002
Anyone know of any places to ride around Chicago? I live dowtown, work in Wauconda, and grew up in the Joliet area (where my parents still live). I know there are options around Ottawa, but I was wondering if there was anything up north that I could hit after work before starting my brutal commute back to the city. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Trails, tracks, public, private.... I've seen some DRN stickers on some vehicles up here, so I figure there's got to be somewhere to ride. Thanks!

Bob Brooks

Jan 6, 2001
There is the Forest City Riders club in Byron, other than that, I don't know of any riding up north where you are asking. We ride in Ottawa at Wardy's Fox Valley Park and at Buffalo Range, those are the only real riding opportunities in northern Illinois that I know of. You can check with Flyin Ryan though about the Forest City Riders Club. They have some trails and land on their club grounds and are open to new members if that is something that interests you?


Mar 19, 2001
The Forest City Riders is about 2-3 hours from Wauconda so that won't work for him either. I know there are some areas but all are private that I know of and most are MX.

I give you credit for doing the "reverse commute"! I live in the Rockford area and my office is in Barrington, and the driving gets old with no traffic.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.


Apr 11, 2002
Hey thanks for the responses guys. I ride at Buffalo and Fox Valley, but it's a haul for a couple of hours on a Saturday. I get off work at noon on Fridays, so I was hoping for a spot to ride somewhere up here. An MX track would work just fine, I just need a place to get more seat time to prepare for those Hare Scrambles out at Wardy's. I just got a WR426 last year and the only times that I have really done some serious riding have been at the Fox Valley races, whcih isn't the greatest environment to "get to know" your bike. Flyin, if there's any chance at riding at any of the places you mentioned, let me know. I can give you my E-mail address if they need to remain relatively confidential. Thanks again..................
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