My 89 YZ 490 seems to have a clutch problem. When the bike is first started in gear, while pulling in the clutch, the bike tends to want to move forward, and if the engine is reved with the clutch pulled in it will take off as if the clutch lever was not pulled in. The clutch cable has been adjusted and is workin properly. The clutch basket has been taken appart and inspected. The person before me installed new friction and pressure plates. The basket has been filled to remove any grooves caused by the plates. The pushrod has been adjusted to remove all slack from the system. When the clutch is pulled in, the outside pressure plate, (the one that holds the push rod ) dissengages the clutch basket, therefore creating a small gap between the friction disks and pressure plates. Everthing looks like it should be working correctly however, if the bike is in gear with the clutch pulled in, the bike will still move when the engine is reved. The clutch lever is extremly hard to pull in however, it can be done. There is nothing wrong with the cable in general.
Does anyone know what the heck is going on? :bang: :yikes:
Does anyone know what the heck is going on? :bang: :yikes: