Colorado riders I need some help.


Crash Master
Damn Yankees
Jan 20, 2001
I'm trying to come up to CO from mid June to mid July to visit my famliy. I'm also looking to bring my bike up with me ('01 YZ250). I was worndering where are some good places to ride? And do I need to get a S\A? I'm open to most any kind of riding. (single track, fire roads, supper TT ect.)



Feb 6, 2000
Hey Kav,
There are some great places to ride during that time period. In fact, that's the primo time. What part of the state are you gonna be in? I'll probably be up there during that time period on my annual Rampart Range trek. Spark arrestors are required as is an ohv registration sticker. The sticker is $15.25 for a year. Call the Colorado State Parks Office at:
Ask them to send you a registration application. Also ask how far behind they're running.
You can also get the sticker in person at their office at:
Colorado State Parks
13787 S. Hwy. 85
Littleton, Co. 80125 (at the SW corner of Santa Fe and C-470)
Get back to me where in the state you're gonna be visiting and I'll come up with some suggestions.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
Rampart range is one of the best as was discussed in that prior post. Also there are a ton of tracks where you can go ride. Three North of Denver that I frequent with my kids.

VDR just east of Berthoud is one of the best as its open all the time. ( On the south west corner of I-25 and Rt56

There is one in Erie ( East of I-25 ) and Milliken ( Just south on CR19 as you head east out of Milliken) as well. Let me know what area you are going to and I can get directions and info if these are in the area you plan to visit.:)
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