come one come all to the unofficial last ride before deer season ride.


Sep 22, 2004
yesiry bob. we will be riding the kalkaska loops or maybe less depending on how things go.

we will be meeting at the m72 trail head at 10:30ish sunday the 13th, yes thats right im throwing caution to the wind and going out of my house on a day that realy hasnt been lucky for me. hehe

now being that wolfchild is going anybody who has a kdx 220 or 200 that could let him try it out would be great and you could call it his B day present to let him ride it. oohhh yes wolf childs B day is on the "13"th :yikes:

also if you dont go your a sissy patsy girly man(not that there is anything wrong with being a girl)

:nener: hehe naw seriously its will be the last weekend before deer season so lets get together and :ride:

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
oh geeez make up your freaking mind :bang: :think: :coocoo:

:laugh: :laugh:

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
upnorth said:
Let us know which day. Saturday for the men and Suday for the mice.
so would you be riding on friday then? :nener:

J/K, hope to see ya there. :cool: :ride:


Feb 3, 2005
Wolf Child said:
so would you be riding on friday then? :nener:

J/K, hope to see ya there. :cool: :ride:
Ya I do live up here and don't have to drive 100 plus to get here, so ya I could ride any day I want to.

See ya there.


Jul 14, 2004
Might come out from Cub Lake for a spell today. See ya out there. The North loop was a bit rough last time I rode 'er a couple weeks back.
Supposed to really pour tommorow, so's todays the day, mang!


Sep 22, 2004
say big power have you rode the rest of it lately what kinda condition is it in.

ohh and its next weekend for the ride not this weekend.


Sep 22, 2004
we have a new location for the ride see yzman's new thread pic's and thats where the ride will be at next weekend. now all we have to figure out is which day sat or sunday


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
Godzuki said:
we have a new location for the ride see yzman's new thread pic's and thats where the ride will be at next weekend. now all we have to figure out is which day sat or sunday
that trail looks familiar in the pics but where is it ???


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
aha, rode tin cup a couple mos. back , boss has a place in luther


Sep 22, 2004
we now have a canncellation on the new trail head :bang:

here are the new details that are now wrote in stone and will not be changed under penaty of death.

fredric(kalkaska area trail) is the trail. if we get it in quickly maybe one of the kalkaska loops to.

we meet at the m72 trail head for fredric thats just east of and right near a orv dealer (handy place to pick up a pair of boots if lets say you forgot yours back in kalamazoo)

the meeting time is still being argued over ill post here as soon as its known to me. :bang:


Jan 19, 2004
I'm off to the UP for hunting so won't be able to join the ride. Having ridden over there a month ago, I'll through in my 2 cents. Frederick loop has gotten quite wide. If you park at the M72 trailhead you run North 9 miles on a 10 ft wide route before you get to the singletrack. 18 miles of the ride will be terrible. There is a parking spot further North thats on the trailmap, I would suggest this.
We ran Frederick and then 2 tracked over to Kalkaska and ran the North loop. I have a ton of miles over there but this was the first time back in about 2 years. To my surprise it was in good shape and much better than Frederick. The whoops were gentle and rolling, the kind you can time. Soil was firm with great traction, big berms in the corners. We were flying and everyone is looking forward to going back. The Kaska north loop has gas (no premium) and a convienence store at Starvation Lake with the Hideaway Bar (decent burgers) next door. Both are across the road from the North trailhead. If you parked at Starvation Lake the North loop is about 30 miles. For a longer ride park at M72 run North to post 4, turn right to post 8 and go left. Counterclockvise over the top and get gas and food at Starvation Lake. Thats about 45 miles to gas, another 15 back to the trailhead. The trail between M72 and Starvation Lake is nice stuff. Haven't ridden it this year so not sure of the condition. Wherever you ride, have fun and be safe.


Jul 14, 2004
Godzuki said:
say big power have you rode the rest of it lately what kinda condition is it in.

ohh and its next weekend for the ride not this weekend.

The south loop is pretty good coming out of the trailhead on 72, usually dryer than the north, until you get to the swamp on the north side of Riverview road. There, the roots can get pretty nasty, but you've only got a couple miles of that. It gets a bit rough when you cross back over 72, and depending on which way you go, either east of Blue Lake(Dump) road or west, well both those areas have thier rough spots, respectivly. Basically, a toss up for which is worse. The Kal Loops are my home trails, I'm a mile and a half from the trailhead, on Cub Lake. The north side isn't bad until you get north of Starvation Lake, a couple of the hills are very trecherous, one is totally eroded and just loaded with roots, and you gotta be quick to manuver to the left side track that people have been using to avoid it. Be careful of the blowdowns just south of Starvation Lake road, they can come up on ya quick. With todays lovely wind storm, there will most likley be more. I'm thinkin Moorestown or Tomahawk for next weekend.

Tom Dixon

Farmer Tom = Face Planter
Mi. Trail Riders
Nov 15, 2001
Bigpower, you live in Kasky?


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
just checkin, has the location been settled yet?? id like to try and make y'alls aquaintance and bring a couple of my partners along for whats probably the last ride of the year :bang:


Sep 22, 2004
its going to be either kalkaska or fredric at 930 in the am on sunday. that is for the official ride depending on what me, slow joe and wolfy work out. slow joe and i may be riding both days sat and sunday, probably camping at pickeral lake.


Jul 14, 2004
Godzuki said:
its going to be either kalkaska or fredric at 930 in the am on sunday. that is for the official ride depending on what me, slow joe and wolfy work out. slow joe and i may be riding both days sat and sunday, probably camping at pickeral lake.

You'll have the place to yer self, but don't mind the gunfire on Saturday morning, early. I left a few squirrelies hangin for Jr. next week just across the road. We got a lot of rain last night and today, so the North loop will be a bit wet. Some of my bro's rode the south side this afternoon, said it was great, with the exception of the very wet leaves, dern near need to install the Kold Kutters. I'll definately be out there next Sunday, rain or shine. Not sure what our plan is, and I'm hoping Moorestown, but if it stays halfway dry, we'll probably run the north loop. The north loop is easier if you run it counterclockwise, like in an earlier post. Those 2 hills that are pretty tricky are down hill that way. With all the rain, even if we get no more, you'll still have to deal with some pretty large puddles, but no worries. If I get time, I'll get out on the 4 wheeler on friday with the chainsaw and take care of the blowdowns.
So maybe we see ya out there. We'll all be on 500's, I'm the only Honda.
Cheers :laugh:

Tom Dixon

Farmer Tom = Face Planter
Mi. Trail Riders
Nov 15, 2001
bigpower said:
You mean Kalabama. Most of the time.

Interesting. My mom lives next to the high school and my dad lives near the great village of Lodi. It's a small world!


Sep 22, 2004
well people we now have a 2 day ride, me and slow joe will be at kalkaska on sat and then we will meet wolfy and others on sunday at the fredric loop trail head on m72 at 9:30ish

as far as when me and slow joe will be riding kalkaska on sat we havent yet decided on if we will leave friday night, or sat moring.


Jul 14, 2004
I'll be riding the North or South loop Saturday, not sure what our plan is for sunday, hopfully Moorestown. See ya out there, Godzuki.


Sep 22, 2004
looks like me and slow joe will be staying at the starvation lake trail head sat and thats where we will be takeing off from to. we will be leaving a bit north of GR at around 7 to 7:30 am so we might be to starvation lakes trail head around 11 am im thinking not sure i havent been up to kalkaska in about a year so i cant remember how long it takes to get there from GR. big power if you want to meet up with us we plan on riding the north loop on sat maybe more depends. and then we will be heading on down the road to fredric for sunday morning.
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