come one come all to the unofficial last ride before deer season ride.

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
I dont know about run from it. 'Zuki attracts it in the form of his own personal doom. and I...... well I just have issues. :laugh:

seriously, were about as harmless as it gets. :nener:


Jul 14, 2004
No worries, though my back has been kickin me arse pretty good the last couple days. Might have to save it for the ride with the boys on sunday. I'll come out and shoot the breeze, at least, and if the pain stays low, I'll run it to post 9 and road burn it for the homestead. You guys are gonna have it good up here this weekend, no dust, very few riders. The weather should hold pretty good, and any rain on sunday will be pretty much hit and miss.



Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Sooo, BP, if you dont mind me asking whats up with your back?? I have a little expereince dealing with back problems...


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 9, 2004
Just to make sure the correct info is posted for Saturday, Myself and Zuki we be up Friday night. So the plan is to leave Starvation Lake trailhead around 9:00AM Saturday morning.


Jul 14, 2004
slow_joe said:
Just to make sure the correct info is posted for Saturday, Myself and Zuki we be up Friday night. So the plan is to leave Starvation Lake trailhead around 9:00AM Saturday morning.

Have a good time. Too early for this cowboy. I'll be hangin in the Hideaway friday night, though.

The Smokin Heads and I are running the Moorestown on sunday. I'm doin some work to my bike tommorow, so I'll be testing on saturday, somewhere on the loop. I'll at least ride to the Hideaway on saturday for lunch and bloody's.



Jul 14, 2004
woodsy said:
Sooo, BP, if you dont mind me asking whats up with your back?? I have a little expereince dealing with back problems...

according to my doc, I've got some compression in the lower spine. So much for my usual 4th gear rippin, I'll need to take it real easy this weekend. Say's I shouldn't ride for a few months. That is just not acceptable. A handful of Vic's should keep me in the saddle. :ohmy:


Sep 22, 2004
well i know we will be running the north loop and taking off from starvation lake, which we will be camping at friday night so stop in as you head to the hideaway. maybe you can head us off at the pass as we head around the loop on sat and hook up with us.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
bigpower said:
according to my doc, I've got some compression in the lower spine. So much for my usual 4th gear rippin, I'll need to take it real easy this weekend. Say's I shouldn't ride for a few months. That is just not acceptable. A handful of Vic's should keep me in the saddle. :ohmy:

Oh man, I have certainly taken wayyyyy more then my share of VIcodin.. and Neurontin, flexaril, Morph and now the infamous opium "Pain Patch"..
Soooo.. ANy pain down the back of either leg? Any numbness or tingling in the legs/toes/feet? How did all begin? Are you seeing a Neuro of any type? Hows the sleep patterns doing? YOu can PM me or email me @ [email protected] if you dont wanna post personal stuff here..
Also, if its non of my business just say "HEY WOODSY - ITS NON OF YOUR FLIPPING BUSINESS".. Not a problem if so.. As KIWI would say, "no worries - we're still mates, mate!! ;) I sure miss that BIRD!!


Jul 18, 2003
woodsy said:
Oh man, I have certainly taken wayyyyy more then my share of VIcodin.. and Neurontin, flexaril, Morph and now the infamous opium "Pain Patch"..
Soooo.. ANy pain down the back of either leg? Any numbness or tingling in the legs/toes/feet? How did all begin? Are you seeing a Neuro of any type? Hows the sleep patterns doing? YOu can PM me or email me @ [email protected] if you dont wanna post personal stuff here..
Also, if its non of my business just say "HEY WOODSY - ITS NON OF YOUR FLIPPING BUSINESS".. Not a problem if so.. As KIWI would say, "no worries - we're still mates, mate!! ;) I sure miss that BIRD!!

I get this about 5 times a year. Usualy lasts about 2 days. Usualy after a hard day of riding. I can live with a little numbness in the legs for a day or two as long as nothing else goes numb along with it :laugh: I think its swelling but doc says its muscle related. :blah:

See you guys either Fri. night or Sat. morning

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
woodsy said:
Oh man, I have certainly taken wayyyyy more then my share of VIcodin.. and Neurontin, flexaril, Morph and now the infamous opium "Pain Patch"..
Soooo.. ANy pain down the back of either leg? Any numbness or tingling in the legs/toes/feet? How did all begin? Are you seeing a Neuro of any type? Hows the sleep patterns doing? YOu can PM me or email me @ [email protected] if you dont wanna post personal stuff here..
Also, if its non of my business just say "HEY WOODSY - ITS NON OF YOUR FLIPPING BUSINESS".. Not a problem if so.. As KIWI would say, "no worries - we're still mates, mate!! ;) I sure miss that BIRD!!

HOLY CRAP, Woodsy!!!!! PLEASE tell me you arent on Duragesic(fentanyl) :yikes: :bang:

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
Well, we had a great (IMHO) ride!!!



We started around 9:30 on Saturday and rode the north loop with Myself, Godzuki, Slow_Joe, & TCTrailrider, it was sunny and cool but perfect riding weather. the rain and recent trail grooming made the trail pretty nice but soft. it made for some pretty fast riding overall.

After the north loop we broke for lunch and TCTrailrider bowed out do to having to finish his kitchen. I still cant help but think if we hadnt stopped but kept riding, he would have stayed. then it was off to the south loop. Well, this was to shape the rest of my weekend. I crashed about 5 miles in and trashed my shoulder pretty good (for those wondering, Yes I'll be OK and Yes I got the whole thing on video. ) But I sucked it up as best I could and continued with the ride. we met up with sandmn2 and his group some time later and stopped to shoot the **** for a while. I was sorry we didnt get to ride with them this weekend. we continued on and battled what seemed like an andless number of mud holes and downed trees. finally about 4:30 and 40miles in, a judgement call was made and it was decided to do a mostly 2 track burn back to the trucks. we got back right at dark with over 85miles for the day.




the morning looked promising with partly cloudy skies and moderate temps. weather looked good with no rain till evening but veryhigh winds. So Slow_joe, Godzuki, and myself geared up, waited for late arrivals, then headed out around 10. Frederick was VERY spongy and traction was at a premium. Keepeing the front end on course seemed to be the task of the day. That and dodgeing downed lumber. trees were down everywhere. I even found a place were one had gone down since My 2 compadres had passed. there tracks went right underit. since Iwas still having some shoulder issuse from the day before. I had decided to hang back and sight see, rather than risk further injury.

we got back to the parking lot about 1:30 with just under 50 miles for the day. Which gave us a total of 126 for the weekend.


Casualties for the weekend...'Zuki's exaust and subframe, My digital camera, and my shoulder. but I'm my mind this all a small price to pay for having such a great weekend. Thanx to all that showed up.


Jul 14, 2004
Good to hear ya guy's had a good time. I took the CR up to the Hideaway about 1 or so on saturday, just to get the tranny oil hot for changin. Sorry I did, cause an hour after I got back to the homestead, I bent over to pick up some tools and locked up in a 45 degree angle for about 5 min. I took it easy the rest of the day, wore my kidney belt TO bed, and woke on sunday feeling almost good enough to ride. Well, we did it. From the trailhead just off 131 all the way to Moorestown and back, close to 100 miles round trip. Had to be as good as what you fellas got in Frederick, we were the only guy's out. 3 500's and a 250. God, I love the North Missaukee, it's 500 heaven, and they just graded 'er 2 weeks back.Lots of speed, for the most part it was pretty smooth. I did have a few crashes, but nothing major, just some humorous moments. Hey, was good to meet you guy's, and I'll be ready to rock next time you get up this way. Other than the wind, it was a perfect weekend to ride, sunday especially!
Did both the north and south? All you boys definately got a pair. Good onya!


Jul 18, 2003
Sounds like I blew it. We rode Saturday at Kalkaska and was planning on Sunday at Frederick. The rains came Sat. night and then the weatherman predicted rain for Sun. morning so I headed home. :bang: Oh well. I"ll get another ride in here somewhere, sometime in the beginning of Dec. Probably Long Lake or Missaukee.


Sep 22, 2004
yea ofcourse now i cant find a subframe off of **** for my bike, yea 02 or 05 or 06's but no 03 or 04 subs, nice. oh well i guess ive got 2 weeks to find one before i could ride it anyway.

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
well, it's official...

I broke my collarbone in my get off saturday.

I couldnt take that it was starting to hurt worse and I have a nasty patch of green tinted skin on my shoulder so I want to the doc today. it's broke 1 inch above the shoulder.

this sux.


Sep 22, 2004
damn that realy sucks, i hope you heal fast. we shall try to keep you entertained in the meantime.

in the vid it didnt look that hard, i guess that rotted log was harder than it appeard. and hell you finished the ride.


Sep 1, 2003
Scott - You ride enough, eventually a bone gets broken. Wecome to the Broken Bone Club. Just take it easy and try to behave for a while. Will be thinking about you Monday night.

Young Ted


Dec 2, 2003
Ah that sucks. Well if you had to break a bone I couldn' think of a better time of the year to do it. Riding is pretty much over for the year anyways. Just lay low and you will be fine.

There is a Doc over in the Health and Fitness forum on TT that has some good info on broken body parts. Check him out. Do a search on Collar Bone. There was a good read in there.

You get the iron man award. I dont think I could of rode out of the woods broken like that. Much the entire next day. You da man dude!

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
thanx Ted and Don.. it wont be long bofore I'm in the woods again. Not like this is my first break...or for that matter the first break on THIS bone.
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