Competition Quality 85 cc Class Woods Bike

Jan 18, 2001
My son is very interested in Enduro riding. He is almost 10 and has been riding an XR80 and a TTR125 on these kinds of trails. I have been hoping for the Yamaha 150F bike to come along in the next year. I really prefer the 4 strokes.

If the small thumpers don't make it out, does anyone have experience with taking a YZ80/85 or CR80 and turning it into a woods machine? The TTR125 is nice but the suspension and power are nowhere near the WR/KTM levels.

Thanks for your help.


Mar 7, 2001
To race enduros you have to have a head light and tail light. I don't believe there are any aftermarket lighting coils made for the minis. Also I don't believe there is a mini class in enduros. And also I know eduro races do not give 4-strokes a size break so if he rode a TTR125 or if there was a YZF150 he would have to race in the 200cc class. The only company I know that makes a 80/85cc enduro bike is TM. and it is very expensive, around $5000. If he is tall enough the best bike for enduro riding might be the XR200. It is kind of heavy though but seat height is between a CR80 and a CR80 Expert.

SETRA runs a junior enduro series and if you could contact some of the people the run it they could tell you what most people do in there series.

here are the guys that run the junior enduro in South Carolina
Larry Griffin:843-795-0299 Matt Blackwood:843-884-7067

and here is the page to contact SETRA


Jun 7, 1999
Some organizations may have a different format for the mini classes. In MN, the minis are run in more of a Hare Scramble fashion with no time keeping. The course is entirely off-road, so the lights are not required. (nor are lights required in MN big-bike Enduros, either.)

Rob-nailer- I would focus on the mini class bikes with powervalves- RM80/85 and KX80/100. When my son was 11 & 12, he ran an RM80 with a torque pipe (R&D), and suspension adjusted for off road. IMO, his bike with its MUCH wider powerspread, was so much better than the other kids' stock CR's, YZ's, and XR's, that it was almost unfair. The RM chassis was a bit lacking compared to the other bikes, though, and I think the newer KX80/100's with a powervalve would certainly be an excellent choice, too.


Jul 15, 2000
My son is 11 and rides a KX 100 in junior enduros. All I did was put a 12oz flywheel weight (Steahly). This thing is great in the woods.


Jun 6, 2000

I'm currently setting up a '00 KX100 for my nephew to ride/race in youth hare scrambles. What, if anything did you do about a skid plate? All I can find is a glide plate, so its either weld "ears" on to protect the water pump/ignition, or redrill a plate from another bike to fit.

I'm installing Carbon Tech torque reeds, added 2 teeth on the rear with 428 O-ring chain/sprocket kit, and I have an extra 15 oz brass flywheel weight from my GasGas I plan to machine down to 12oz and to fit the Kawasaki ignition.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
TSCEC has (or at least in '98 they had) a junior class for enduros. TCHSS has a junior class for hare scrambles. If your son has never competed before then look into the TRH Family Enduro Series, as LWilson250 pointed out above.
Jan 18, 2001
Thanks. I am a member of TRH and we rode in the last 3 Fam Enduro's this year. Great rides...I agree.

Just wondering what the experience has been on the small YZ/CRs turning into woods bikes and any new rumors on the 150F front besides the Honda disappointing announcement.


Mar 7, 2001
Just a note, the new YZ85, even though it still does not have a power valve, has much more low end than the older YZ80s or the CR80s and the forks are great. They have a true cartridge USD now, just a miniture version of the YZ125 forks.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
rob - Talk to Marty Howell. His son rode both a KX and a YZ80 and his nephew rode an RM80 in the TSCEC and TCHSS series'. He should be able to give you some insight on those bikes.

Tell him Bill that moved to Chicago says "Hi".


Jul 15, 2000
Originally posted by GlennP

I'm currently setting up a '00 KX100 for my nephew to ride/race in youth hare scrambles. What, if anything did you do about a skid plate? All I can find is a glide plate, so its either weld "ears" on to protect the water pump/ignition, or redrill a plate from another bike to fit.

I'm installing Carbon Tech torque reeds, added 2 teeth on the rear with 428 O-ring chain/sprocket kit, and I have an extra 15 oz brass flywheel weight from my GasGas I plan to machine down to 12oz and to fit the Kawasaki ignition.

Glenn, we are not running a skid plate, but would like one. Let me know if you find one.
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