Sep 10, 2000
actually... it's my friend's problem. We ride together alot, and he has a trail on some of his land. But every time we ride, these cows come running to us. They must be attracted by the sound. I really don't know what it is. Well all this was ok for a while, cause they couldn't keep up, but one day my friend hit a jump and through some horrible stroke of luck, ended up landing on the cow. :( Fortunatly, my friend was ok, but then the cow charged him. He quickly started running and, seeing his predicament, I revved my bike which caused the cow to turn. We were ok, but now they hang out, one at each landing area to each jump. :mad: What should I do??? they are really disrupting our riding, and i can't seem to get rid of them. any of u guys have techniques for making it over them maybe? Or some way to get them to leave... short of shooting them? Thanks for any help.


Jul 14, 2000
ended up landing on the cow.
YOU MONSTER! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

No really though, it sounds like your riding on someone else's land? If you are and you don't have there permission which it sounds like you don't, STOP IT! If you have permission find out who's cows they are.

[This message has been edited by MoO_coW (edited 03-05-2001).]


Jan 17, 2001
Originally posted by ABeeOnAnXR:
actually... it's my friend's problem. We ride together alot, and he has a trail on some of his land
Sounds like he has permission to me..

Anyway, he LANDED on the cow??!! And then it got up and charged him??!! :eek: You must have some tough cows where you live! Anyway, the cows always run away from me and my friends when we ride near them. We try to stay away as much as possible, but sometimes its just hard to get away from em. They usually stop following once they get roosted a few times.. :p No but seriously, I dont really know how to get rid of them.


Sep 10, 2000
LOL... sorry cow... it took me a second... I hope this thread doesn't offend you.

If you don't land.... it don't count.


Sep 10, 2000
Gonna have to ask in general discussions....really need a solution... the neighbor's gettin mad cause the cows won't come home for their food.

If you don't land.... it don't count.

Irish MXer

May 15, 2000
I would go buy a few salt blocks next time you are at the feed store. Next time you go ride set a salt block where you want them to go. That should work.

Irish MXer
Mike McCasland
00'CR250 #59


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
I know you guys have a problem here but when I read the title of the post and then the post I ‘bout fell out of my chair. Some times the deer gather to watch us ride but I’ve never landed on one. You’d think that after landing on one they wouldn’t want to be any where near where you ride.

May be you could teach them to ride instead of just hanging around. Once they learn how to jump, they’ll be able to make it over to moon easier, then they’d be gone. :p

Good luck with your “cow technique”

Did I do the double?
Ah,um...Sure did. I was right behind you!
My Pictures


Nov 17, 2000
ABee, reading your post brought back memories of the past, when I was about 11, me and my neighbor would go back in the back of my dads farm and ride. :) (he had a step through honda, and I had a Lil Indian mini bike). This perticular time, he let me ride his honda, and we where "racing" up this hill. I looked over, and there was my dads bull pacing us running up the hill! Next thing I new I was on the ground, my neighbor was laughing his ..ss off, and the bull ran away bellering like ..ell :o. ( its hard to admit that I had my front end taken out by a bull). Farm animals seem to always be drawen to unusaul and different activities that they are not use to in there environment. I never had a problem with the bull once he took me out, but you might try throwing a slab of hay in a far corner, chances are that until they get use to the noise, they will come back for more.

AMA Lifer
Aztalan Cycle Club VP
75 Rokon
350 Bridgestone
Road Toad & others


Dec 1, 2000
Yep run up on many a deer in the woods trail riding.even chased them down the trail a few yards before they dart off into the brush.

Tellya one thing wish I could go through the woods like those deer. :p

They have just passed a law in Tennesee that says you can eat your road kill if you hit a deer or something..Wounder if that would apply to trail kill as well.... ;)

Dont know what to tell you except it sounds like someone elses cows are on your budddies land.Maby your neighbor needs some better fencing..

A cow is a terrible thing to waste lets have a barbq at Spodefest!!!!That will take care of them..... :D

it dont hurt till the bone shows.

2001 YZ 250


Nov 7, 2000
The cow on the lease I ride at usually run away when you rap the motor up. We get in trouble for chasing or harassing them. You could possibly get thrown out of the club. Its really not much of a problem unless you come around or over a hill fast and blind. I gathered what the title was about, but still thought it was funny. You should strap a cattle prode to you front fender ;) you could wear it like a sword and charge them away. Seriously the salt lick is a good idea. Also tell the neighbor to keep the cow in check or you won't have to ge grocery shopping for a while.

94 dirt only DR350


Jun 2, 1999
cow jousting anyone?
what have you been doing to these cows to make them like you so much? they usually have an affinity towards bulls for a specific reason, why would they think you might be a bull??


Aug 13, 1999
That's too funny!!! I have a quail that attacks us everytime we ride by his corner of the trail on my property. He dives right at your face as you go past the corner. He dove at Karl one time & when Karl turned to see what the heck was going on it smacked him on the back of the helmet.

How about tossing some hay out away from where you want to ride?

Bbbom’s Picture Page


Mar 19, 2000
I've seen some pretty big pit tootise before, but cows?

Cow groopies, what a concept. I want to party with you dude :cool:

Pretty much everything that that needs to be figured out, can be figured out in the garage

98 Yz400f
00 Pw50(Daughter)
93 Xr100(Wife)
8? Kdx175
71 Ke100

Scott in KC

Aug 28, 2000
These don't sound like ordinary cows. Could be RENEGADE COWS! Originally hailing from Europe, a lot of their clan was lost during the mad-cow disease epidemic of a few years ago. But, some were said to have made it to the US. I thought it was just far fetched story, like killer bees, but perhaps these are THE cows? Do they have brown eyes? Are you on two strokes? If so, they love the smell of two stroke and are also drawn to personal watercraft & snowmobiles, but since they can't swim and get stuck in deep snow they don't even bother trying to catch you. Your buddies bike must have stalled when he hit because had it been running the cow would have been gone on it (you see, they can't kickstart because their hoof slips off the lever.) With the recent outbreak of foot&mouth disease now, I figured they might show up again! If you HAVE to ride there, I would try rubbing a dab of two stroke oil under their chins to keep them occupied. Don't use synthetic!! They HATE synthetic and might attack! I read a motorcycle industry document on the internet that basically stated that the reason for all the 4 stroke bike development is not to appease the EPA, but to keep motorized vehicles out of the hands (or hoofs in this case) of these RENEGADE COWS. Trust me on this one, I live in Kansas for pete's sake and WE know cows here! Afterall we are all farmers, see tornadoes daily and all have dogs named Toto. Of course they could be just ordinary curious cows, if so then totally disregard all of this.


Dec 25, 1999
Taking them hay, that would make the problem worse. If they start associating you with food, they will follow you even more.

85' KDX200(mine-for sale) 96' CR250R(mine)  81' YZ125(Dad's)  81' CM400 (my street bike)
Motor86's home page


Sep 10, 2000
I REALLY do not know what to do!!!! NOTHING WORKS!!! Maybe they are the Renegade cows you speak of..... ride both 2 and 4 stroke. Attack us just the same. Gonna stick 20 ft. cattle prods on my bike....one for each degree around my bike... 360 to be exact... well maybe not.... that might turn me poor. AUGH!!!!!!!!!!! HELPPPPPP!!!!!

If you don't land.... it don't count.


Jan 21, 2001
get aggresive with them. carry some rocks and if they approach you start throwin. If that doesnt work get big sticks, you drive while your buddy doubles you on the back and beats them off. If that still doesnt work build your self a spud gun. but dont hit them in the head otherwise you well be eating steaks for a long time. maybe that is a good thing??? if you do end up killing one hang parts of of thier hide on your bike and dose your self in the animals blood so they will see you as a predator! i may sound old fashioned but i bet it will work.


die you sycophant !
May 22, 2000
Put the cows in the freezer where they belong. Don't let cows get guns.

[This message has been edited by fishhead (edited 03-20-2001).]

[This message has been edited by fishhead (edited 03-20-2001).]


Jan 13, 2001
1. --throw down some feed for the cows

2. --when the renegade cows settle in to feed, you and your buddies back up your bikes to the cows, second gear, pin WFO, dump clutch and roost away...

3. --roost LIBERALLY, and often... up to 3 times a day. Consult a vetinarian if 3 times a day limit is exceeded.

4. --continue therapy for 10 days.

Scott in KC

Aug 28, 2000
If the 4 stroke is a Husky, KTM or God forbid a Husaberg or VOR, then that's why they're after the 4 stroke too. They love euro-bikes! Like fine wine, the more rare the bike, the more they enjoy. Did you see they rounded up that group of Renegade Sheep in Iowa the other day! Where were they from???? EUROPE! I thought of this thread when I saw that, freaking weird dude. You might find an old Maico or Bultaco in non-running condition and just leave in their field as a peace offering. Spritz it down with 2 stroke first. Just wait until those heffers try to order parts for it....they'll be occupied for months!
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