Dee Dee Ramone Found Dead.



Don't get me wrong, I'm not all broken up over this, but it is a shame, and a waste. As for being one of the most influential bands-They were/are. In their genre. Heck, they started back in the 70's when the Sex Pistols, et al were just getting the thing rolling. They weren't musical geniuses, but if it was your cup of tea, they could move you. I happened to like it a lot. Probably one of the largest "underground" bands to sustain such a successful career. They were much bigger overseas than they were here, for some reason.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Yeah, and in England it's been reported that the most influencial mag there has choosen Radiohead as the most powerful band of rock history, beating out the Beatles. Go figger.
Lou...the "Tubes" said it best..."White punks on dope!"
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Gary B.

Apr 17, 2000
Okie's right. I don't lose any sleep over successful people who don't seem to appreciate it, and end up throwing their lives away. I'd like to think that I could handle it better than that. I'll bet any of you out there could name twenty sports or entertainment people who have flushed their careers because they were stupid. Just watch "E True Hollywood Stories", or VH1's "Behind the Music" shows and you'll discover they all have the same plot line, i.e. nobody-successful-drugs,alcohol-loses everything-back to a nobody.


Mar 20, 2001
Well, I didn't care when Princess Diana died. I guess it's because I wanted to have heard more music from the musicians who have died, hehe.
Rock forever :aj:
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sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
hey, don't get me wrong, we had the ramones on alot in the barracks, but lifes wasted due to drugs, it's a no go. here's one for ya pred "sweat home luisiana, lord i'm comin' back too you"


Mar 1, 2001
Somewhere in the middle there go I... I think it's just pathetic that anyone should die from drugs or alcohol. There is too much information available these days for it to be happening still. The ones that choose to continue have made their own decisions unfortunately. I have been clean and sober for 14 years now. I love life (most days) and would never had a chance to learn to ride and meet the great people at DRN and elsewhere. Everyday I ride, I ride grateful... maybe not so much when I get a flat... chuckle chuckle. Thanks for allowing my .2 dj


Sep 3, 2001
speaking of killing one's self...

this is from an article descibing results of an in depth study performed by the University of California by a research group, which examined more than 3,000 studies involving millions of smokers.

"the new study firmly links smoking to stomach, liver, cervical, and kidney cancer, as well as to myeloid leukemia. Such links were suspected, but not proven... estimated 1.2 billion people worldwide now smoke, and their prognosois is grim, according to the study. At least half of them will be killed prematurely by smoking related diseases...half of those deaths will occur in middle age, with an average loss of 20 to 25 years of life expectancy."

I can relate to that, lost two relatives this way, in their 50s...

Also tragic, predictable, etc.

Just happens to be legal for some reason...

But, when's the last time someone had health effects from breathing air around a heroine addict?


Mar 25, 2002
That really sucks. I understand it was slow suicide but they were pioneers.

But real losses were Morrison and Hendrix. :whiner:

Morrison a lyrical genius. He was reading Balzac and many other philosiphers at a young age. And you know what no one knows what he died of... no one even ever saw the body except for Pamela Courson his girlfriend. But he was a genius.

And Hendrix... I could go on for hours... I may be fourteen but I have spent over 15 hours reading about this guy easy. Easily the greatest guitar player ever. He puts Clapton and B.B. King to shame. They both even admitted this too. He could get a flatter, more mellow sound out of his strat than B.B. could out of his hollow body Gibson.

And when Ray Charles dies that will be a very very sad day.

And non musically: Belushi... I could watch Bluto for hours. "They took the bar... the whole f***ing bar!" :) :ugg:

And Okie, they may be shameless deaths but nonetheless the had impacts greater than many people, many many people, ever have a chance to realize. Now whether you want to admit it or not that is the truth.

A death is still a death.



May 10, 2001
Sorry but also got to be with Okie on this one. yeah its a sad thing that this happend, but they killed them selves! I mean look a Jimi Hendrix yeah he was a great singer but im mean he had a song called "purple haze" you had to see that one coming! As for the ramones never real like them more of a black sabith pink flois ozzy and new punk rock and rock person :aj:

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