Deep Creek Enduro

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
1st place Novice goes to The Eel. Good job. :)
3rd place Novice goes to Thumbs. Nice work. :cool:
5th place Novice goes to Scar Tissue. Atta boy. :D
Not sure where Holeshot ended up.
I DNF'ed (again) when my new bike decided to stop shifting. I'm still locked in 1st gear. That, my friends, sucks. :|
Placelast, why weren't you & junior racing? Nice to see you though.

Keeping it short (like my attention span) - It was fairly technical, pretty much alternating b/w rocks & narrow sand wash w/ the occasional very loose & rocky hill. They were definitely challenging - especially if you forget to turn your gas on. :silly: ...
Until and even after the shifting problem I have to say the GG suspension is killer. It was rough at first & I was bummed with how it was running in the sand and just pinballing off every rock. When I got a chance to stop I went 3 clicks softer on the compression and viola... awesome. What a difference. I didn't expect it could feel as great as it did.. Went straight over everything - never going sidesways and no harshness. The back end stayed down too (and swap free) so I was really impressed all around. Gotta be careful w/ the throttle though. I did get the front wheel over my head once by accident. I got lucky on that one & managed to reel it in. On top of that I got a nice tan & still had a good day. I pulled off the course after the 1st loop & was locked out of the truck. By the time the guys got back I had made myself at home over at Scar's van. I was sitting in his chair under his umbrella, wearing his flip-flops and drinking his beer!

Scar, I gotta say I really like your bike - it felt good all around & was also comfortable & easy to ride. Nice set-up there.

'Till next time, DNF-master signing off.


Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.
Good job all around guys!
You guys wanna come down to Carlsbad this weekend and ride the SRA grandprix? It will be good practice for the Tankslapper`s race.



Apr 13, 2000
You guys did pretty well. Congrats all around


Jan 27, 2000
Congrats to the Crew. You guys are awesome. :D

Bundy. What time is practice? I heard they are having a 45 min. practice session, is this true?



Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
The deep creek enduro required rock and sand riding skills that I simply do not possess, and my riding was a bit worse than usual that day.

Just after the start, I stopped for a minute because I was ahead of schedule. Little did I know that there was a small hill just ahead with a stuck KTM rider on it. I tried to go around him but didn't quite make it (then dumped it). The rest of the wrecking crew were yelling at me to get out of the way, but my bike wouldn't move forward or backward. Turns out the brush guard bent back and locked my front brake on.

Just over the hill there was another nasty surprise, a long downhill full of triangular, toaster sized to 700 watt microwave oven sized rocks. I followed Cap'tn Jack's style of bull-dogging it very cautiously, until I saw the rest of the wrecking crew ride it down. :think: I didn't want to act like a wuss, so I hopped on and tried to ride it down - and promptly did an endo into the rocks. Fortunately, I was only mildly bruised. :confused: I don't remember ever wanting to ride down a hill like that (even as a youth), so I really wondered why I should start on that particular day.

There were many other little mishaps (I even burned the first check on the second loop), but the rocky downhill in the first half of the loop really did me in. I even considered bribing someone to change my minute, but there weren't enough minutes in the universe anyway, so I considered the other option - finish the race to stay out of last place. 9th was pitiful, especially considering my astronomical score, but at least I finished.
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scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
A fun day,

I was glad to place 5th. in my 2nd. ever enduro!

I have a unique style that makes it more of a challenge, while everyone in front of me and some behind had enduro computers, clocks, odo's, roll charts and all.....

For the time keeping, I simply used the knob on my Scotts damper as a sundial, for speed I counted the revolutions of my front tire and did the math, and I memorized the course chart before I left after looking at it for a solid 5 minutes. And finally, I used a little bit of the force and Whaola 5th.

We don't need no stinkin computers!!!!

The course was fun and challenging, I liked the back part a lot better than the front, as it was very hot and the front had a lot of 1st gear small rock filled canyons. It was nice to get some air moving agian, especially in the 79mph marked section. YeeHaw!

Jack, I'm glad I left the van open, the umbrella up and the cooler out. Your always welcome to help yourself, but are your still wearing my pink thong with the elephant trunk? I couln't find it after the campfire the night before :silly:

Eel you da man, Thumbs nice work, Holeshot glad you made it and finished, Palcelast and JR, glad you made it for camping and the poker run. I'll see most of you on the 4th in Kennedy Meadows.


brett r

Nov 6, 2000
Good rides, I did not know the points were that close or I probably would have put the surfboard away and went out and rode in 110. I guess that's what I get for missing a few races it will make the last 2 races more fun, I hope they are more like desert races than Enduros.


Feb 2, 2000
For those interested in the SRA Grand Prix in Carlsbad on June 23rd here is the info


$12 Gate fee per person
$35 Entry Fee
6:30 am Gates Open
8:00-8:30 am Practice All Morning Racers
8:45 am Race Sen, Sup Sen, Women
9:45 am Race Vet Nv, Vet Bg
10:45 am Race Vet Ex, Vet Am, 4-Stroke
12:00-12:30 pm Practice All Afternoon Racers
12:45 pm Race Team Race
1:45 pm Race 80, 200
2:45 pm Race 250, Open
Practice and Race Times subject to change on race day.
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Dec 4, 2000
Good reports all around fellas, scar tissue LOL. Sounds like you guys are having fun down there.


Apr 11, 2001
Originally posted by CPT Jack
Placelast, why weren't you & junior racing? Nice to see you though.

Sorry about the gearbox, guy.

It looks like the rest of ya all did well, tho.

We aren't racing until I'm employed (insurance thing). Trail riding is OK, but the added pressure of competition raises the risk...


Jan 30, 2000
Nicely done guys.

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
Apparently there was a burr on the shift fork - not too common but not unheard of for a new GasGas, but pretty unusual for one that's already broken in. I understand it's very easy & quick to fix. MotoWest did it at no charge.
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