Delta Force Reeds on a 00 200EXC ??????


Nov 8, 1999

First, let me be the first to Welcome you to DRN. This is a great site (the best IMO) for all around dirt info. I saw in one of your other posts that you are familiar with the 200 riders board info., so you may already know the answer to this question.

I ride a 300 a good friend of mine (McD) rides a 200. We switch bikes all the time. I love the handling of the 200, he loves the grunt of my 300. He was convinced he wanted to trade his 200 for a 300. He found a 300 for trade locally, but could never make the deal. McD is our #1 pit guy in our desert races for our 'team'. Because of his awesome support, I bought him a gift after the 300 deal fell through. I got him the Delta II. He now says he has exactly the bike he wants; lightweight, a little shorter than the 300, lots of grunt, and some extra top end (after switching to a 46t rear & the Delta II). Since he has the Delta II on bike now, I have yet to ride it again!! I guess he is just THAT satisfied.

On my 300, the Delta II is the best money I have ever spent. What an improvement all around, with a $125, 20 minute install, bolt on!!

There's my .02;)
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Jun 27, 2001
Yes Strick I have read many posts from you and I thought you might reply on this one I know you loved it on your 300.
Next question how about jetting did it change much, mine is just about right on so I was wondering if it changed much when the Delta was installed leaner or richer. And was the low end or top end of Delta's reed cage used.
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Smokin Joe

Sponsoring Member
Apr 21, 2000

Sounds like you are already leaning heavily towards the DFII but you may want to talk to Eric Gorr. He can do some amazing things with epoxy resins and porting tools. One of his specialties is reshaping ports to significantly boost power in specific areas of the powerband without sacrifising power elsewhere. He offers porting for 3 different types of powerbands: More Low - Mid claimed to be great for Enduros & Hare Scrambles, More Mid - Top for expert MXers, and Mo Better Everywhere. Very reasonable prices too at $120 less $10 for DRN members.

Unfortunately I haven't had the pleasure of experiencing his porting expertise yet. I have read other rave testimonials here on DRN however. I'll be sending him my 250EXC cylinder next month for the Low - Mid porting to get some trials-type grunt.

It sure would be interesting to here from anyone who has tried the reed cage first and then gotten his porting for a comparison. You probably couldn't go wrong either way.

Good Luck,



Nov 8, 1999
Delta settings

I have used both the high and low on my 300. The high setting gives more power throughout, even low. The mid and upper end are thunderous compared to the stock reeds.

Right now, I have it set on the low setting. The last hare scramble I did was a rockfest. Nothing like most have ever experienced. The low setting viturally made my 300 a 4stroke. I am yanking my carb this weekend to install a new bowl gasket, and am going back to the high setting. I just like that setting better.

If I have a second (strong) bike to ride, I will send my cylinder to Eric on my next rebuild. I do understand he can work magic with his porting.


Sep 20, 1999
well, i'm going the other way. i had eric port my 200 & never got around to installing the delta reeds (original version). i had it running so well that i didn't want to mess with it in the middle of the racing season. i plan to try to get them in this weekend.

the porting is nice, the price was right & the service was excellent.


Nov 8, 1999
Originally posted by lawman

the porting is nice, the price was right & the service was excellent.

Sounds like a commercial!

Lawman, you have the advantage of many bikes in your stable, that allows you the luxury of having you bike down, which I envy by the way. Maybe you could sway my wife to allow a couple more in my garage:p . I do want to utilize Eric's services soon. I just can't during the race season, without a second bike:(

Thanks for solidifying an already stellar reputation, in regards to KTMs.


Sep 20, 1999
yeah, having a spare bike makes a big difference! everybody needs 1. that helped sway me to try the porting. i'd always wanted to try it, & eric's price was way less than even just a pipe & i didn't miss any rides while the cylinder was off.

you can really get your bike specialized that way. i have the tew hunnert set up completely for tight, gnarly enduros, but it can be a pain on a trail ride, esp. if it's hilly. so i take the 400 for that. if you buy them slightly used, it really isn't all that expensive. (but it probably helps alot that i am single, when i was married it was wwIII every time i needed something to keep just 1 bike going). for the missus: having a backup makes it less critical to do maintenance on any given evening. also, nothing is more frustrating than realizing the nite before a big ride or race that your bike is down, ruins the whole weekend for everyone, no? but if you have a spare good to go, no problema! besides, having just 1 bike can get a little boring.

i think it also helps to have ktms. most of the parts are interchangeable; the filter is so easy to get to that there really is no excuse; there's no linkage to grease; parts are easy to get & they are so reliable, they don't need much.


Nov 8, 1999
Lawman - those are excellent sway points to put forth to the wife, but that comes with your territory right? :p

I agree with the interchangeability (is that a word) of parts on KTMs. The problem I have is the other KTM I want is an '01 or '02 (48mm forks) 400SX, and there are not many used ones, and no new '02s yet.

Thanks for the suggestions on the sway points. I might have to give them a try!:p

Smokin Joe

Sponsoring Member
Apr 21, 2000

Which type of porting did Eric do? Also, please explain what you mean by your 200 being a pain on a hilly trail ride because you have it set up for tight woods. I am curious because I took a spin on a buddy's '01 200 EXC and was extremely impressed with the low end power.



Sean NZ

Apr 23, 2001
Has anyone at DRN been able to compare the Delta II performance with that of a RAD valve when fitted to an 00 or 01 200EXC ?
We can only get RAD valves in New Zealand but you guys have certainly raved about Delta II's !
If you think the Delta II's are better, can you point me at the best place to buy one from ? (ie: most reliable/cheapest place that can ship as far as New Zealand)
Any help appreciated.
I'd also like to know if jetting changes were necessary after fitting the Delta II and\or a RAD valve.
I've also heard great things about FMF Gnarly and Fatty pipes but the supply to New Zealand is very intermittent. Are Doma pipes any good ?
Are jetting changes needed after changing only the pipe ?

Sorry there are so many questions. Not many people are riding these bikes down here yet.


00 KTM200EXC


Nov 8, 1999
MX South


If you click on the MXS symbol on the left side of the screen, it will take you to MX South. I'll bet Jeff is capable of getting you any of the aftermarket parts you need for your 200.


Feb 19, 2001
Eric Gorr porting

Not only is Eric's porting the best as far as I'm concerned(I've tried a couple of :( )His service is excellent also.
I've sent off cylinders on a Monday(next day air) and had them back by Friday and was able to race on Sunday:)

2001 400sx....converted to 400exc....soon to be converted to 520exc
2001 400exc
2000 300mxc...gone but not forgotten
2000 250exc
1999 200exc (updated to a 2001)using 2001 power valve cover enabling me to use a 2001 FMF Gnarly pipe,2001 forks, 2001 shock and of course a Delta Valve 11 :) (grandson rides this one)1st ride as a B rider at the Cross Country National in Oregon he got a 5th
1999 XR200 (wifes bike)
1999 XR100(Step daughter rides this one) 32yrs. old but only 5'2" & 110lbs.
2001 Honda 250EX 4 wheeler, every one rides this one!


Sep 20, 1999
hey smokin' joe, i had eric port mine for "more on the bottom without losing all the top" (sounds like a haircut, hunh?), & that's just what i got. i had a '98 200 w/fmf pipe, & it didn't have enough revs to suit me, so i tried the porting on this 1 instead (also cheaper).

my bike isn't a pain on a gnarly hillclimb, but imo, a stocker can be. it's only a 200, & it puts out some serious hp, so the powerband can seem a little narrow on a slimy or no-traction hill. you have to maintain momentum on a hill like that. if you just want to trail ride, or if the guy ahead of you is just cruising up such a hill & gets in the way, you can't just torque up sitting on your butt like your 250 exc will do (i have 1 of those, too, that i need to sell when i get around to it). i love the sharp handling & light weight of the 200, but i want motor like a 250's when i'm slogging thru some long, gnarly enduro with slick hills (clanton, say or train robbers if it rains) or if i'm on a cruisy trail ride in middle or east tennessee where it's hilly or even mountainous. so i had mine ported, put on a flywheel weight ($90), & i just tried out a pro circuit pipe that i bought used off the internet to get back some revs. do you ride the sera enduros? you're welcome to ride my bike. email me & i'll hook you up at breezy hill.


Sponsoring Member
Mar 7, 2000
Old Stroker: There is a 540 kit for your 400 now that'll make it rip. Much cheaper than factory kit too. On your 2000 250 EXC, what did you to it as far as porting? Results?


Feb 19, 2001

Who's making the 540 kit besides the KTM hard parts kit??
My 2000 250exc was ported by Pro Circuit, along with some head work and their pipe.I did this on a recommendation from Casey Folks, he owns Sportsman Cycle Sales. (KTM dealer in Las Vegas). According to them they sent the 250 to Mitch Payton right out of the crate and he ported 5 cylinders until he got the right combination on the Dyno.
My bike really ripped, the only thing I didn't like was that I had to run race gas.My 250 was one of the ones that the cylinder cracked around the boss for the barrel bolt. Before I found out KTM was warranting them I purchased a 2001 barrel and installed the Pro Circuit head ( I understand the 2001 head is similiar to pro Circuit's). The stock 2001 barrel was more potent then the Pro Circuit barrel.
Try it, you'll like !

PS...KTM did warranty my 2000 barrel and my dealer took it off my hands.
Actually, he traded me a FMF power core silencer for my 400exc.


Sponsoring Member
Mar 7, 2000
Old Stroker,
Thumper Racing is making a 540 kit for either the 520 or 400 for around $420. You'll need either a 520SX and a 400SX ignition rotor, or a 400SX and a 520SX crank. I apologize I got it wrong in the other thread. I had to get home to confirm or deny.


Feb 19, 2001
I read the same article, but I don't think it's any cheaper because I'll have to buy a crank and a cam.Thanks for the info anyway

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