Jan 10, 2001
I just got done taking my cylinder and piston out for my first rebuild. Cylinder wall is in great shape, the sides of the piston looked new. The wrist pin and pin bearing also just popped out in my hands with a little push of a socket :) Well I put it up on the bench to remove the KIPS to clean it up. I removed the cover and you can barely make the insides out due to so much carbon build up. Is this normal or am I running to rich? I had a power problem a while back, and I found out that somehow the jetting had gone way lean. So I adjusted the clip on the needle and fixed that. The only thing I have on it right now is an FMF Rev pipe. Also I need a gasket for the KIPS valve cover. Does that come with the topend gasket kit? Or do I need to get one, if so where, the Kawasaki shop? My Wiseco piston kit should get here tommarow or the next day. Anything else I need to know for this rebuild?


Jun 5, 2000
The Cometic gasket Kit that Eric Gorr supplied came with all top end gaskets, including the PV cover. I used vise grips to support the KIPS shaft.

Worth their weight in gold:
1. Shop manual
2. Eric Gorr's book.
3. Motion Pro torque wrench extension (for cyl nuts).
4. Box of zip-lock plastic baggies to keep track of all the parts.

Canadian Dave

Super Power AssClown
Apr 28, 1999
Great Advice Brush ! :)

Power valves become coated with carbon over time it’s just a fact of life. Running appropriate jetting and using a good quality 2-cycle oil will go a long way to reducing carbon build-up.

Be sure to check out the Tech Tips section on the JustKDX web site. Some Kawasaki Shop manuals incorrectly identify the left and right sub-port valves.


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