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Aug 24, 1999
just wanted to ask here if anybody knows about District 20 and their apparent power/land grab at taking over District 41 (as well as others) and their attempt at doing it without a vote of any kind.

does anybody have any more info?


Dec 29, 1999
Land grab? You mean they're trying to assume ownership of D-14 property? D-14 has property to assume?

Could be happening, I guess, but I don't know how they would do it without some kind of least you'd think the promoters would have a say, especially since they and the sponsors pay the bills.



Aug 24, 1999
yes, basically houston is trying to take over Austin and San Antonio as well as other small towns in the way. yes, there is supposed to be a vote, but none of the affected riders got a say in it. nice huh?


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
riders most generally don't have alot to say about borders and things that govern district areas. That at least in this area is governed by the clubs and promoters. Which if the area in question doesn't do a whole lot then it could be decided that it would be better served in the other district.

We have a similar deal here in which most states are the distict and state borders both, but IL is cut 2/3 -1/3 in which our district is the northern 2/3's. Makes things like "state" championships a pain. For a long time not much was done in the lower third of the state so we asked years ago to include or make our district the whole state.
It didn't get finalized mainly due to lack of effort, but its good now that this part of the state is going forward and doing more racing and haveing places to ride.

If this is nuthin more than a power struggle, you should contact your congress delegates and be heard.



Aug 24, 1999
the main problem is that NOBODY will answer the question "what will this do for us?"


Sponsoring Member
Feb 15, 2000
SUnruh. The combining all of TX into one district is not a land grab. It just gives the state more leverage with riding issues. Every one will be better informed of what's going on in the district. Like the Roadless Council meeting that was held in College Station that no one knew about. Each racing or road riding group will have their own chairperson. The end result will probably mean more people showing up for different races. All the District reps. agreed 100% to combine the TX district. If you need more detailed inf let me know.


Aug 24, 1999
when we were TOLD this was happening, nobody said a thing about combinding all 3 sections in the state. at this point it time, i still don't think that is the case (at least i've not heard that from guys i just talked with on sunday). also, why is it that the areas that would be affected the MOST don't get a vote in any way, shape or form on WHO gets to become the chairperson in this district? for some odd reason, i thought dictatorships were not allowed in the USA. am i wrong?

btw, i have actually learned the real reasons behind all of this and can't comment for legal reasons (that will all come out in the court rooms).


Dec 29, 1999
From a rider's perspective, having a state as large and active in motocross as Texas be one district would be pretty awkward. Man, you could have two guys battling for the points lead who never even race each other! Maybe not so much an issue with the skill (A, B, C) classes because they're relatively large, but the smaller age classes might suffer. And it seems like advancement would be hit-and-miss with potential "packets" of varying skill levels (OK, not like it isn't now).

It also seems like a crap shoot for the tracks. By joining the districts, wouldn't that just increase their competition by three-fold? For a track near what's now a district border with middle-of-the-road attendance as is, this could be a death sentence. Of course, those that survive should be much stronger, but the riders might be forced into much longer Sunday morning commutes and higher gate fees.

Obviously, I don't know all the issues here, and it would be nice to think that those who do are doing what's best for the ridership because it all comes around in the end. I guess the bottom line is states with wide participation in motocross (California, Ohio, Texas, etc.) have been broken up into different districts for a reason. It seems odd for Texas to be going the other way.

Keep us posted on how things go.



Oct 18, 2000
Sounds like there is a lot of miss information. I'll see if I can clear it up.

Currently there are no district originations in Texas. The districts are only a line on the map. Even the road district 20 has died. No one wanted to put forth the effort to run a district in Texas.

The clubs that make up the Texas Champion Hare Scrambles Series organized a meeting 6/11/00. Every club & promoter we could find was invited to attend. Only TCHSS people showed up. We voted to organize the Texas Off Road Club Council & elected officers. We have petitioned the AMA Board of Trustees to recognize the district.
And yes we have ask for the boundary to be relocated to conform to the area of the TCHSS event. We do not want the same problem that D-14 in Illinois has. We want a true district champion. We will get part of district 41, but what does it matter? There is no district 41 (road or off road) and has not been for the last 13 years. It is only a line on the map. We did talk about asking for the whole state of Texas to be one district, but this group felt it would be to hard to manage. This is not a Houston thing it is a TCHSS thing.

We are trying to bring AMA district activate to Texas. We hope you will support our efforts.

Or better yet, come join us.
We would love to have motocross, enduro, trials, etc. clubs/promoters that are interested in advancing the AMA in Texas help.

You can contact me or Bill Chedsey, [email protected]

Chris Hardy
AMA District 20 Congressman
[email protected]
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