
Nov 22, 2001
My friend and I rode all the way out to Gaston and back on those trails by the railroad tracks Sunday. Then I took the tracks into Cayce. There was enough stuff out there to keep me busy all day. Anyone else ride out there?

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
We used to ride out there all of the time...until someone (most definitely NOT a rider) started vandalizing the equipment out there. That's when they started closing the gate, putting up No Trespassing signs, and issuing tickets. A friend took his wife out there and they each got a $75 ticket for trespassing.

I had to quit going because I couldn't very well tell the kids, "OK, now if you see the police on the trail...RUN!"

They were patrolling the trails back behind the pits with four wheelers and pulling out in front of riders to stop/catch them.


Nov 22, 2001
Kenny Hardee showed me the area across 321 where they used to have the old Columbia Enduro. It's almost all the way to Gaston and on the other side of 321 from the sand pitts.
Allot of people still ride around the Sandpitts but you really need a dual sport bike to do it right.
I know, I know, I'm supposed to be all about
'responsible riding" Can't be that way all the time though.

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