
Sep 9, 2006
[ANGRY]Man! Im getting tired of people judging how i ride just by the look of my bike. Yeah i know. Its a little Green Kawasaki KE100... Its not the greatest best thing ever built. Im sorry my parents didnt buy me a top of the line race bike or anything. I have to buy them myself. And then they will start talking trash about how bad i suck. But dont have The ballz to Watch me. Or jump on it and show me how its done... the only way they will race me is with them on their 250 or whatever bike... But they wont let me ride their bike. Or ride mine.. But instead talk trash about me. And i know i would smoke them in a race... Ive beten modified 80's with it... And they are ALOT faster than my bike... One of these days im just gonna Just knock them out, and show them how its done... :yell:. But i wont because im a tame person...

Heck most of the time its the sissy ATV riders. sayin crap like "Your dirtbike is a piece of crap. My 400EX will smoke it".... WELL NO SH|T You only goe 300more CC than me... And you need 4 wheels to stay on the ground... And then the'll start sayin sh|t like "You cant ride a quad... You wouldent take it out of first gear. And you would hurt yourself" Bull Sh|t... ill smoke you ANY day... I know how to ride... And i can ride good! Im not alittle sissy. Im not afraid to get hurt. And unleash the power. Half the time i get bored if there isnt enough. Or i ride in the smae place all the time..

I dont know... Im just tired of poeple underestimating what i can do just because of My bike. But are to sissy to ride agenst me with the same vehicle (like time trials).

And what makes me oeven more mad is if they are some little kid that thinks their all tuff.. those people i just want to lay out... :yell:


I feel better now...

Oh and here is my ride if you havent seen a KE100 before.


[Cries]Its so beautiful!![/Cries]


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Just enjoy riding, give yourself a hug, and give them the finger.


your pal,



Nov 15, 2006
its not right to judge other people based on what they have. I bet if we all had the money we would be riding a yz450 with a 1000cc turbocharged engine and injected nitrous


Nov 7, 2001
Hey man, the KE100 is a way cool bike either way. Ive had many of those little Kaws over the years. :cool:

Fun is fun no matter how much or little it costs!


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
My stepmother had a blue '74 or '75 KE100 that was pretty much identical to yours. I used to ride it to school whenever my bike was broken.

They're hard to wheelie on. I was goon riding in front of group of friends one afternoon and looped it while trying to get the front wheel off the ground. I saved the bike (except for the tail light lens) but landed on my knees and ripped giant holes in my brand new window pane pants.

I thought I'd never live that one down.



Apr 9, 2003
I had one too, and it was really fun!! Plus you can ride it on the street too! I liked its mellower 2 stroke powerband, and its larger wheelbase (coming from a YZ80). Nothing could kill that bike. It's not a race bike, but its a bike nonetheless. Although I did worry about that metal tank getting scratched, so I took it easy on the bike. But it's super fun!!!


Aug 21, 2005
As long as you are riding, and enjoying yourself, don't worry about what others have to say. Don't offer to let them ride yours though, they would probably do something stupid, then you couldn't ride at all.


Sep 16, 2006
Moparman1539 said:
Heck most of the time its the sissy ATV riders. sayin crap like "Your dirtbike is a piece of crap. My 400EX will smoke it"....

that's where you say, okay lets race. and pick the most tightest single track trail you can find.


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
You are in a tough spot, yet I'd refrain from the flipping of the bird as Pred has kindly recomended.

When I was a lad well 16, I had a clapped out XR-500 that I bought in boxes. Guy tried to turn it into a modern XR-600 with red, white, and blue plastics. Painted plastics, Not so good idea :whoa:
Any who, where we rode were a bunch of snobs with full riding gear and brand new 250's and such.

This one day, my brother was meeting a bunch of racer snobs who had never been to this place where we doing nothing but climb hills, and when I showed up the riducule was on, my rainbow bright hand painted bike, work boots, jeeans, a flannel, leather gloves, and my all time favorite open face sparkly blue helmet, with a tweaty bird sticker giving the aforementioned "bird"!

Well, racer snobs started making fun of me, so I just climbed up the closest hill to wait, out of 4 racer snobs not one made it up :laugh: Poser ville became fun that day, I taunted them everytime they tried to climb, each time they would try and climb until the buried the rear wheel, fell to one side, or looped out, so I'd wait unitl they were back on trying to start, and then climb past! Also the way back to the cars from the hilss is bout a 2mile trail through trees ravines and gulleys. Since I spent about everyday on said trail, they were again confused when they lost sight of a 300 hundred pound bike through the trees :ride:

Riding bikes is about having fun, keep pushing your 100 to your limits and then to it's limits. Don't worry about what other people think. I know it's hard, but find the friends who want to ride with you, not ridicule you!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
Very cool bike.........treat it nice and enjoy the heck out of it!

I rode smaller underpowered bikes until I was about 20 years old. I personally think that it made me a better rider. I think that you will look back on it all someday and say the same thing.

Remember, there’s no feeling like opening a big can of azz whip on someone while riding an inferior piece of machinery!

90% rider…….10% bike. :cool:
Jan 3, 2007
Moparman1539, its alright i have the same problem with my bike. Last summer i was ridding at are local track and some @ss holes decided lets rag on a kid that is 20 or so years younger then us and race him and show him up and make him look bad. Well after toying with my emotions they pulled out there bikes. There was 2 of them. One had a later modle CR125 and the other had a fairly new RM250. So we lined them up, but my dad did not think that it was such a good idea at first for the fact they could eb really good and run me over and stuff, but i said to my dad that they would have to catch me to do so. One thing the guys did not know about me was that i had been every day for the past 5 days now and could almost ride the track with my eyes closed. We were all lined up my dad dropped his arms and we were off, well at least 2 of us, the guy on the RM fliped out off the start. So into the first turn i was leading and i had the lead the hole race and beat the CR guy by a good 30 seconds or so. My point is, that it is alright to ride old bikes because you are different and sometimes make the newer bikes look like there only 50s. So ignore them and just have fun.


Sep 9, 2006
bsmith said:
Riding bikes is about having fun, keep pushing your 100 to your limits and then to it's limits. Don't worry about what other people think. I know it's hard, but find the friends who want to ride with you, not ridicule you!

I knows it about having fun. But it kind of takes the fun of it away when your riding a 100 turd. And them are on quads, and 125's but im keeping up, but there still infront... so they think they are better than me. But oo much of a ***** to ride..

i don'y know.. I am at the limits of the bike. but i havent reached my limits yet. I try and try eveyrthing to go faster. But i cant do it :( . I need a job....

You guys make me feel better... and i guess i cant do anything about "them" until i get my new bike :p .

Quads are for sissies, You dont have to know how to balence them.... And they are soo easy to ride... But the people who ride them think they are god because?


and i DO think it makes people a better rider. if everyone learned to ride my bike, we would all be good ;) . i mean seriousley.. i jump on a newer bike, and just take off. i can ride it better than them half the time... But the only bike i have ever owned was the Ke100... I can keep my balence in mud with street tires and still make it up the hill.. I can start at the bottom of a hill in the mud and make it up without putting my feet down... With street tires.. i consider myself a good rider on it... My cousin wrecks it more than me, and he is 20 years old, and has been riding since he was 6...

if only.. it still makes me mad....

And 2 strokes for life/and bsmith... i would have payed to see that ;)
Jan 3, 2007
Moparman1539, yeah i would love to see it. Thats why i think i will stick to my old bikes instead of buying a new one. I am going to start looking for a 79 or 80 YZ250 and then rebuild it for racing and start in the MX junior c 250 class for this coming season.


Oct 17, 2006
XRpredator said:
Dang, now *that's* OLD!

Hijack Alert... Window Pane Pants...I wore Levi Big Bells...I Digress- Does anyone else have fond memories of the girls that wore "Ditto Jeans" ? :whoa: Ahh, the 70's.

Mopar- I feel your pain- Let your actions on that badA$$ scooter speak for you! :nod:



Oct 21, 2006
i started out on a piece of #@###@ lolol
its a nice lil bike you have-i had a street bike with knobbies on it and could out ride most everyone i met-lolol-- they shut up real quick---
have fun --- get good at riding then when you do get a newer bike- youll really enjoy the suspension,and youll get even faster
atleast your riding-!!!!!


Sep 9, 2006
Yeah... I guess there to jelous to admit im better :nener: .

Its one of thise things that i will never get over. And i hope none of you guys are these "punks" or i might have to teach you a lesson. :ohmy:.

It makes me feel better to post and get good replies. Makes me feel better.

thanks alot for reading. I really appreciate it...


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
I started out on a DT 100 and loved it. I went last year and bought me one off e-bay. I don't have it running right yet but already had the head touched up by Eric Gorr :D

It's fun. That's all that is important. The bike you ride has nothing to do with how you ride it. If you are a punk you can be on the nicest bike in the world and still deserve to be pushed over a berm. If you are in it for the fun and doing things the right way then it doesn't matter if you ride a KE, DT, RT or anything.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Moparman1539 said:
Its one of thise things that i will never get over...

When I was 12 or 13, I had a Charlie Brown lawn mower-powered, no-suspension-having, bicycle seat-equipped POS minibike that ate master links like Pred eats breakfast burritos. I was 5' 9" and about 160 lbs at that point, and I looked like a circus bear when I rode it.

All my friends had new Honda Z50s, XR75s, or SL70 Hondas. I always felt like a leper when I hung out with them, and I never got over it. I was even jealous of the loser that rode a Suzuki MT50.

But. . .even though my mini pegged the suckmeter, at least I had something to ride. :cool:

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
Yanno, I had the slowest bike in the whole little XR80. But I treated it like it was a works bike...always clean, looking good and rode the snot out of it. When the other kids had their YZ80 and KX 80's (one in particualr was a shiny new 82 KX that was bad-ass to us) I would just outride them all, screaming my poor little XR's guts out. Then when they made an excuse, I would offer to ride their bike to see what was going on and really put a stomp on them as they rode my bike.

The moral, ride to have fun, ride to the best of your abilities on whatever machine you are on and the rest will sort itself out all by itself. Worrying about having the latest and greatest will shortchange you of all kinds of fun

friar tuck

Feb 9, 2006
Heck yes, have fun! That's priority #1. I'm riding an '01 RM250, and a lot of the guys I ride with razz me about it as being a "beater". We're all older dudes now, and we just trail ride and hill climb. It's funny how some of those guys can't climb some of the stuff I do, and even funnier that some of them won't TRY to. As one of the guys said to me: "I didn't pay over 6K for a bike to throw it around in the woods" (he just bought a KTM 450sx). My question was "WHY DID YOU buy that?" lol I had an old Suzuki enduro with chrome fenders and metal tank as a kid, and I rode it like it was the world's best MX bike :) I took the headlight off and slapped a number plate on. I hung with my buds who had newer MX bikes and had a blast. I never cried about breaking parts, like the kids on new bikes did. :)

friar tuck

Feb 9, 2006
I just wanted to to give a thumbs up to the guy who mentioned riding with a flannel, jeans, and steel toes. Man, that was THE "uniform" when I was growing up. I have to scan the pic I have at work of a bunch of us in the strip pits back in the '80s. I was riding a Husqvarna 250cr ('79) back then. Steve McQueen style. lol


Mar 25, 2007
yeah, i used to get made fun off with my old old xr100, i always had the bike in good condition and it ran better than my friends yz 125's and cr 125's...


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 9, 2007
I have a 1976 Kawasaki ke 175 with porting, a performance pipe, a new set of knobbies, a new top end (rings) and a re-cut rotary valve, and recently I beat a kid on a 04' ktm 125 2 stroke in a drag race. he's been riding since he was 6, me since last July.

my bike is pushing wayyy more horsepower than most people suspect, and most people around here are nice.

instead of saying "your bike sucks" their like "cool bike, what year?"

they all say "you have to start somewhere".

I have surprised a lot of people.

here's my bike


have fun on your ke 100!
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