ever been KO'd while riding??

Ever been KO'd while riding??

  • Yes

    Votes: 98 46.2%
  • No

    Votes: 114 53.8%

  • Total voters


Jan 11, 2005
happen way back when...i was 14 at the time.....was out at the motocross track, next thing I know I woke up at home.

this is what I don't remember...the actual crash, getting up, riding back the truck, talking to my dad (he said I was making no sense what so ever), loading the bike back into the truck, the 25 minute drive home......

concussion and a broken clavicle....I'm guessing I went over the bars,.....front fender was bent and so were the handlebars....


Moderator / SuperPowers
Jun 9, 1999
Never KO'd, but I sure knocked the bats loose in my belfry one time. :coocoo: During a H/S I hit a rock at a pretty good speed. This threw me over into the tree line. I didn't get the bike completely stopped and ended up hitting a tree mostly head on. I hit my head on a tree. Knocked me silly for a second. Was able to make it back to the truck with no trouble. After arriving back at the truck and getting things loaded up and me changed is where it got weird. I remember everything getting real "shiny" looking, like everything had a glow around it. Then I don't quite remember everything that happened for the next 30 minutes or so. Scared the poop out of my "then" wife. :laugh: :p


ps, this is the same race, a couple of years later, that enabled me to honestly be able say "I can hit the broad side of a barn". But that is another story.......................


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
one thing i found out the hard way, through repetition, is that if you REALLY bang your noggin and dont go out you will get the faint taste of metal in your mouth :nod:

:aj: :bang: :aj: :bang:


Aug 29, 2003
Right off the start at one of our local harescrambles, last one into the first wood section there was a turn that wraped around a tree stump. I am not quite sure how it happened but the front end came up really fast and the handle bars conected right were my goggles were. Knocked me flat. All I remember was seeing the bars coming at me, and then I was trying to start my bike. ????????


Nov 7, 2000
Kind of sort of Just recently had a crash. Hit a rock at a good clip. Hit a tree and took a trip over the bars. I paced it off last weekend at about 75 years from the tree where I stopped sliding and flailing about. I had the wind knocked out me. I could not take a breath and passed out from lack on oxygen. It was like I just went to sleep for a few minutes. Don't think I was K.O.'d though so I voted no.


Jan 17, 2005
You probably just had a mild concussion. It happened to me once in a football game. :bang:

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
I voted 'no' because I don't remember actually being knocked out. But I did have a head-on collision (literally head to head) with a wrong way rider on marked one-way trail at Hollister SVRA. Busted the mouth guard on my Snell approved full face Bell helmet and got a bunch of stiches to my face. With an open face helmet, I am certain it would have been fatal.

According to my buddy and my nurses, I kept asking the same questions over and over again for many hours. My memory over a 8+ hour period was only several minutes. Unfortunately, the head injury was relatively minor compared what happened to my knee fom hitting a Husky's fork tube at a closing speed of at least 50 mph.

The guy that hit me was knocked unconsious and my buddy saved his life by pulling the guy's tongue out of his own throat. He did get a nice skin graft from his butt to his arm from where he was laying on his own exhaust pipe. The guy was riding solo, the wrong way on a marked one-way trail. He is very lucky he is not 6 feet under.

The moral of the story is this is a dangerous sport and sometimes **it happens.

Do I still ride? You bet - it's been over 20 years since that crash.


May 23, 2000


Apr 8, 2005
My worst crashes were always on bicycles. At 12 I crashed into a creek and hit my head on a rock. Woke up at the hospital. Broke 3 teeth.

I don't think I've ever been out cold on a dirt bike, but I can't really remember . . . :laugh:


Nov 26, 2001
Indeed I have had several concussions , that explains why my friends say that I'm "not right" . One time I was racing a night race many moons ago and I passed out going of off the biggest jump in front of the grandstands , hit so hard I was out for a while . Woke up in a ambulance in the infield with my dad sitting next to me , I remember seeing some bikes lined up at the starting line and the first thing I said was lets go and he said it's over kid ..... :aj: The passing out is not something I have ever done before , all I can figure is that I was suffering from a cold and maybe that had some thing to do with it ?.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
i see youre from my homestate, what track were you at??


Apr 11, 2001
Second-ever enduro of my third comeback to dirt biking, at the Santa Claus enduro near the Slash-X Cafe, Dec. 1999.

Don't remember which loop it was but those on my minute were way gone. It was a brutal course, and toss any hope of timekeeping: it was a full-blown hare and hounder. And so I was riding ~ 90-100%, thinking it was time to shed my shame by placing better (than my eventual DRN handle) and not DNF yet a second time.

So there I was skating rapidly over a bed of loose rocks then WHAM! to the ground; don't know why nor how long I was out but as I came to I was picking my bike up another rider pulled up, stopped and said "you okay man?" "yeah (the usual, eh?)".

As I was remounting my horse I did not know which way to go/which way I came from, then the thought of my sons back at camp came to me, thinking if they were okay. Spooky - must have been drifting, near losing conscience again.

When I came into the next check a few miles later - forward or backward, I knew not - they said that's it for us novices; head back to camp (gladly! if I only knew earlier) thataway. Turned out I DNF'd (wrong way? dang) and yet got second in the class! My DNF's mileage was recorded as the second furthest!


Jul 28, 1999
I think there's two kinds of being KO'd (both of which I've experienced). The first is the obvious kind where you're unconscious. This happened to me at a hare scramble at Belleville, Illinois in 1999.

The other kind is where you may appear to be moderately coherent but later on, you don't remember a period of time after the impact. I had this last year, screwing around at my parents' farm without my steering damper (tough lesson...if you've ridden with one for 6 or 7 years, don't ever take it off). There's about 10 minutes or so that I don't remember, and when I finally came to my senses, about a month's worth of memory was temporarily gone (it all came back within a half-hour or so - except for those 10 minutes).

Either way, scary as hell.


Mar 27, 2005
Nope, what I was doing by the time I hit my head would definitely NOT be called "riding" anymore! :eek: :ride: :think:


Apr 2, 2004
Not ko'ed, but definitely knocked silly... The hardest head shot I took was in a harescramble race... I came flying around a blind corner and there was a SOLID low hanging branch that bashed into my helmet. I didn't fall off the bike or get knocked out, but my head was fuzzy for a few minutes... It knocked my buddy off his bike the next lap and I believe he was breifly ko'ed...

I did almost pass out a month or so ago when my family jewels got slammed into my tank while I was in the process of getting tossed over the bars in some whoops... I was seriously starting to black out...

Gary B.

Apr 17, 2000
I don't remember. :nener:
A year ago August I fell hard on my side, thought I broke my leg and slapped my head on the ground. When I was trying to get up, a guy came riding up on a bike and I'm thinkin' "Hey that looks alot like my YZ!" It was. He had picked it up and rolled over to me, sitting on the seat. :laugh:


Jul 7, 2005
I was riding a hare scrambles at Lincoln Trail Motorsports in Casey. Maybe Lori can help with the year, I don't remember.

What I do remember is popping out of the woods on my hopped up Husky thumper and clicking up through the gears. Then I woke up in the ambulance and an EMT is handing me a cold, wet towel. I'm thinking, OK self, how in heck did we end up here? I didn't really feel bad. After a few minutes the EMT asks if I feel good enough to move as they've got someone else coming in who needs the bed. I say sure and he puts me up front in the passenger seat and aims the AC at me. Lori came up to the window at this point and asks "What happened?"

The only thing that I could figure was that I over heated or something and just passed out on the bike. The bike was undamaged aside from a little scratched plastic and a slightly dislocated side number plate. I was uninjured though I did get a whole bunch of weird aches later.

Rag doll, you're gonna die, you're gonna rag doll, rag doll.


I've been lucky, I've never Ko'd, there was one time though that I can't believe I didn't. I was out in the hayfield just messing around on my bike, and not really paying attention because I thought I knew the terrain like the back of my hand (bad idea!!). I ended up hitting a trench/ditch that had been dug in the field at 80 km/h . Next thing I know my bike is in the air, and I'm way in the air off my bike hanging on by my fingertips. I came down hard!!!! But I rode it out, I never even crashed I absolutely couldn't believe I was still alive let alone that I hadn't even crashed. All that was running through my mind was some variation of "Holy %*@& I'm going to die!"


Oct 31, 2001
I've been KO'ed once, on a mountain bike though... Was taking a shortcut through a school playground, and didn't see one of those grey "pull-up" bars as it was camoflaged on the grey stree behind it (from my point of view anyways) was going fast as I could, and got the horizontal steel bar smack in the middle of my face. Don't remember going down at all, and was by myself so no idea how long I was out. I dont even really remember getting up and though I remember trying to catch the stream of blood falling off my face, thinking I may be somehow able to put it back in me... :coocoo: Also my first experience with hyperventilation. I started getting pins and needles all over my body. Me thinking that meant I wasn't getting enough oxygen, assumed I had lost too much blood, (which I had lost a LOT of) and started breathing even faster, thinking it would get more oxygen into whatever blood was left. well, this just made the hyperventilation worse, giving me more pins and needles, making me even more scared :ohmy: thankfully then the abulance showed up and calmed me down. Ended up with a broken nose, broken jaw, came within milimeters of bitting my tongue off (I've permenently lost feeling on the underside), split my lip open, gave myself a concussion, and had to have lots of stiches. (and ruined a perfectly good mountain bike, I somehow bent the frame pretty badly when I fell :ugg: )

Only other time I've seen someone KO'ed up close was at a track last year, some 15 year old kid cased a tabletop sideways and got thrown 10 feet to the ground :ohmy: he was out for 10 min, and when he woke up, he thought he was 12 years old, was in 6th grade, and thought the year was 2001 (or something along those lines, he basically went back in time 3 years)

Anyways, yeah, concussions = bad :nod:


Oct 25, 2005
This Monday...Over jumped a 50ft table/double. Got a dislocated finger and messed up the 250 front end. Got Lucky!!!


Jul 20, 2004
Never KO'd. I do recall a time when I was a teenager and was siphoning gas from my dad's tractor to go riding...well, I had a failed attempt and forgot to blow the hose empty before taking a deep suck on it again and I got a mouthful of gasoline. Of course, I just spit out what I could and then continued to fill my tank and go riding (by myself). The entire ride was a blurrrrr. I do remember that I was hallucinating while riding. Scary crap when I think back on it...what if I had fatally poisoned myself and then rode off to pass out far from the house? Definitely not one of my mensa moments.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Good thing you didnt smoke :)


Oct 12, 2003
My bike sputtered on the face of a jump, came up really bad short, right into the face of the landing ramp, nose-down. I hit the ground so hard I split my helmet in two :ohmy: . My friends said I was snoring while I was laying on the track...I remember thinking "Oh crap this is really gonna hurt!" while I was in the air, but the pain didn't really set in until that night. By the evening I was hurting so bad I could barely move. Amazingly, no broken bones though, just a concussion.

I honestly believe that my helmet saved my life, though. If the impact was hard enough to split it in two, imagine what it would have done to my head if I had been some helmetless quad rider...

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Chokey said:
If the impact was hard enough to split it in two, imagine what it would have done to my head if I had been some helmetless quad rider...

The REAL order of events is.........ride your bike without a helmet, crash and lose your sanity......THAT is the very moment when quads become desirable! :nod:


Feb 15, 2006
Well i have never been knocked out on a dirtbike but i have been KO'd when i boxed a kid. He got me pretty good. I don't remember much. Although one time i was mountain biking and going down a steep hill. I was flying and then the terrain got rough and i went head first into a tree. Well if i hadn't been wearing a helmet then i probably would have gotten KO'd and maybe worse.

From reading the stories it proves helmets save lives.
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