ever been KO'd while riding??

Ever been KO'd while riding??

  • Yes

    Votes: 98 46.2%
  • No

    Votes: 114 53.8%

  • Total voters


Aug 9, 2005
Yesterday I was snowboarding with my friends and we were going pretty fast down an advanced trail then we saw a jump and we all stopped and hit it then we were playing "Best trick wins" and my friend went to do a 360 off a really little jump and halfway up the jump he jumps up and starts spinning and the boards edge gets caught on the top part of the jump and he went flying and faceplanted and blacked out for a couple seconds and got up and he couldn't anything for about 5 minutes, not even his name.


Feb 4, 2006
A few times. First ever time was weird, I remember riding down a hill. I hit a rock or rut or something (can't remember) and flipped over forwards. My bike hit me in the back of the head (it was a friend's bike, and I was young) and my face got planted into the dirt. Next thing I knew I was looking at the sky, and I couldn't remember anything except flipping over. I remembered feeling it hit me, but I don't know how I ended up looking at the sky. He said I rolled over after about 10 secs of not moving, then, as he ran to me, he said something and that's when I said, "what!".

Next time I hit a jump and came up short and endoed. Ouch. Only ko'd for a few short seconds, but it hurt when I started remembering things.

I guess in total I was knocked out 3 or 4 times riding a bike. Once was for almost a min :yikes: which I couldn't believe. The people I was with said it was longer, but I remembered some of it.


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002

I traveled from OK to MO to ride with Lou and Jamie and Rooster and Al and some other fine folk.

Luckily, Mr. ICantRememberHisNameButIsAParamedic was there to save the day.

I was hammered. Im sure all of those dudes remember. I know my wife does and still yells at me about it. !!! :)


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
she only yells at you because she loves you.

And didn't she make you drive home?


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Ummmm nooooooooooo.

She drove home all the way (6hrs) crying cuz it was raining and she was pissed off at me.

Luckily, I hurt myself so often that I had a bottle of Lortab's to dope me up on the trip home. She kept having to wake me up every 10 mins for concussion purposes and I was pissed and yelling when she did, which made her cry more.

I dont know why she was crying so much. I was fine on the ride home. :)


Crash Master
Damn Yankees
Jan 20, 2001
at least 3 times...


Play with gravity
Apr 26, 2004
Never been KO'd but there's one crash I remember where I was feeling really dizzy, I could literally fall asleep. I had to sit down to catch my breath. Bizarre stuff heh?

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
trial_07 said:
Never been KO'd but there's one crash I remember where I was feeling really dizzy, I could literally fall asleep. I had to sit down to catch my breath. Bizarre stuff heh?

Sleepyness...........a sign of a concussion.


Play with gravity
Apr 26, 2004
But I remember every second! I was just really hot, trying to catch my breath, and almost falling asleep. You think it could be a concussion?


Mar 11, 2006
2 months ago i got ko'd while dirtbiking with my friend, we crashed right into each other. It was at a blind spot he came down the hill turn while I was going up. I don't think I got ko'd very long because when I got up my front wheel was still turning pretty quick. I had to wake my friend up though.


Nov 14, 2001
I've been knocked out twice.

1st time:
was riding my kdx at the local track through teh whoops, got a little too hot and endoed :bang: all i remember was hearing my bike rev to like 15000, seeing the ground come toward my head very fast, blacking out, waking up all sprawled out in the middle of the whoop section and seeing a bunch of bikes lined up waiting for me to get up.
I stopped riding my kdx at the track after that.

2nd time:
kdx is gone, have my 2000 kx250. My first ride at the track with it. I was coming into a left hand tabletop from a double when this tub of lard on a ktm 4-stroke cuts in front of me. I slow down and go around him and I hit this bump on the lip of the the jump with my back tire and start an endo :bang: . I remember hearing my bike rev to 15000 and seeing the ground come very fast at me. I blacked out and when i woke up my buddy had my bike up and my googles had flown off (helmet still on) and had this cut on the upper part of my forehead. weird. I shook it off and loaded my bike up and my buddy followed me home. I get home and I tell my parents I crashed. they were pretty worried and I told them everthiong was fine and went to bed. 5 seconds later I was running to the bathroom and puking my guts out.

moral of the story? dont endo :nod:


Oct 7, 2006
Too easy

Going real quick across the paddock on my old DT, trying to get home before dark, thought a wire gate was open, it was'nt.
Got me a ride in an ambulance after I found my phone in the dark. (Hang on, the sun was still up a second ago) Carted off in the meat wagon after they found out how to get to me. Concussion, busted tendons in shoulder, skin missing and exhaust burns. Left the bike where it lay for 6 weeks. Finally got there with a trailer and it started first time.
Got me a gasgas 400 now so watch this space.


Nov 4, 2000
Twice, once for 30 seconds and the other for about 5+ minutes. No fun and no short term memory for a while. I figured out that your short term memory loss ratio is about 1 hour per 10 seconds of out time. Your mileage may vary :coocoo:

Always good to get a new helmet or have your helmet checked by the manufacturer ( not sure who does this anymore).


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
I hear you on the short term memory loss.. When i was out (we estimated about 4-5 minutes) i had some memory problems for awhile. Also had a hard time w/speech for a few months :ohmy:


Oct 14, 2006
Yes! riding on my little KX 85 i decided to hit a small double. well some how i landed flat on my stomach on the seat like i was doing a superman on the ground well i didn't want to let go because i've had that happen before and gotten out of it with out falling. well this time i was so far over the back that my weight plus the fact that me hanging on was pulling the throttle caused the bike to do a wheelie with my feet hanging in the sand. the bike keeps on doing a wheel right into the next double! well then of all times i decide i should let go about now! i let go of the bike my head hits the top of the jump. and from the rest of the video i can tell that my whole body does a flip and i land face first on to the side of my rear tire. barely missing the peg! well i wake up and i'm in the back seat of my buddies truck askin where am i and were are we going every 45 seconds.

The time before that my friend is being stupid ridin his ATV flying through the woods with on helment! and i'm just ridin behind him trying to get him to slow down. (i think he thought it was a game of tag or somethin) well all of a sudden i see his atv flip and he flies forward and his head lands on somethin. the atv almost ran him over. well i see that his atv hit a hole in the ground and when i pick him up of all things he hits a NO TRESSPASSING sign!!! :bang:

moral is don't be stupid, wear a helment, and don't tresspass!!


Jun 9, 2006
i once got ko'd on my bmx we were jumping the ramps on my mx track and i went over the bars and on to my head, i was knocked out then when i come round i couldnt move my head. JARED MY NECK.


Jun 9, 2006
i once got ko'd on my bmx we were jumping the ramps on my mx track and i went over the bars and on to my head, i was knocked out then when i come round i couldnt move my head. JARED MY NECK.


Apr 16, 2003
3 times ko'd , 1st came up short on 90' table top @ local track
I broke the strap on my brand new shoei vfx and cracked the shell from back to right goggle side . 2nd caught tree branch just past the visor on top ,came to with most of my front teeth in my mouth from my jaw slamming closed and two broken vertebrae in my neck . 3rd time racing in Washington state low sided caught a footpeg in the back of my head from one of my buddies and he said that he woke me up with smelling salts but I dont remember much from that one, he still feels bad he thought he had killed me.Dont bang you head concussions are bad news.


Knucklehead Newbie
Nov 5, 2001
Yes by a nice big conifer in the woods. Front end washed out and I hit a tree headfirst.


Sep 19, 2006
I havent been KOed...yet but this weekend was close. I hit a ditch going 50 and endoed. I landed on my back a good 30 feet away or w/e it was and knocked all wind out. I couldnt breath for a good time after that and i was begining to see spots. Had I not not began breathing I would have passed out. It was intense. That would have been bad though, we were 50 miles from the nearest town. :o


Apr 23, 2006
Can't Say I Have. Wow Almost 50% Of Riders Have Been Knocked Out When Riding!!! That Amazing!!!don' T Think I've Even Come Close.


Nov 10, 2006
came over the top of a dune 4th gear wide open on a dune I thought leveled out on top. nope! 25 foot drop down the other side. I just remember looking down thinking "yep, this is definitaly going to hurt. oh, this is really gonna suck." flat landed at least 100 feet from the lip bottomed out so bad it sat me down on the seat and popped my back out of place, the bike hopped back off the ground and endo'd, last thing i remember is the sand and sky spinning all over. Then, the back of my head thumps on the ground. I woke up and a guy on a ktm rode up and said:"omg dude, that was the biggest air ive ever seen you are crazy dude! hey whats wrong?? are you okay????" :yikes:


Damn Yankees
Oct 30, 2006

:) First off, sweet topic!! I voted yes i was racing in the woods on a mx track that me and a couple buddies built (nothing big couple triples and 2 doubles) and we both came outa the burm differently, i hit it from the outside and he hit the jump from the inside, right as we landend he got me on the inside, washed me out and i ate **** i guess they tried to wake me up for about 15 mins, and finally did. i dont remember anything else
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