
Apr 28, 2001
I hadn't ridden since Memorial Day at the Farm so when Lorin called about riding last Sunday, I was ready for it. It had been raining most of the prior week, but according to the "accurate" Oklahoma weather folks, it was supposed to be clearing Sunday. It looked good Saturday evening, and still looked OK Sunday at 7:30 when I picked Lorin up to go. With Lorin's usual navigation help, we missed the exit for the back way in and went the long way, but we pulled in shortly before nine. Starting to sprinkle.... Oh well, the parking lot looked OK! We geared up and headed out. A LOT of water in the whoops, but good traction for the most part. We quickly found a section that had been used for the enduro last year that is normally closed off. Fun stuff, some tricky off camber hills with slippery rock sections at the bottoms and fast sections in the trees connecting them. We rode that section backwards and forwards since we had the park to ourselves, then headed back to the truck to meet up with habitually late "A" rider Rick "Is it raining where yer at?" Remkus. Rick suprisingly unloaded and geared up in what then was a pretty steady downpour. Anyway, we took off and rode the new section again, this time the hills were more like waterfalls, but we handled all of it in stylish fashion. Came out on the blue loop and gassed it! Rick quickly dissappeared from sight and Lorin and I had a blast hauling through the loop that now resembled a running stream. I don't know whats got into me the last couple of rides, but I was on the gas and keeping on Lorin pretty tight which usually isn't the case. I thought of passing him a couple of times in the whoops, but backed off in the interest of safety and Lorin's frail ego. By the time we got back to the trucks we were hootin and giving high fives and having a good ol time. Rick was already loaded up, and Lorin and I changed in the pouring rain and had to put her in 4WD getting out of the lot. A somewhat short but FUN ride in my opinion. If it doesn't stop raining quick, the enduro next weekend is gonna be ugly.


Jun 25, 1999
Sounds like a whompin is in Butch's near future???? Truth be told, with the amount of water flowing through the middle of the trails, I was being a little cautious. I must say, that I will no longer be able to accuse Butch of being a "fair-weather" rider. I am having some serious doubts about one particular off-camber uphill in that new section. We were able to clear it without much problem (although Butch was STYLLLLIN!), but once you get a large amount of riding through there, it is going to be ugly. All in all, that was one fun ride.
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