Oct 5, 2001
has anyone seen the fight club segment on racerx.com? i think villopoto got off easier than he should have. dumb thing to happen on both thier parts, but from the footage shown he almost pushed lawrence over the berm to start the whole episode.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
The whole incident had started much earlier than that from all eyewitness accounts. This had been going on for 5 + laps. I agree that the AMA seems to have given Villopoto a free pass on this thing which isn't right. His fine was based on the actions of his father and mechanic, so none of his fine was for launching his bike at Lawrence? I'll agree he was provoked but how there is no repercussions for his actions can be justified is beyond me.


Oct 5, 2001
when i heard R.V say that the fine for J law wasnt strong enough, it made me think he should stop talking, hes sounding like a spoiled brat. i hope Lawrence gets his act together and gives it R.V on the track by good finishes. i dont really think he could be as consistant , but i would like to see some good battles out of these guys. im kinda going for the underdog on this one.


Jan 27, 2000
Lawrence has been doing this all season and was already on probation.

In practise, J-law stopped his bike dead in front of RV and completely blocked him from going forward. Then he looked back at him as if to say, ok now what are you gonna do? It appeared to me that RV tried to ride over J-laws front wheel but got a little too much traction and wheelied into j-law. If that happened in a race situation, riding over J-laws front wheel would be the obvious way out for RV.

I like em' both. I like RV's aggressiveness and awesome speed. I like J-laws aggressiveness and heart. He reminds me a lot of Hanna. Even looks like him. What I don't like is spending more time trying to block pass another rider than racing. It seems the guys in the tiddler class are more interested in proving a point by taking the other rider out rather than beating them with speed and talent. I don't see much of a future for J-law unless he learns to contain his emotions. On more time and he will miss out on the rest of the outdoor season and most likely next years SX season.
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