
Mar 14, 2001
I know that people release air pressure out of their front forks,
i saw some suspension guy, release the air screws, then get the guy to compress the front forks until the oil was ready to come out then retighten the screws when compressed, will this lower the pressure in the forks?
does this have any benefits, or cause the fork to perform differently
than releasing the air the regular method?
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Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA

Release the air when the forks are fully extended (front wheel off the ground) and retighten the bleed screws while the forks are still extended. The idea is to have a volume of air that is at 0 psi

The air that is left in the forks, between the top of the oil and the top of the fork, is used to control the fork action at the end of the stroke. Air acts like a spring since it's compressable and without it the fork action would be VERY poor since the oil is not compressable. It be surprized if the forks even fully extented if they were bled the way you described.

I'd stay away from that particular suspension guy:eek:

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