Fork Leak nightmare on 95KX250


Apr 9, 2001
My recently purchased 95 KX250 has a chronic fork leak problem. I've read numerous posts and articles on this subject, but I'm still baffled.
I wanted to have the feel of fresh suspension, so I bought new springs (and man, they are stiff!), bushings, pistons, dust seals, and fork seal (all OEM). I had the same dealer rebuild the forks. The first time I went to ride, I hadn't even unloaded the bike and there was oil all over the truckbed from the left (disk-brake side) fork. I took that fork off and took it back to the dealer. I provided ANOTHER brand new OEM fork seal and dust seal. Once again, after riding for about 15-30 minutes, I noticed lots of oil leaking (so bad it coated down my front brake). One sidenote - the leaking fork had a little air-pressure buildup ... the other fork had absolutely no air pressure. The dealer said the tubes are straight and look good - no flaws at all. Should I keep pestering the dealer? Any recommendations? Thanks!

1995 (fork leakin' & plug foulin') KX250

Jeremy Wilkey

Owner, MX-Tech
Jan 28, 2000
Don't waste your time at that dealer anymore.. Most dealers are not capable of working on suspension. There are exceptions however..

The problem may be something werid like a lose axle bracket.. where does the oil come from?

Take the dust seal off and see if the seal is in backwards or rolled over it's self.. I'm sure this is fairly simple. But you should not have to warantee them yourself..



Apr 9, 2001
Thanks Jeremy ... since I already had the fork off, I went ahead and dropped it by the dealer for one last go-round ... if they don't successfully fix it, I'll do it myself! I am amazed at the lack of professionalism at some dealers ... they quickly forget that I've shelled out hundreds of dollars to get these forks working right. Scary - makes me wonder what they did to the INSIDES of the forks!

Thanks again!

1995 (fork leakin' & plug foulin') KX250
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