Are you planning on concealed carry?
but will feel "better" with some real stopping power in the bedside table.
Don't misunderstand, I do feel it's a good thing to be able to defend my family and my home, not that I'm sitting here worried about having to do it.
I won't be one of them. I'm armed :confused:and start dropping innocent people.
Originally posted by Aust 520exc
LMAO Lee, I hold you fully responsible for a choking fit that occured as I flicked back to DRN whilst throwing down a coffee. :o :eek:
I'm not up for a gun debate either I was just noting the differences between us Spoon fightin' Aussies and you Gun-totin' 'mericans!!
Originally posted by kingriz1
And remember the true assasins used .22 caliber guns. The bullet goes inside and bounces around. Messes up everything. Larger caliber go in and out. I would rather be shot with a 45 than a 22 if I had to make that choice.
Originally posted by Okiewan
Looking at a P229 .40