
Aug 26, 2004
I feel 2 stories off of a metal roof at the end of April.
The dock said I fractured it in 2 places but it didn't need pins, plates or screws. I had a cast on for 2 months, now I'm in a walking boot. Any1 else ever had this and how long did it take till you was back in the saddle? The dock says I'll be able to ride/race again but it still hurts like hell and I'm alittle spooked. Any boot recommendations also would be appreciated.

Later ELF


Feb 19, 2005
last year I fell off the top of a truck at work, about 12 ' high and landed in the street on both feet and fractured both my heels. I was on lite duty for 8 months.
I did ride some after 5 months. I wore forma pro boots that felt better then the air cast.


May 4, 2004
I broke both my ankles and my right heel riding about 4 months ago. Both feet required surgery to put them back together. 3 screws in the left ankle, and 11 screws and a plate in the right heel. I just got back on a bike about three weeks ago. It still bothers me, and I pay for riding after every time I do, but it's worth it. My heel is almost back to normal, while the left ankle is still bothersome. I have Tech-8's, and they seem to work well. They are more supportive than the casts, or boots the Doc gave me. Hope you get healed up, get back on that bike! YZ165


Jun 12, 2005
Wow, I feel lucky. I crashed July 3rd and broke my big toe, navicular, and heel in the same foot. In the xrays the heel looks like it's almost broke completely off but after only a month I am able to put 20% of my weight on it and the dr. isn't even making me wear my boot anymore. In another month I'm supposed to be able to walk and ride again. It still hurts to try to put weight on it but I'm able to. It may also have to do with age and other things. I usually heal quick from everything and I'm only 17.


Jul 22, 2002
I managed to smash my heel and ankle due to a get off and the bike landing on my foot. I was on crutches for about 3 months but I was on a bike again after about 4 months. It took some time tho before I was able to start riding ok again, at first I just wobbled round here and there. Anyway that was 4 years ago and now I have a severe limp as my foot is a strange shape and my ankle will always be weak. I tried a few different boots since then and although they arent everyones favourite I found the Alpinestar Tech 10's were the most comfortable for my heel and very supportive for my ankle. I have been racing with them this season and although my ankle/heel get really stiff after race day on the actual day my foot feels fine!

You might be ok and make a full pain free recovery but mine will always hurt, you just get used to it tho and you will soon be racing again regardless!!

Hope you get well soon buddy!


Aug 26, 2004
Thanks guys for the replies. I'm outta my walking boot and gimping around but all is good. Its getting stronger everyday. I can't get my rideing boot on as I tried to put it on as soon as I got home from the DR's office. I plan on starting my bike up tomarrow and putting around. Hope all of yas heal up good and quick.


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