
Sponsoring Member
Apr 30, 2002
The clutch on our '03 has developed an odd symptom. About the first 1/4 to 1/3 of the travel has no resistance. You can reach down to the clutch throwout lever on the top of the case, and move it with your fingers about 1/3 of the way, before you feel the spring pressure resisting movement. This is my son's bike, and I did not ride it last time we were out. However, he does not remember any issues.

I started it up & rode around the yard a few times - it seems to work okay. Once it's warmed up it will fully release; it will idle in gear at a full stop without wanting to creep forward. I had no real opportunity to put much of a load on it, but it easily picks up the front end in 1st or 2nd on the driveway without any apparent slipping. It seemed to be just a bit more grabby than mine, but then again is wasn't completely warmed up just riding around the yard. Other than that, it seems to FUNCTION just fine. But the free travel is funky...

This has me stumped. The bike has maybe 30 hours of fairly easy trail riding on it. My son rides for fun, and is not real hard on it. He did get into one nasty spot on a hill toward the end of our last ride, where he had to slip it hard to get out of a hole. But that was nothing compared to what I've put my '02 through over the last 2 years, and the clutch is still like new on mine.

Any ideas? I only have 2, and they seem somewhat unlikely: (1) the plates have worn so much that in the fully engaged position the lever must move a long ways to begin disengagement, or (2) the basket has grooved up enough that it is holding the plates apart, but I can't detect any slippage riding around on level ground.



Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
I betting the cable has stretched a bit. Follow the shop manual and adjust for proper freeplay. For now, just use the adjustments at the lever and see what that does. BTW that lever adjustment will sometimes vibrate and loosen, causing the clutch cable free play to go out of wack.
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