
Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Every once in a while I get to thinking about this situation and kind of start to laugh about how "out of control" everybody's getting here with these 4 strokes, and the thought that the 2 strokes are gonna get outlawed soon....and blaah,'d better get a 4 stroke soon,....blaah,blaah....yama-frickin-ha says so!....blaah,blaah...there will be no 2 strokes soon...etc.

Well, my opinion is that day will NEVER come. Or, if it does come, it will be short-lived. Why?

1) 2-strokes have been irreversibly integrated into industry, from chainsaws to dirtbikes to large 2 cycle CAT motors. Simply mandating their extinction will require too massive an expenditure and/or effort, and would probably even threaten the livelihood of some of the companies that produce them. This would obviously create a huge "stink" and might even threaten the economy. I don't know the numbers, but I would guess the problem would be huge.

2) MXA, it appears, is at least largely, if not primarily, responsible for propagating rumors of the 2 stroke demise because:
a) Their relationship with Yamaha is not too dissimilar from the Clinton/Lewinski phenomenon. AND, they seem to show absolutely NO sense of responsibility, equality, objectivity, etc. They are like a woo'd child in a candy store, and it's obvious.
b) All the 12-16 y/o kids read MXA like it's the bible of dirtbiking, and thus tend to, as the largest readership, propagate anything that exists between the 14,563 Blue paged ads existent in the standard publication.

3) I don't care how much technology you throw at a 4 stroke. If you threw that much at a 2 stroke, you'd still end up with an "at least" as functional product with LESSER weight. Try to tell a logger: "Uh, sorry sir, this will only take a second. I'll just slip this 5hp briggs & stratton onto your chainsaw, or er...rather, I'll just weld your chainsaw to the motor base...:scream:

4) There are a lot of people that will throw fits. BIG fits. INCLUDING ME.

5) Has anybody ever done a "study" looking at the actual contribution of the relative "few" 2 cycle engines in comparison to the millions of cars, power plants and old "exempt" cars out there ((clear throat) my 68 vette with 555 bbc :o )

6) Look at history: many a "concept" has been "outlawed" by the EPA historically, only to find its way back into society through another loop-hole. Consider the sad oppression on the vehicle industry in the late 60's/early 70's. Big blocks are back being produced and Chevy makes more BBC's that they can't keep up with production. Admittedly, although most of the production bbc's go into fuel-injected pickups, most bbc's (currently made by GM,MERLIN,etc.) go into "exempt" cars and race cars. Thus, they found their way back into the cars that they were initially pulled from.:)

There are multiple other reasons, but I don't have the time to go on. In reference to Dennis Miller, "that's my opinion, of course, I could be wrong.." ;)


Jul 27, 2001
I dont know for sure but I would think the small % of all fuel buring motors that are 2 strokes would not cause a significant enough amount of damage to justify outlawing them. I think people who complain about 2 strokes killing the planet are either mis-informed, or not informed at all. probably the latter. the trash those people take to the dump every week probably does more damage...


Jul 5, 2001
Im with keith on this one.You do more harm to the enviroment not recycling and stuff everyday than riding everyday.Just think about how much plastic and paper you throw away everyday.:eek:


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
The problem, nephron, is that 2-stroke development is going to stangnate if the EPA goes through with their plans. Also, if the manufacturers are able to continue building 2-strokes, they'll be closed-course machines only. What are guys going to do with their used bikes, since they won't be legal for off-road use?

Don't get me wrong, I want to keep the spooge machines around, since they make things interesting. But, I have to agree with <gasp!> MXA. When the factories start putting their #1 riders on 4-strokes, 2-stroke development will die.:(


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001

I understand all the implications of what you said up there, and really it all comes down to about the same thing. The EPA is pushing/encouraging 4 stroke technology development by manufacturers, and 2 stroke development is stagnating. That's not difficult to understand. The question I have is 1) What does the EPA have on the manufacturers other than (probably idle) threats, and 2) If the EPA is not paying them off OR threatening them, what the hell are they doing it for?

Now we've got these idiotic magazines leading the charge, with the EPA FOLLOWING suit and probably making policy changes based on what Hinz/Jody have to say. If not, they're at least propagating this stuff, and influencing youngsters to ride the 4 strokes.

So please explain to me WHY this is happening. I'd sure like to know.:)


Mar 7, 2001
Originally posted by XRpredator
The problem, nephron, is that 2-stroke development is going to stangnate if the EPA goes through with their plans. Also, if the manufacturers are able to continue building 2-strokes, they'll be closed-course machines only. What are guys going to do with their used bikes, since they won't be legal for off-road use?

Don't get me wrong, I want to keep the spooge machines around, since they make things interesting. But, I have to agree with <gasp!> MXA. When the factories start putting their #1 riders on 4-strokes, 2-stroke development will die.:(

Many countries in the world still allow 2-stroke street bike. Over half the dirt bikes sold in the world are sold outside the US. All the 2-stroke dirt bikes in the world are built ouside the US. Even if the EPA got them banned from the US, 2-stroke advancment would keep marching forward as the rest of the world is not governed by the US EPA.


Aug 2, 2001
I agree, with the factory riders on four strokes two srokes are dead as far as R&D money goes. I myself have traveled overseaes to many countires and the fact is that they ride for necessity, not leisure. The bikes ridden in most of Asia and the subcontinent are smaller bore 4 stroke enduros. Built for economy not for speed and power The countires tax the s&*t out of the gas! It ends up being around 5 US dollars a gallon. The fact is the US has the highest amount of disposable income in the world. If the four strokes start winning then that is what it is all about right? THAT IS WHAT DRIVES SALES!

I just got back into riding and I like the 2 strokes myself.




Jul 5, 2000
Ummmm you guys have overlooked something. So what if 2-strokes are never banned. That doesnt matter. What good is a 2-stroke or 4-stroke rather which no place to ride!!!!!! The only thing I am worried about it the future is riding space. I say in about 50 years there will be close to none. So I have to ride as much as I can now. Thats the truth. If you don't believe it then open your eyes. Each year urbanization grows bigger and bigger into the forests you used to ride on, the favorite unused riding spot, and into your country cottage on the lake. Sorry guys but this sport is doomed. Its inevitable. ALL YOU CAN DO IS SLOW THE PROGRESS. YOU CANT STOP IT.


Aug 2, 2001
I agree. When I was a kid we could ride anywhere. Now that I am starting to ride again, it is an hour drive to ride. THIS SUCKS> Hell yesterday I got pulled over riding my RM 125 around the neighborhood. HAHA! I was jumping driveway curbs. It is all I could do I did not have time to drive out to the riding areas and needed a fix.

No ticket though the cop was cool.


:confused: :confused:


May 3, 2001
Incidentally, auto manufacturers keep tinkering with 2 stroke engine development due to their inherent size, weight, and power benefits. They keep working on it hoping they can overcome the emissions drawbacks, especially if coupled with an electric motor in a hybrid application. Still, no 2 stroke cars as yet, but at least there are R&D programs constantly looking at it.

I wish I could agree with nephron that it could never happen but governments aren't always the most rational bodies, especially given their ability to be swayed by minority groups with strong lobbying power and money. Dirt bikes are a very different industry than lawn equipment. Even there, much more efficient OHV engines have replaced the old Briggs and Stratton engines in lawnmowers, making 2 strokes pretty much only used for lightweight applications on unlevel use (chainsaws and weedeaters). Add to that if 4 strokes start dominating races, then the manufacturers will lose interest anyway, both from an R&D standpoint as well as a lobbying standpoint. It definitely could happen.

I ride a thumper but I do enjoy 2-smokes, too. I ride mostly trails -- it's kind of the right tool for the job thing. It would be a shame to lose our choice. Wouldn't it be strange if the automakers saved the 2 stroke engine for the dirt bike companies?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by nephron
So please explain to me WHY this is happening. I'd sure like to know.:)
Two words: Cali-Fornia!:p The EPA is going to follow CARB, no matter how inane or asanine their regulations are.

There are bikes sold all over the world, some pretty trick stuff we'll never see, but I think the big 4 see the big $ in the USA. They'll build what will sell in the USA. Or at least what the EPA will let them sell.

At least they are sinking some yen into 4-stroke development, and that (as Satan's spawn Martha Stewart would say) is a good thing.


Thank GOD that I am not in California any longer. They are getting insane over there. Green tag, red tag. Does it matter where you ride your 2 stroke? I guess it damages the ozone more if you ride in the woods than if you ride on a MX track. Boy, those tree huggers sure are smart. I never would have figured that one out. And I like Biology.
:eek: :think ;)


Apr 27, 2001
It's all about money. No matter how you look at it, it's all about money.

The question shouldn't be the engine design. It should be what fuel should we use? Petroleum, however you refine it and use it in an internal combustion engine creates emissions. Hydrogen, alcohol, methanol, and different vegetable oils are the answers. Hmm, hydrogen + oxygen = water. No emissions there.

But anyone want to take a guess how much money it will take to build a hydrogen powered motorcycle? Now how much to build a hydrogen (gas) station? Now how much to build them all over the world? See the problem?

And dont' worry about losing your existing bikes, there is always a grandfather claus. Do worry about future riding areas. Buy land now, buy lots of your very own riding land.


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
The biggest hurdle with hydrogen as fuel is storage and transportation. The hydrogen molecule, being the smallest one in existance, will permeate right through any metal or plastic, requiring special barriers to contain it.


Jan 10, 2000
What about the Hindenburg issue with hydrogen. The last thing I need is to have the bike blow up when I crash, which btw is quit often.:)


May 3, 2001
The Hindenburg was not about Hydrogen, it was about the coated fabric the skin was made of. This has been proven yet the stigma (wive's tale) of hydrogen remains.


Nov 4, 2000
I have to agree . . .

Originally posted by XRpredator
When the factories start putting their #1 riders on 4-strokes, 2-stroke development will die.:(

A prime example is the now extinct 500cc class. How much R&D has gone into 500cc 2 strokes in the last 10 years? Zero or very little, for sure. And if it is easier to win on 4 stroke ( regardless of whether the rules are fair - that is a whole other post/topic for discussion ) - wouldn't you put your best rider on a 4 stroke? 2 strokes will always be around, I think, but in 10 years they might be closed course only. Like XRpred. stated - that does not help the resale value, and it the re-sale is not good, they won't sell as good. IF they don't sell as many, no improvements will be made to them.

For the record, I have owned both. I got the 250F because it is a blast to ride - not because I am worried about the environment or the EPA.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
Nephron, just to correct one point relative to diesels.."2 cycle CAT motors"; Caterpillar build very fine large 4-Stroke diesel motors. Detriot builds 2-Stroke diesels. The 2-stroke diesel design was a WW11 product and lasted in a variety of configuations untill the early 1980's !! They were(are) awesome. I had a Turbo charged and supercharger (yes both) 8V92TTA in a truck that put out over 400HP at the rear wheels. They are STILL used in some industrial and marine applications because of the power to weight deal....BUT

They are no longer offered in highway vehicles because of emmissions. Now Detriot Diesel also has a line of four stroke diesel motors for highway use. Has since the 80's. The two stroke business is dying for them.....

Sometimes we forget the government is about creating legislation to force change at times. Those changes generate business. Forcing 2-Strokes to be back burner designes is going to cause a massive amount of money to be spent to both 4-stroke reseach for off roads use and more expensive products as a result. taxes are a percentage of sales...figure it out. They just stirred the pot...we will all respond in our different ways. But one thing that will be a very predictable result is the a whole bunch of money has and will be spent as a result of this threat by the feds.

Last edited:


Mar 7, 2001
Originally posted by DougRoost
The Hindenburg was not about Hydrogen, it was about the coated fabric the skin was made of. This has been proven yet the stigma (wive's tale) of hydrogen remains.

True the coating started the fire, but it was the hydrogen that burned!!! Helium does not and the only reason German diridgibles had hydrogen was because the the US and allies had all the helium tied up.
But back the question, modern hydrogen fuel cell do not blow up. Properly constructed you can puncture on and hold a match to the hole and it will only produce a small flame as the hydrogen leaks out at a controled rate. Actually safer in a cell than gasoline is in a plastic tank.


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
.."2 cycle CAT motors"; Caterpillar build very fine large 4-Stroke diesel motors. Detriot builds 2-Stroke diesels. The 2-stroke diesel design was a WW11 product and lasted in a variety of configuations untill the early 1980's !!

My reference to CATS as 2 strokes was obviously just 2 stroke spooge coming out of my mouth. Of course they're 4 strokes. My mistake. Ever been stuck behind a bus (which are oddly prevalent) with a detroit diesel? Talk about black teeth...

Ahhh, guys, I'm just bitter as hell. That's all. When I get this way, I tend to think like a kid that can't have his way. ;)

I don't have anything against 4-strokes, but maybe an initial experience explains my hostility: When I was in 5th or 6th grade, one of my friends had an RM80 that nearly bucked me off every time I rode it. I loved it. At my "adnauseum" insistence, my dad finally broke down and bought me a bike for Christmas. At the time, I was so respectful of my father and concerned about about his feelings that I didn't even object when he began poking and prodding at me about a possible XR75. I really wanted an RM80, but I didn't ask. Don't ask me why.

I got the XR, which was obviously a good decision on his part and probably runs good today. But it was just too lame and didn't make enough noise or billow that blue smoke everywhere. I was bored with it the day I swung my leg over it. Furthermore, I had to ride with RM80's. I was truely bummed, and it wasn't until my 8th grade year that I finally got a real motocross bike.

I'm not saying that 4 strokes are lame, since the YZF's are obviously AWESOME bikes. I'm just mourning the future loss of what I consider to be the perfect motor with the perfect "type" of power output for me.

Oh well. It's time to go put a 55 pilot in & ride the 5-Honey.:)


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by HiG4s
The big four are not the only game in town.
No, but that's where the big dinero is. Although, I'm beginning to wonder if KTM will surpass Suzuki in the near future . . .:think
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