
Sep 20, 1999
after having owned numerous ktm's (9 of them if you count pentons), i am considering a gas gas (this post is NOT about ktm vs. gas gas). i haven't ridden a g-g 300; can anyone who has compare it to the 250? thanks! ps if there's an archived thread on this, i couldn't find it.


Sep 1, 2000
I have riddern the 200, 250 and 300. I have raced the 200 and the 250 but not the 300. Here is what I know. Right now I race the 250 XC. I live in Colorado at altitude and do a lot of enduro's with very steep and technical hills. (I only weigh about 125) I love the 200 and the 250. Found that the 250 had just a little more power that I need to compete in the men's A class. My husband now races the 200 but wishes it had a little more bottom end. My friend has the 300 and I don't like it very much. It is a bike for a big fat slow person who likes to just cruise and does not do any serious racing. (Remember this is just my opinion) It has great bottom end but not much mid or top end power. The 250 covers all 3 of those areas. I had a hard time getting the 300 to slow up coming into a corner fast. It was like the bike or gyro effect pushed me through the corners. All 3 bikes feel the same when you sit on them but the 300 does seem heavier to me than the 250 or 200. At the qualifier I noticed a lot of gas gas bikes and of the 10 or so I only saw 1 300.


Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
Originally posted by Girlrider
It is a bike for a big fat slow person who likes to just cruise and does not do any serious racing.

Lawman, I can comment as I just sold my EC250 and upgraded to an EC300. I am 5-11 185 and race Open A. In short I LOVE IT!

300s are extremely popular in my area, they are probably the most popular GG sold. As I was told by another A rider who swiched to the 300 its power is 'more better everywhere' over the 250. It won't rev as high as the 250 but has more power through most of the powerband, which is perfect for off-road racing or riding.

A buddy of mine was the '99 Sr A Nat HS Champ just switched from a CR250 and a WR400 to a 2000 EC300 and he said its the best bike he has ever had. Tad you reading this??

Woodchuck is a beginner rider who just bought one as well.

You won't be disappointed :)


Oct 26, 1999
200.250 0r 300

In New England in our rocky techinical terrian , I ride a ec200, which I love. My friend has an xc200 which is the same power on top just snappier off idle, the ec 250 has both torque and overrev in a smooth power curve. the e 300 is like an automatic, just put it in 3rd gear and never shift all day. For me the 200 is the easiest to ride, no surprises, smooth power delivery. The 300 which weighs only 4 pounds feels bigger than the 200, and you can feel the Gyro effect of that big piston, motor is a torque monstor, smooth as silk and will come to life with a dab of the clutch,
the ec250 has both torque and mid hit and although is fun to ride,is a little to much bike for me. I had better have the wheel pointed in the right direction when I grab a handfull of throttle or I can get in trouble fast. It would be nice to have one of each, but for now the 200 is PLENTY of bike for me.
Ride them all before you buy if you can... Good Luck.


Jun 6, 2000
The 300 is a tractor. It makes the same peak power as the 250, but at about 1000 RPM lower, low end is stronger, and doesn't rev out as far. For me (and this is purely personal preferance) the 250 is just right. It can be lugged and still and revs way out if you can't get the next gear. The extra low/mid snap of the 300 is great, but it would probably wear me down faster over the course of an enduro. If I didn't race and just went trail riding, or I had time to stay in better shape, the 300 would be great. I have a selection of sprockets for my 250, and with 13/52 gearing it will torque up anything without clutch abuse. You can do a lot to the bikes to alter power delivery: ignition map, head, reeds, reed spacer, and a selection of flywheel weights. You can also convert a 250 to a 300 with just a cylinder and piston swap (around $500), even uses the same powervalve parts.


Nov 27, 2000
time for my 2 cents.
if you have ridden the ktm 300, the gas gas is similar, just much less
power everywhere. for the east coast, this is not a bad thing.
turn the throttle and it goes forward.
i believe, thats the goal.
the gg 250 i found, much much more lively.
which, again, may not be so great in snotty roots and rocky hills.
the gg 300 hides rider mistakes very well.


Jun 6, 2000
I've owned a KTM 300, and fuzz is right, the GG EC300 is more mellow and eaiser to ride in the woods. I've never ridden an XC 300. The 250 can be set up mild to wild, depending on engine configuration. An EC ignition and head with 10oz weight works well, and is smoother than a KTM 250 EXC. If its still to much, you could add the reed spacer from the 300. I have heard, but not ridden, a GG 300 without the stock reed spacer is a beast. Overall, they are very flexible as far as setup goes.

Josh Cook

Oct 6, 2000
Howdy Lawman.
We had this discussion at Train Robbers. I guess you have several points to think about... Too bad My bike was not there for you to test....

Tell JC and you rbetter half I said hello....


Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
Lawman, if your coming to DirtWeek, you can take all the laps you want on mine :)


Sep 20, 1999
thx, offroadr! if i can make it, i'll take you up on your offer. as of right now, tho, i'm supposed to be race director for 1 of my club's hs races on that sunday.

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