
Jul 25, 2001
Hi, I was planning on making a trip out to the Glamis Sand Dunes this fall. I live in Rhode Island and was wondering if anyone knew where i could get more information on the dunes and tips on how to get me and my bike their cheaply. Also any tips on places to stay and what to do would be very helpfull.
Thanx For your time,

Mx Dude

Jul 18, 2000


Haven't been there yet, but I'm planning on going later this year. Checkout:
Let me know when you decide to go and maybe we could organize a DRN Glamis ride.


Feb 8, 2001
Probably the most informative and best way to do it is to get onGlamis Dunes Register and then go into the Glamis Connections page and start a thread explaining what you're doing and what you need to know. There's tons of cool people on that page that could tell you anything you want. If you need help with bike setup go into the two wheel section and ask away. Give it a couple of days and there will be TONS of info. When are you coming out and what are you riding?


Jun 23, 2001
Glamis Dunes

BTW, Glamis is nothing but sand dunes! I grew up riding in the dunes myself. It can be fun once in a while, but a 125cc bike isn't the best choice here. You have to be on the throttle the whole time and it wears out the little cc bikes. I got to the dunes once a year, but on my 426cc bike and it takes its toll on it. <br>It is awsome to dune jump here, but then, there is alot of people. If you plan to do this you have to have others out there blocking off other riders who can possible ride into your path. I've seen to many Life Flights to do it un-supervised... It can be real fun too, don't let my post here turn you off, but I'm just trying to give you an idea of what it is like.....SAND.....;)
<br> If thats what your looking for, PERFECT!! Best of luck to you!!:cool:


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
I agree with Bones. I've been there on my RM125 and did fine but I was a beginer (even moreso than I am now ;) ) so I didn't get into the tougher stuff.
I'd recommend seeing AJ first and picking yourself up a CR500af, that'll get your tookus up those hills! ;) SEE
I would add beware of drop offs. The dunes can be very misleading. If you're going around Thanksgiving that place is a madhouse. Ever seen Madmax?! :scream: It can be tons of fun but BE CAREFUL out there! A lot of @#!$%& punks who don't pay attention or just don't care.


Feb 8, 2001
I saw your post on Glamis Dunes, give it some time and people will get back to you. As for the 125, I've had 2 friends blow them up out there without a paddle. DEFINATELY get a paddle!! DEFINATELY be careful. Like stated above little drop offs seem to come outta nowhere. I can't tell you how many times I've been cruising along to find myself in the air coming off a 6'-10' drop into a uphill dune, OUCH!!! Also you'll need to mount a whip on your bike. I actually bought one and cut it so it was about 1' long and duct taped it to my helmet. cut the flag so it's 1' strips instead of a triangle and the wind drag is greatly redused. That'll save you from a $50 ticket. WATCH OUT FOR DRUNKS!!! On any weekend but especially on holidays. The further out you go the less you have to worry though. Ummmm, that's about it for now. Once you get used to it, you'll be surprised how easy it is to fly high at glamis!!


Jun 12, 2001

I went to the dunes from Il, Got there,rode for 2 weeks, came home packed everything,moved to Az!You do realize this trip may change your life,if you love to ride and you get there without a boubt the idea of moving is going to be running through your head from there on out.
The dunes are great! Just need to be careful and use common sense.There are alot of 5-10 foot hills that look like the perfect jump only to drop 200 feet on the other side.If you keep your head on, you'll have no problems.If you ride at noon you need to be carefull,the sun is directly above and sometimes it's like snowblinding.Take plenty of water,med kit,spare parts ect,can't be over prepared for a 2500 mile away riding trip.Also take plenty of different main jets and may need to play with the needle,get a shockwares cover and take your mud flap off or it will rip off.
I wont even try to describe the dunes,it's impossible,there unreal,dunes as far as the eye can see!You'll find out soon enough.Have fun ,keep safe


Feb 8, 2001
I went back and read your post about when you're coming out and you said Nov. Are you coming for Thanksgiving? If so YOU DEFINATELY NEED TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE THINGS SAID HERE. Thanksgiving week is a whole nother world out there!!!! If you can imagine the craziest biggest party you can, through in the most insane vehicles you can think of, I guarentee you aren't thinking crazy enough. You'll see all the stupid ideas you've always thought about there.


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Monkeybutt now in AZ?? Man, I'm the last one to know everything. :confused:

Be especially careful around the 'drag strip'. While highly entertaining, it is very dangerous. I'm telling you the IQ levels out there are extremely low and the pyromaniac to relatively 'sane' individual ratio is very high! . :p

You might see everything from the "Duna Boat" (aluminum tuna boat turned offroad vehicle) to hopped up nitrous oxide golf carts!! :eek: If you camp there, Gecko Rd. is a popular spot but it's near the sand highway and there will be a lot of traffic nearly 24 hours a day. There is a welders rig set up there as well as several other types of vendors. You can purchase whip antenna's, tires, parts, and t-shirts (I survived Thanksgiving at Glamis). I believe the head count out there on Thanksgiving is usually around 70 to 80 thousand people.

You will have tons of fun out there if you are aware and have half an ounce of common sense. Hell, if you have any common sense you'll already be ahead of the game! :p

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
Its awesome-
my advice GO!

be careful on busy weekend like thanksgiving and just go to watch the carnival..go on other weekends to actually ride..
but it is the most fun you'll ever have.

I used to go almost every weekend.

I will likely be out there in November. :)

you need a green sticker.
any states green sticker will work..if your state doesnt have one them from michigan or some state that doesny register the VIN number to the just makes it easier to order it by mail


Jan 10, 2000
any states green sticker will work..if your state doesnt have one them from michigan or some state that doesny register the VIN number to the just makes it easier to order it by mail
Aj, Do you mean that haveing a MI orv sticker will allow you to get a CA green sticker?


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
livtoryde125, be sure to stop by oklahoma on the way out and ride our dunes with us. not nearly as big as glamis but not nearly as crowded either. no stickers required, just $7/day to ride. we have a great time, every time.

i'm not sure about the texture of the sand at glamis but guys ride 125's here all the time. we even took a kid on an 80 once.


Apr 30, 2000
Re: Dunes

Originally posted by monkeybutt
I ,get a shockwares cover and take your mud flap off or it will rip off.
I wont even try to describe the dunes,it's impossible,there unreal,dunes as far as the eye can see!You'll find out soon enough.Have fun ,keep safe

or you can leave the mud flap on and add a link to your chain which also
extends your wheel base which is a good thing in the sand. Oh and on a 125
i beleive you use as few paddles as possible like a 6 paddle or something.


Jan 31, 2001

I would say a 6 lug paddle tire . would be best for a 125 I have always had 250's and I run an 8 lug but the power can be more efficiently used with a 6 on a 125 you can get it spinning easier. Also I have had problems with skat-trak paddle I would try to get a ching-chin or one of the new kings tires.

01 cr 250


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Re: paddle

Originally posted by zorlac_147
Also I have had problems with skat-trak paddle I would try to get a ching-chin or one of the new kings tires.

that's funny, i always heard the skat-traks were the best. i just never could find where to buy one. i've been using the cheng-shens with acceptable results.


Jan 31, 2001

the skat trac paddles themselves are made of a very soft compound and have a bad way of breaking off If they are taken care of and "ONLY" ridden on soft sand then can last they are the most expensive and hook up well . I lost 4 paddles off mine if 2 days . My last ching-chin lasted 2 years and was still decent. (it got sold with my last bike) I have a kings now I like it so far I have only been out twice with it. Next weekend is Oregon Sand Fest so I will get to give it another go.

01 cr 250

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
Ben ,
lol sorry I'll clarify that.
You need a state Green sticker to ride in the Glamis dunes area.

The Cali OHRV allows out of state residents to use thier home state green stickers.
IE: you as a Michigan resident can ride in all of CVali's off road green sticker
areas with your Michigan green sticker.

If you area Cali resident you have to have a cali sticker.

For me as an Illinois resident we had no green sticker program ..
so Id have to buy a Cali one..
and just so you know- there is NOWAY to buy one at Glamis...i think they only sell them there twice a you have to go to a cali DMV to get one..nearest one is hours away and not likely to be open :(
plus Cali does it by vin registration and address and they give you a hard time as "out of state".. the cali DMV doesnt know what to do with you..and the cali park rangers dont know what to do with you.Its a hassle and they honestly dont seem to have any real answers if you come from a state that has no sticker program.

easy solution? buy a Michigan sticker before the trip ..:)
its not like i carry my illinios drivers licence on me out in the dunes. shhhhh!!!! dont rat me out man! lol
Mich. doesnt ask when you buy the sticker for anything except the money..
thats a good thing.:)


Apr 30, 2000
Originally posted by AJ Waggoner
and just so you know- there is NOWAY to buy one at Glamis...i think they only sell them there twice a you have to go to a cali DMV to get one..nearest one is hours away and not likely to be open

There is a DMV on the 78 in brawley. you can stop there on the way in , and no lines (which is unusual for a ca dmv) woo whoo

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000

I don't know how your traveling but...
If your not wanting to pin your 125 all weekend, you could rent a bike out here. It'd probrably cost less than shipping( depending on how long you rent it for (2 days or 2 weeks) I know of a place in Irvine CA that rents them(I'm sure there are others), of course you'd have to through on your own paddle and switch them back when you turn it in. It's just a thought. Email me if you want the info.
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