got clutch,idle,topend?????? lots of probs


May 16, 2007
k so my 01 honda cr125r has alot of drag. when i have it in gear and im holdin the clutch its it feels like the gear is still catchin like the clutch isnt disengaging. i have adjusted the clutch on the handlebar (all the way out and all the way in... still nothing).i have it in gear and im hold the clutch all the way down it still acts like im not holdin the clutch down... also it wont start i have had 3 people (which kno what they r doing) try to kick start it. its got a aftermarket HPP head so i dont think its a cracked head. some peopl say its the topend. i replaced the spark plug adjusted the idle screw i have doneeverythink i can think of. i can pull the kickstart down w/my pinky very easily so i dont think there is necompression. idk please help me out . thanks for ur advice!
:think: :yell: :| :ahhh: :blah:


Apr 8, 2007
bikes arnt really saposed to stay still when in gear with the clutch in. if its really bad you might have notches in your clutch basket.

Youve said that youve had 3 people try to start your bike? have any of those people tried jump starting it? I would recomment doing a compression test, that will tell you if you need a new top end. Usually you should get around 160PSI to 180 PSI for a good running top end.

Since your saying you can push your kick starter down with your pinky i would guess that its your compression and your due for a new top end. How long has that top end been in there? usually you should be replcing it every season, or maybe just replacing your rings once a season. it all depends on your riding style. If your revving it to the bone then you will need to replace the rings more than once a season, but if your just putting around in the trails then you could maybe get away with out changing them for 2 seasons.
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Oct 19, 2006
Well, put a new piston in it and inspect the clutch. I can't tell you what is wrong with your cutch from here.


Apr 18, 2006
Clutch drag is a common problem. It is generally worse when the engine/clutch is cold. I would suggest shifting into nuetral to start. If the drag is excessive then you will need to tear into the clutch.

How about some background on the starting issue? Did it just fail to start one day, or did it die on you while you were riding and never started again?

It does sound like there is a compression issue as you should definately be able to feel it. A compression tester would answer the question for sure, but it would probably only confirm what you already know.

The loss of compression could be a bad head gasket, rings, or because the engine had siezed on you and the cylinder and/or piston are damaged. The only thing to do for either of those possibilities is to tear into it and do a top end rebuild.



May 16, 2007
i just bought the bike 2 or 3 days ago. its gotta be a head or topend. the clutch im not really worried about ill prolly just end up takn the clutch basket out and filing itdown. bottem line i gotta tear into the bike somewhere to figuure the problem out . thanks guys


Jan 27, 2007
You do have low compression and your piston and cylinder are probably damaged. You cannot just replace the piston and ring. The cylinder is probably plated rather that sleeved as they used to do it. Getting it replated would be the best thing to do. You would have take the cylinder off, completely disassemble it, send the cylinder and head to Millenium Technologies (mt-llc) and pay them close to $300.

Piston kit: ~ $80
Top end gasket kit: ~ $30
Wrist pin: ~ $14

Then you need to fix your clutch.
New clutch plates on e b a y : ~ $57
New clutch basket: ~ $200
You might be able to get away with only those things.

This all takes quite a bit of work too.


May 16, 2007
thanks drolex . im gonna rip into the topened tom. to check it out. and for the clutch imm gonna rip intoit and prolly just file down the clutch basket if its not divoted to bad


Oct 19, 2006
The friction plates in the clutch dig into the basket and make teeth marks. When you pull the clutch lever and the pressure plate releases, these teeth hold the clutch packs together which prevents them from releasing all of the way. They will also hang up the clutch pack as you release the clutch lever so the clutch engages with a jerk. Filing it down removes the teeth to restore the smooth operation of the clutch. It also increases the clearance between the friction plates and the basket so they bang around a little more. This will cause the teeth to reform again more quickly. Filing the basket is a good way to renew it, but it will never last as long as a new one once it has been filed.


Apr 16, 2007
My bike does almost the same. It pulls a little when I pull the lever and I cant start it in anything other than neutral. It doesn't jerk though when I am taking off. I have started buying clutch parts. I got the friction plates of e bay for $108 and the springs are $4 a piece along with another $100 in steels. 76 GMC is the one that helped me find alot of the parts.
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