got to ride at cooperland finally


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
i finally got to ride at cooperland. i only live 125 miles away but the schedule never worked out for me. they had an open practice saturday and a buddy talked me into going. it was quite a different track than what i am used to riding. the dirt is very loamy. it tends to rut up in the turns (i hate ruts). it got really rough too, breaking bumps everywhere. there is not a double on the track-all table tops. some of them were pretty fun. you get good air on of a couple of them. there is a tricky off-camber turn too that was quite difficult to master. the practice sessions were a little short (15 mins.). they alternated between big and little bikes. they worked the track after a couple of hours and then promptly over-watered it. it was pretty slick for the next two sessions. i managed to stay upright but i saw several bikes on the ground throughout the day(no injuries that i'm aware of). all in all it was a nice change of pace but not my cup of tea. i'm more adept on the hard-pack, flat turns, with a few doubles types of tracks. i did see a few old riding buddies that i hadn't seen in a year or two. if nothing else at least i can say that i have ridden at cooperland now.
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