
Apr 1, 2001
...hit something so hard, you don't crash, but you jar yourself so hard that you're sore a couple hours later?
I took the bike out after work today to just get a little short ride in before dark, and 'found' a new ditch from the last rainstorm with my front wheel. I should have been taking a quick trip over the bars, but somehow muscled the bike through. The jolt shot up through my shoulders and back/neck so hard that I was seeing sparks flashing out the corners of my eyes! (Almost the same 'lights' one sees after a good bump on the head.)
The rest of the ride went well, but now 4 hrs. later I'm sore!:ugg:


Big Pig
Nov 20, 2000
lost in the deserts of NM
Well...yes and no.
Couple months ago doing a circuit outside of Farmington on an unfamiliar trail.
Came around a corner and wasnt really paying attention.
All of a sudden theres this ditch -w-a 2' rise on the other side! :scream:
Tried to brake , but was too much speed and too much weight.
I have no idea why i didnt go over the bars. After i landed on the other side, i was picturing broken spokes/ dented rim/ cracked hub/ blown out fork seals, etc. or all of the above......it was THAT bad.
Looked down and......not a scratch! :) :)
Gee, not too shabby for a 20 y.o. enduro, eh?

(sorry kids, us oldsters dont call 'em "dualsports")


Oct 3, 1999
Earlier this year on a riding/camping trip I was ripping across some two track pinned in 5th gear with a riding buddy of mine in the high desert. There was a deceptively sharp left up ahead, I was riding in dust behind him and didn't see it until it was too late. I did my best to drift around the corner until I got knocked offline and pointed straight into a little ravine/ditch. Somehow I endoed into the bottom of it and popped right back up from momentum up the other side of it, narrowly missing about 20 huge boulders and big clusters of deadfall/sagebrush. I thought I was about to meet my maker for sure.:eek:
Then later on that day I sprained my ankle carrying $110 worth of booze (for the evening festivities) out of the beer and wine store in Cache Creek, smashing all of the booze. Right in front of a big group of tourists on a bus. Somehow I got hurt NOT riding and NOT drunk.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
a buddy cased a triple once and broke both his wrists without crashing.

another buddy caught his foot on a tractor tire that was used for a corner marker and broke his leg without crashing.
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