Having a nervous breakdown!!


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Must vent before I explode…..

I don't think it's physically possible for a fast paced person, used to a faced paced life style to become accustomed to a slow paced place. At least I can’t.

Everything around here is sooo freaking slow, sometimes I feel like I’m about to loose my mind! Although, that could be due to the fact that I’m wound pretty tight.

It seems like everything takes twice as long. The line at the grocery store, the line at the bank…. everybody’s gotta yak, yak, yak….. “so I have this hernia surgery scheduled on Friday…. blah, blah, blah…”
Thank god I don’t have a car right now and don’t drive much because when I do, I need a cigarette just to settle down! The speed limits are lower here and these people have some crazy whacked out notion they are suppose to obey them or travel at speeds far below them! What the heck is that all about?! :p Maybe they’re not familiar with that little pedal on the right called the ‘accelerator’!
Even the so-called “fast food” joints take forever. I have never spent so much time in line at a McDonald’s or Taco Bell in my life!
I think I’m aging twice as fast here and all my time seems to be wasted away standing in line behind some geriatric old crone who feels compelled to share the trials and tribulations of their corns!
It’s too bad Costco doesn’t sell valium in bulk because at this rate I’m going to need to start popping a couple every morning just to get through the day!

Oh how I long to be sailing down the freeway at 90mph on my way to San Diego and still get passed….. in a moment of weakness pull into the drive through at McDonald’s and be greeted by someone with all their teeth, who cares if they don’t speak English, they’ve got my freaking bag of food waiting at the next damn window before I even get there….. get in and out of the health food store with my organically grown veggies and a box of boca burgers in under 10 minutes!

The only thing I do slower out here is ride my dirtbike!

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
good dirtbike god woman! drink..drink..drink. there, my fee is in the dirtbike mail. ;)

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Aimee - I know what you mean. Growing up in the metromess and having lived in Dallas for nearly 20 years, I find myself constantly having to slow down because everyone seems to be in slow motion lately. I can't say that it is any particular place, it kinda seems like I am go 80 in a 40 mph world.
Lines are a REAL drag, more times than not I simply leave, rather than wait.

Just don't do something to get stuck on crutches. That will slow you way down. It takes me almost 1 minute and 5 moves to get a cup of coffee from the kitchen to the desk in my office. :)


Farmer John

T.C.F.<br>(tire changin' fool)
Mar 8, 2000

Just wait till your trying to make some time down a backroad & get caught behind a tractor & spreader :eek:
Originally posted by gosleepnapper
I have never spent so much time in line at a McDonald’s or Taco Bell in my life!

Wow! Considering the amount of time you spent @ "the world's largest McDeath" on the way back from DW01 that is impressive.

Originally posted by gorestinchair
I think I’m aging twice as fast here and all my time seems to be wasted away standing in line behind some geriatric old crone who feels compelled to share the trials and tribulations of their corns!

Now you know how they became old crones. ;)
Originally posted by gozzzzzzzz
get in and out of the health food store with my organically grown veggies and a box of boca burgers in under 10 minutes!

Do they sell that crap back there too?

Originally posted by gospeedracer
The only thing I do slower out here is ride my dirtbike!

Not what I heard. :thumb:

btw, good luck with that hernia operation. :silly:


Sep 12, 2000
What really suprises me is all the people that wait to eat.I work hard all week dam if I am going to spend 45 minutes waiting to be seated at outback. That is 45 minutes wasted on my weekend.I just laugh and walk out.


Jun 5, 2001
What was that Speedy, I was talking to Okie and Thump, you'll just have to wait, I'll be right with you.:p:p

It's the cancer sticks I tell ya, quit those dang things!! I did notice there weren't many Dentist Offices out there.:think:

That reminds me of the gas station Billy and I went into in Stillwater to buy some goods for DW. I bought a loaf of bread, some mustard, bologne and two waters and the toothless girl at the counter said, "Wow, you guys stocking up?" They must get the normal one or two item purchases usually.


Jan 30, 2000
LOL Speedy!!! Just grab a handful of those chocolate covered coffee beans , wash them down with some Mtn Dew and RELAX.

I know they have lots of Bobby-Sues out there - maybe if you introduce yourself as Aimee-Brimley you'll feel more at home :)

So, how much do you pay for sushi out there?

And what the heck is a "faced paced lifestyle" anyway?
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Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
That little 45 minutes waitng for your table is when you are supposed to sit at the bar and drink beer. :)


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Nice Dennis Miller-quality rant. :) MO sounds a lot like Alabama, except everyone here drives like they're from California.

Aimee-Brimley. . :thumb:


Feb 7, 2000
Just 'cause we ain't got all of our teefers and mosey on down them ol' dirt roads slower than you young left coasters don't mean we won't eat a little bait smushed into a hunka rice. Gitcherself a cool refreshment there, young lady. Twist yer John Deere hat offta one side and watch a li'l NASCAR with us! You'll be pert-near a midwesterner afore ya know it!

<Hmm. Had to change c*ck to twist> :think:
Oh! :eek:
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AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Heck, you want slow? Come to North Idaho! I've had to wait for herds of sheep & cattle on US95!


LMAO over here! :debil: Aimee, I am one of those take it as it comes kinda people. Man, you almost never see me in a hurry while driving or really doing anything. Don't get me wrong, I am efficiant when working (either for myself or for "The Man"), but I just ain't in a big hurry to get anywhere. The only place I worry about going fast or being in a hurry is on the old dirtbike, and even that's debatable!!!

Oh yeah, welcome to Missouri! :yeehaw:


May 7, 1999
Galena, IL
...now what do you really want to talk about, Aimee?
...by the way, how come we never took that traditional photo will all the new cigar chomping friends like TXBigguy at DW'02?... now if we had DW in California they would probably put all of us in jail or stuff us into a 'smoke' house for punishment, right?

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by Kiwi Bird
So, how much do you pay for sushi out there?

It's cheap and easy. Ya head to East St. Louis order up some catfish at one of the numerous take out fish huts and ask them NOT to cook it. IF you don't end up with a bullet riddled car (or body) on the way home you are good to go. :scream:


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
You always need to look for the positive in every situation. If you hadn't gained all this experience at slowing down how would you have been able to handle this stressful situation ? :)


Apr 1, 2001
Gospeed---I can relate very well: I did a 9 month stint in New Mexico, and I missed the fast-paced, gotta be going somewhere, doing something lifestyle of So Cal, so I raced back here as fast as I could!
You can take the boy (or girl) out of Cali, but you can't take Cali out of the boy (girl)!


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Stupid question. What exactly is all the rushing around for? I gota' hurry to McPukes so I can get my McHeartAttack and inhale it while I listen to my book on tape while blasting down the road on my way to......?

I can understand "Carpe' Diem" but this overdrive stuff sounds more like "Crappy Diem". Sit and listen to the birds, watch the sun set, RELAX!


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Originally posted by Julius Pleaser
Nice Dennis Miller-quality rant.
I was thinking more along the lines of Dennis Leary. :)

Kiwi..... I'll see you in Reno. :debil:

I can't really say why I'm always compelled to be in a hurry. It's just this internal thing, especially when I'm on the freeway. I can't really explain it. The only time I really relax is when I'm at home or at the beach.

When it comes to things I have to do, errands, getting from point A to point B, etc. I just want to get it done...........quickly! :confused:

I guess it all just comes down to patience............I have none. :p

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by Patman
Stupid question. What exactly is all the rushing around for? I gota' hurry to McPukes so I can get my McHeartAttack and inhale it while I listen to my book on tape while blasting down the road on my way to ...

GSR - Patman forgot to mention that you can't go over 20 on about any street around Austin. The small narrow curvy ones are clogged with parked cars while the wide straight modern freeway one are full of stopped cars. :)

I love seeing the Volvo's with Die Yuppy Scum bumper stickers. :thumb:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
That so right Tony! And exactly why I stay out of there as much as I can. Big city turn me lose and set me free :)


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Might want to skip the Dr. Pepper's and the KitKat bars tomorrow. Ride a bike. Sheesh, I would like to slow down some more.
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