
Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Natalie and Aimee, having met the both of you at DW, I would have never figured either one of you to be speed freaks!!! ;)

Our life pace out here isn't slow, it's mellowed, like a good sippin whiskey. Get yourself into too big a rush and you fail to enjoy what's happening around you.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Originally posted by RoosteR13
Natalie and Aimee, having met the both of you at DW, I would have never figured either one of you to be speed freaks!!! ;)

Hey!!! :think: Was that a jab on my track speed??? LOL!

I know, after I posted that I figured some people would not have figured I was such an impatient type, I was in a very relaxed and mellow mood all week at DW and usually that lasts for about a week after I get back to work. I'll try to keep it under control!! :confused:
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Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Originally posted by Papakeith
Aimee, R-E-L-A-X :) Turn the cell phone off find a crick and grab a good book. In the grand scheme of things, nothing is that important. Take longer easier strides when you walk. Breathe from your stomache. Like Patman says stop to smell the roses.


Originally posted by LoriKTM
Don't sweat the small stuff, Aimee! Life's too short to worry about an extra minute here or there.

Save your energy for dirt bike riding! ;)

And Amen!

Welcome to country livin'! :) You need to go stay with my family in Georgia...they still have dirt roads! :thumb:

Life is too short as it is. Why speed it up?


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Originally posted by CAL
Life is too short as it is. Why speed it up?

For me its trying to cram a LOT of life into the short time we have. But I know what you mean and its a good point!


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
In 96 I left a VP position in Northern Virginia to direct the purchasing operation for a National homebuilder here in the south. My compensation package included a bonus worth 2% of all cost savings for the division I was responsible for and a 1/2% for National savings as a result of my procedures. As you can imagine I worked my butt off, but I got the reputation as "The Pitt-Bull". I thought it funny back then, these southerners had never seen someone like me, but now I wish that I had been "slower" and more patient with the process. Owning my own construction company now, I do things at a much slower pace and try to enjoy the process and life as it unfolds. Slow down, have fun, and you can still smell the WILD flowers!


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Hey!!! Was that a jab on my track speed??? LOL!

No, no, no, this slower than molasses in January, tree smacking, sliding out in the sand, augering through doubles, tipping over in the parking lot rider has no right to take a shot at someoned elses riding abilities. :) :) Besides, at least you had the guts to actually race. I chickened out. :eek:

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I really do consider myself a patient person...except for driving. I don't care if you're doing 56 or 96...if there's someone behind you but not in front of you, you shouldn't be in the left lane.

That said, I will stand there for 2 minutes to hold the door for the little old lady I passed at 90 mph on the way to WalMart!

Aimee, I've got a whole bunch of that valium leftover from my most recent riding experience...I'm thinking you might need it more than me!


Sep 3, 2001
yes gomer, I think Jaybird missed his calling...he shoulda been a traffic cop! :debil:

I say go at your own pace, no need to hold other people up or provoke them...that's how road rage happens!


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I'm really not one to make waves on the highway...but I do have a beef with folks who take upon themselves to endanger the lives of others for no other reason than they think they are race car drivers. I normally drive at a safe pace with the flow.
I never try to hold anyone up, save for the putz who thinks he has a right to tailgate me. The only time I'm in the left lane is to safetly pass. If you are the tailgaiter, road rage all you want, I pack. :)
Most of the punks who think they are racers on the highway wouldn't last two laps on the track. I find them most amusing.

Do the non-driving idiots realise that there are moms with kids in the cars out there? Or do you even care? My assumption is that you don't give a hoot and that is why you act like you do.

Driving is a serious thing folks, just becasue you haven't experienced a good crash yet, don't for one minute think you are more resilient that anyone else, or don't think it won't happen to you...becasue it can and will if you continue to act like an idiot.

If you think you are a racer, build yourself a car and try it will be a most humbling experience I assure you. (and quite funny for those who really know how to drive race cars)

It simply amases me how some people think.


May 8, 2001
well now.................aimee you have run into the LIFE THEORY OF RELATIVITY which states "the faster you need something to happen, the slower it does." seems to affect me daily. gotta be home at 4:00 so i can go ride mx practice..............ooops a nice accident complete with 30min delay. only happens when i really, really want to be somewhere.

all this talk about driving makes me nervous. i do ride a street bike with you crazies and by the sound of it, it is only a matter of time before i become a stuntman. aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
the toothless girl at the counter said, "Wow, you guys are bulking up?"

Na, she was just trying to make time with you. she figured a ELK wasz a step up from the live stock she's use to ;) Just kiddin bud!

Aimee: key word: med·i·cate! drink "three beers" and post in the morning :thumb:
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Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by Jaybird
For some, it's all one big race....from stop light to stop light.
Speedy, if you ever figure out who is leading the race, let us know.

Don't y'all just love it when Aimee is behind are doing just a bit over the speed limit safetly passing slower cars yet she's tailgaiting you...swerving from one side to the other to see if there is a clear pass available... yet there is a whole bunch of traffic ahead and really nowhere to go, but she just HAS to get around you. My guess is nearsightedness(shrug)
One more postition in the race, endagering the public be damned.

You sure do make a ton of assumptions there Jaybird. All of them incorrect I might add.


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by gospeedracer
...and most of the time I feel like I'm an alien from another planet...

You mean you're not from another planet? I always thought everybody in Santa Barbara was from some distant galaxy....



Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Be a litle more specific there, Eddie. Exactly what assumptions have I made, and which ones are incorrect?
All I have to go by here is what I read. Just where am I wrong?
Are you implying that no tailgaiting happens? Or maybe that stop lights are ignored? Perhaps it's just a practice heat I'm describing and not the main event. I'm at a loss me out.


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
You alluded to the idea that Aimee tailgates, swerves from lane to lane impatiently trying to get around people, she HAS to get around you, and that she endangers the public.

All of these are incorrect!

If you read her original post you will see it was about the all around pace of day to day living in the midwest not just driving.

Now lets get back over to the music thread and find some more tunes for you fellas to play next year :yeehaw:


Sep 17, 2002
Ya, but bein in a hurry, just think of all you miss along the way! What the heck can you see doin 90 on the freeway?
belive me I know what you are talking about. I was born in SoCal, and had an aircraft repair buisness for 10 years(you want to see people in a hurry, look at pilots!) in LaVerne(Brackett Airport). When I moved out of SoCal it took a year or so to slow down. But now there is NO WAY that I'd move back there. There is WAY more to life than the rushed So.Cal life style. I'd most likely be dead of a heart attack now if I haden't moved!
If you really want to, you'll get used to it, and I'll bet you might even get to like a slower paced life. Slow down, smell some roses and look at the blue sky for a change.
No, I'm not a flower child!


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Originally posted by Kenya-640
What the heck can you see doin 90 on the freeway?
Your destination. ;)

Speed is the very essence of transportation. If I weren't in a hurry, I would walk.


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Interesting that so many people used the phrase 'smell the roses'. Its a good little saying but here is what I consider 'smelling the roses':

Riding with my buddies 5 hours - instead of 4
Being in a scenic environment having a picnic - not stuck on the freeway
Aimee and I cooking a meal together at home - not stuck in a line at the grocery store while some lady talks the cashiers ear off while using 40 coupons, not starting writing her check until after its rung up.

I could go on and on about which parts of daily life I value and which are merely necessary evils to allow me the quality time I want but some people just won't understand. I prefer NOT to spend my life waiting on other people, I do it when I have to but ONLY when I have to. I am not rude to people who I must wait on, I do not endager those that I have to wait on but I don't enjoy it either. I could care a less about anything I miss when I am driving, when I drive, I pay attention to my driving, your driving and getting to my destination as quickly as safety (and no tickets) allow. Chances are I am headed up to the mountains to REALLY enjoy them while you are merely gawking at them as you pass by them slowly (in the fast lane) :)

I would enjoy Aimee and I playing in the yard with our dogs much more than listening to the person in front of me gabbing - blah blah blah.

I worry about the people who are sight seeing while driving down the freeway, why don't you just stop and really enjoy it, then get back in and pay full attention to your driving? :p


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by TTRGuy
Aimee and I cooking a meal together at home

Which one of you wears the funny chef's hat? I still think Eddie made the chili while Speedie 'supervised' :p To prove me wrong GSR is going to have to make dinner one night at Moonrocks - I'll bring the trailer.



Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Originally posted by TTRGuy
Riding with my buddies 5 hours - instead of 4
Being in a scenic environment having a picnic - not stuck on the freeway
Aimee and I cooking a meal together at home - not stuck in a line at the grocery store while some lady talks the cashiers ear off while using 40 coupons, not starting writing her check until after its rung up.

I have to agree with that point. While I'm no SoCal speed demon, my philosophy has always been: The less time I spend on the road, the more time I have to do what it is I'm doing. (if that makes sense) I always drive as fast as I can(without getting a ticket) in order to get from point A to point B. At the same time, I do it safely and courteously. BUT one problem I find with that, is that it is hard to get out of the "rush, rush" mentallity. Sometimes I make myself slow down and take it easy. I can honestly say that I am in a calmer, better mood when I get to point B if I take it easy and remind myself that all of this is small stuff and it is nothing to get riled up over. Even though I may miss out on 30 minutes of riding, I have a much more enjoyable ride if I don't rush myself to get ready and get there. The hard part is reminding myself to take it easy and then Take it Easy .

I prefer NOT to spend my life waiting on other people, I do it when I have to but ONLY when I have to.

^^^Eddie, that's not true. You've ridden with me, and you didn't HAVE to! ;)


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by NVR FNSH
To prove me wrong GSR is going to have to make dinner one night at Moonrocks - I'll bring the trailer.

Brian, you DO realize she doesn't do cleanup right? Girl uses half the utensils in the kitchen just to make coffee :)


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by CAL
^^^Eddie, that's not true. You've ridden with me, and you didn't HAVE to! ;)

Yeah, because you had to wait on ME! Actually we both had to wait on Aimee when she decided to run my bike through its SUBMARINE testing phase :p


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
All this hurrying. Gotta get there by such and such time! Heck, leave earlier. :confused:

I'm so glad I live where I live. :) The rest of you can have all that big city life, while I can stay here and be less than 1/2 hour from my riding area (and that includes loading and unloading the bike).


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by XRpredator
All this hurrying. Gotta get there by such and such time! Heck, leave earlier. :confused:

Its not about being somewhere at a certain time - its about how much time you spend getting there. Leaving earlier doesn't affect how much time you spend on the road unless you miss rush hour traffic or something.

:confused: back at ya :)

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