
Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by gospeedracer
......McDonald’s or Taco Bell....
Mmmmm Taco Bell (_8(|)

I ate semteen taco bell tacos at one time, once. Coulda ate more but we ran out. I could still do it too. If I wanted to. Acourse they were only 29 cents each cuz it was taco tuesday. 1986 it were. Or maybe 85. I rode my 650 seca over to Fartin Martin's house and we had a few cold ones too. I bought that bike for only $1500. Only had 500 miles on it. My 84 KTM 250 busted a crank. Dang fly wheel twisted the shaft plumb off. KTM fised it for free but it took like about a couple of months. So that's when I got my 85 MStar fi hunnert. Then I had three motor cycles at one time. Makin payments on all of 'em I was. And then guess whut happened. That's right, busted my ass on the fi hunnert and spent two entire weeks, I'm talkin fort teen gd days, flat on my back. Man that sucked. But I had me sum purdy good frens and they would come over to visit at night. After they were done drinking at Georges bike shop of course. They'd fill up the trash cans in my room with empty swill cans and clog up the toilet and leave. I didn't care none about the toilet since I was on the ol bed pan anyway. But them nurses, uuggllyy as they were, dint have hardly no sense of humor a tall. Did I ever tell you about Georges bike shop. Well. It was called The Georgetown Cycle Shop. That's because George's name was George and his Mom said he should call it Georgetown. So he did. Anyway George was just an independant shop and he wasn't a dealer or anything. So nat churly I didn't know him until the KTM/Maico/CZ dealer snorted all the profits up his hooter. That was the Motocross & Enduro Shop owned by Pete and some other guys. Before Pete bought the place it was the Motocross & Kart Shop and Bob Morgan owned it. Bob sold the deal to Pete and bought a Kawasaki dealership. Then he went to Sacramento to sell used airplanes. Anyway when Pete went toes up, George got the KTM dealership and since I had a 1980 KTM I finally met up with George since I neede a piston and some rings. Well George saw the sad condition that my ride was in and suggested I get me a new KTM. Well I had been working a new job out at "THE BASE" and I was makin a whopin $7.60 an hour as a janitor. So I said WTF and got me the 84 250 MXC. I like that bike a lot. I started thinkin I was fast so I thought I better do some racin. The ADRA (Arizona Desert Racing Association) was going strong back then so I started going to some races in Arizona. Most were fun but it seems I was spending quite a bit of money in the cowboy bars in Albuquerque. Being that I was single and my janitorin job was from 1:00PM till 9:30 I had plenty of time for the night life. I met me some outstanding wimmin too. I don't think they would say the same about me but that's all water under the bridge now. Then I really cut a fat hog in the ass and got in a training program out at "THE BASE". Got into thermal batteries I did. Started in the basement and moved right on up to the first floor in no time at all. So the racin and partyin only got better. Course the hours were now 8 to 5 so I came in not feelin to good from time to time. Well that darn KTM broke (crankshaft doncha know) and the coolest event of the year was coming up and me with no ride. So I did the only thing I could do and bought the fi hunnert Maico (I know I said it was an MStar but the old timers will know what I'm talking about). The that darn Lee Carmody's son won a 650 seca in some radio contest and they had it over at Georgetown to sell. They said the wanted $1500 but I had been seeing it there for a long time. I had been needing a street bike to go TT racin with the guys. You know what TT racin is right? Tavern to Tavern! So we called up Lee late one night and I told George to offer him $1000. Well George held the phone away from his ear and I could hear Lee screaming on the other end of the phone. "Tell that bald-headed-mexican wes baca sub beetch that I'd rather roll that toilet off a bridge into the Rio Grande than let it go for a $1000!" So I gave him $1500. Then one night me and George went TT racin and one of the places we ended up was "The Sandia Inn". Now in case you don't know, the Sandia Inn was a kind of an old country crowd. I'm talkin as old as I am now! So we walked in and were scopin out the crowd when all of a sudden some guy sittin in a booth grabbed me by the arm and jerked me down into the booth. Before I even knew what was happin in, George was about to throw down old the old dude. Then I noticed it was my Dad! We said "well I'll be GD'd, what the heck are you doin here Heavy." Heavy is what my ol man goes by. He tol us "yer boyzh munyshhno good tnite. whucha drinchin?" Well then I got lubed up purty good and George told me to go and ask some gal to dance. So I did. She told me "NO!" So George asked and she said "okayyyy". Dang shop owners get all the 'tang. Anyhoo I sold all three of them rides in 86 when I busted myself up. That was the Stoooopidist thing I ever did. On second thought, it was the second stupidest thing. I'm still living the 1st stoopist thing but that's a totally nuther story. George went out o bitness in maybe about 91 or so. Man that was a dark day for all of us regulars. We were purdy much lost. Cuz not only did his shop close, but George moved to Aztec to work the maintenance shops at the Navajo Mine. Then he got some schoolin and got in to management and shipped out to indonesia. He totally dissapeared for a few years. But guess what. he's back.

Anyway, I was just about to ask you, what's the hurry anyway.
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Sponsoring Member
May 1, 2002
Originally posted by Patman
Big city turn me lose and set me free :)
Thanks to; Merle "Proud to be an Okie from Muskogee" Haggard! ;)

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Originally posted by gospeedracer

The only time I really relax is when I'm at home or at the beach.

Or at DW02...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! There are pictures to prove it!

WES: Is your last name Gump? Forrest Gump?
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Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
For some, it's all one big race....from stop light to stop light.
Speedy, if you ever figure out who is leading the race, let us know.

Don't y'all just love it when Aimee is behind are doing just a bit over the speed limit safetly passing slower cars yet she's tailgaiting you...swerving from one side to the other to see if there is a clear pass available... yet there is a whole bunch of traffic ahead and really nowhere to go, but she just HAS to get around you. My guess is nearsightedness(shrug)
One more postition in the race, endagering the public be damned.

I, being the nice guy that I am, go out of my way to make things interesting for tailgaiting racers...hey, all's fair in racing, yes? :)

( will rarely see REAL race drivers breaking the law and endangering the public on the highways....wonder why that is? Hmmmm)


Seeems like most drivers always just wanna go a little faster than whomever is in front of them. I say, let'em. I won't give myself a heartattack just to be the next one to the next red light or traffic jam. Or, the people who will pass you on their exit ramp (while you are still on the highway) only to have to "grab a handful of brake" to make the light at the end of the ramp. Utterly ridiculous in my mind, but hey, that's just me. I enjoy the show of watching people lose their minds over simple and insignificant issues EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! On the roads, at work, at the store. Wherever. It's a helluva good show, and absolutely FREE!!! :debil:
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Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN KNEW I would weigh in, Aimee. :)

And don't you love the driver (or so called driver.. I prefer the term "steering wheel holder") that is predisposed with finding the proper Abba tune and getting slower and slower....then when they realise that you are gonna pass them, they speed up. No way in heck are they gonna let you get ahead of them! Thing is, when you realise that they are racers and don't want you to pass, you back off....but they are back to slowing down again...My assumption is that this time they are engrossed in calling ahead for Boca Burgers so they won't have to wait when they get there. :confused:


Jan 27, 2000
Originally posted by gospeedracer
Must vent before I explode…..

Oh how I long to be sailing down the freeway at 90mph on my way to San Diego and still get passed….. in a moment of weakness pull into the drive through at McDonald’s and be greeted by someone with all their teeth, who cares if they don’t speak English, they’ve got my freaking bag of food waiting at the next damn window before I even get there….. get in and out of the health food store with my organically grown veggies and a box of boca burgers in under 10 minutes!

Aimee-Brimley :) Far be it from me to tell you "I Told you so." But, :scream: Awww, never mind. :) :)

Wes. I think you and Sarge musta gone to different schools together or sumthin. ;)

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by Jaybird
And don't you love the driver (or so called driver.. I prefer the term "steering wheel holder") that is predisposed with finding the proper Abba tune and getting slower and slower....then when they realise that you are gonna pass them, they speed up. No way in heck are they gonna let you get ahead of them! Thing is, when you realise that they are racers and don't want you to pass, you back off....but they are back to slowing down again...My assumption is that this time they are engrossed in calling ahead for Boca Burgers so they won't have to wait when they get there. :confused:

Jaybird - I had a yellow Dodge Van with 320's in the rear. Guy kept cutting me off as I would try and pass as he cruised along the interstate go 50 or so. I backed off about 1/4 a mile and started ACCELLERATING. He figured it out but tooooooo late. As I passed him and saluted, I pulled in front of him and started pulling away. He finally through out the anchor.
It was a great truck. It took a long time to get up to speed but it got great mileage on the highway. Still think the 318 was one of the best motors made.

BigLou - Come to Dallas ... The show is way better than KC any day.

I'm with you guys though now. I used to try and hurry, but after 30 years of being late and still being the first to arrive I said what the hell and slowed down.
Of course the last time I went really slow I fell over like the guy from Laugh In on the trike. :)

Wes - I loved every word!

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Oops, I guess I am going to keep this thread at the top by myself!

Wes - I figured out what is familiar about your writing style. Have you ever read John Muir's books about how to keep your VW alive? Classis style, as is yours! :thumb:


Oct 31, 2001
And to think they say the slow pace bring less stress and is suppose to make you live longer! Speed I can always wrap you up an IN&OUT burger and send it to you to help remind you of home.


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by Tony Eeds
Wes - I figured out what is familiar about your writing style. Have you ever read John Muir's books about how to keep your VW alive?
Tony, I read a couple of books in my life. But that's not one of them. Actually I had never really read a book all the way through until High School. I just skimmed over 'em to get enough info to finish an assignment. I only read Dirt Bike magazine and Motocross Action. My first book was actually "Little Fauss and Big Halsey." Then I did "Zen and the Art of MC Maintenance." I sorta skipped most of the Zen and just read the riding parts. I have also read "Monkey Butt!", twice.

I kain't read but I culd trace. :confused:


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Rant on, Aimee! I support you 100% because I was there!!! When I lived in two southern states that shall remain nameless except to those who know where I was....I thought I was going to EXPLODE from solely the tortoise-like pace that oppressed my California Soul.

The "Fast" Food joints? I must have pulled out of the drive-thru line at Burger King three times because I COULD NOT BELIEVE HOW FREAKING LONG IT WOULD TAKE TO GET MY ORDER!!! Then I would jump on the freeway, roll up the windows and scream at the top of my lungs just to get all the impatient, oppressive, anxiety ridden bad vibe outta me (BTW, you should try that sometime, works like a charm, but you gotta put your all into that scream and don't let up til you're outta breath!)

Okay, and then there was the story of the sales girl at Wal-Mart who had a dozen people in her line but proceeded to talk on the phone with her mother and tell her what she ate for lunch and breakfast and what she thought she might fix up for dinner (Yeah, I put down the garden hose I really needed and walked out that time too). Just call me the Freeway Screamer.

I had to really control myself when I chose not to walk out. I would find myself speaking a little louder and a little slower I-THOUGHT-MAYBE-SINCE-YOU-DON'T-KNOW-WHERE-THE-ANT-BAIT-IS-YOU-COULD-DIRECT-ME-TO-SOMEONE-WHO-DOES.

Ah, well, I have put all that behind me now. When I got back to CA that first week I got flipped off on the freeway for driving too slow and I could not help but smile and say "Yeah, Baby, I'm Home!!" ;)


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Originally posted by GETMETOCA
I thought I was going to EXPLODE from solely the tortoise-like pace that oppressed my California Soul.

I got flipped off on the freeway for driving too slow and I could not help but smile and say "Yeah, Baby, I'm Home!!" ;)

You said it sista! :) I've said it before and I'll say it again, you can take the girl outta Cali, but you can't that the Cali outta the girl! :confused:


Aug 29, 2001
I recently went to Fiji for a very short holiday. They have this thing there called 'Fiji time'. This means that there is no time keeping there at all - no clocks or watches, nothing. It is either 'day time' or 'night time'. So if you order a beer at the bar it will either come either at day time............ or night time........... Usually very s-l-o-w-l-y, it sure puts a different perspective on rushing everwhere.

This becomes frustrating after a while, so I don't suggest going on holiday there. :silly:

Also I was reading this other thread posted by Patman the other day and though it was pretty good.

I think you are wasting your time thinking about the 'sand' all the time. (Just like the rest of us)

R E L A X and use the time waiting wisely planning your next little dirt bike adventure.

angry jim

Sponsoring Member
Aug 4, 2000
I didn't get my name from being patient. I hate going slow anywhere or anytime for any reason. I know where I'm going and I want to get there asap. I can't explain why either. My oldest brother drives below the speed limit on all freeways and it drives me nuts.

I must admit, however, that on a recent vacation to the northwestern U.S. I drove much more slowly than usual. No road rage for several days. Even when the buffalo took over the roads.

GSR+GSR750=end of problem
Oct 22, 2000
Originally posted by gospeedracer

You said it sista! :) I've said it before and I'll say it again, you can take the girl outta Cali, but you can't that the Cali outta the girl! :confused:

That is the one thing that has perplexed me for quite some time now. Why in Heavens' name did you ever leave?!? And the second thing that I have not been able to figure out; "Why in the heck don't you come back?!?" I'm not exactly impatient, but I honestly don't believe that I could handle that part of the country for an extended period of time (no offense to those who live there, just a personal preference). Come back! :yeehaw:


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
LOL. That's a fair question. I think it's always a good idea expose yourself to new experiences. I have lived in my little socal bubble most of my life. In addition to other reasons, when the opportunity presented itself, I felt like taking a chance and trying something new. While the pace may be slower here and most of the time I feel like I'm an alien from another planet, experiencing the midwest has not been all bad. People are much friendlier for one, which is partially the reason for the lag times in the store or the bank as I mentioned before. Everyone wants to TALK to each other! :confused:
For the most part, I am enjoying seeing and learning new things nearly everyday even if I do feel like a fish out of water.


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Aimee, R-E-L-A-X :) Turn the cell phone off find a crick and grab a good book. In the grand scheme of things, nothing is that important. Take longer easier strides when you walk. Breathe from your stomache. Like Patman says stop to smell the roses.

I'm with Jaybird. I have way too much fun on the highway playing with the fella/gal who is in a big hurry to get 12-20 feet furthur up the road. I especially enjoy the "highways" in RI that have signal lights every mile or so. Mr. Iminahurry will mash the pedal to the floor and zoom outa sight, while I try not to rev my pickup over 2 grand(saves fuel). By the time I make the next light Mr. Iminahurry will have been waiting just about the full term of the red light, I will either pull up along side, or the light will turn green just as I'm approaching the intersection. Really gets his goat if I get to lead for a second or two :p.
When I taught my step children how to drive, the first thing I said was. Just relax, and enjoy the show. Someone is always ready to perform.:)


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Don't sweat the small stuff, Aimee! Life's too short to worry about an extra minute here or there.

Although I go through the same thing out here on occasion. I remember one time I was at the grocery store. We had all of our stuff out on the belt, but the stupid woman in front of me was having a disagreement with the cashier. Seems this customer brought in a flyer to get a discount after purchasing so many items. Well, it went on an on, the cashier had to go talk to the manager. We loaded all our groceries BACK into the cart, and went two lanes over to the next cashier. We got through the checkout and that other woman was just finishing up. :silly: THAT kind of stuff irks me.

Save your energy for dirt bike riding! ;)

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