Having a nervous breakdown!!


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
......I could care a less about anything......

So, if you could care less , that means you actually do care some?? ;) :) Just busting yer chop a lil there Eddie. :)

I couldn't care less about anything I miss when driving either, after all, you seen one field, you've seen them all. :eek:


Just wondering: Does anyone else hear Zeppelin's "Comunication Breakdown" playing in their head when they read the title to this thread? Or, maybe it's just me? *shrug*


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by TTRGuy

Brian, you DO realize she doesn't do cleanup right? Girl uses half the utensils in the kitchen just to make coffee :)

GSR's recipe for coffee - roll out of bed, pull on sweat pants/t-shirt, grab car keys, drive to Starbucks. Wait a minute, do they have Starbucks in St Louis? Maybe she had to learn how to make coffee herself..... Now that's a scary thought.

The trailer doesn't have a dishwasher so she's going to need to bring her Palmolive to keep you from getting dish pan hands :p



Sep 3, 2001
Driving can sometimes be the only time when there isn't anything else going on, no phone to ring (if you shut off the cel) and plenty of time to plan your day, work out a problem, reflect, etc.

I love music, but find myself with the radio OFF more and more these days.

Jaybird, you must realize that there are people that are able to drive "aggressively" that are skilled enough to do it safely. With today's roads and vehicles, it is possible to exceed the speed limit without being on the verge of loss of control and disaster.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Teleportation is the only real answer. It would be much better to simply say "Energize" or "Beam me up Scotty". I think a PM to Rich is in order, I'm sure he can come up with something of coarse the device will have to be jetted correctly for your area. :flame:

My take on hauling butt down the highway is simple. I try to figure out in advance how far it is to where I want to go, what time I need to get there and then determine what speed is practicle. When I complete the math for the above factors I then try to leave for my destination allowing a few extra minutes to spare incase somethng pops up or blows out. I typically drive about 50k per year and this method seems to work best for me. If I arrive 3 minutes later than I had planned then that's what time I get there :thumb:

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by kev_rm
The south is nice to visit.

uh .... Ecotopia calling ....

The first time I went to Seattle (20 years ago) everyone told me to not drive over the speed limit. They were correct, I didn't get stopped but I saw a great number of local and state cops doing their best to keep everybody going 55 or less. Many trips to Seattle have resulted in me seeing the speed creep up while the roads became ever more clogged with idling cars waiting to get across one of the bridges to somewhere.

In contrast, I drove 550 miles to western Texas on Wednesday afternoon for a meeting on Thursday morning and the same back Thursday afternoon .... 80 to 85 most all of the way ... even passed a state trooper at just shy of 80.

Regarding GSR's original rant ... it took me 15 minutes to negotiate 3 stop signs and 2 traffic lights while trying to get 3 miles to the bank. FIFTEEN minutes later, I made it .... Some days I wish I had a dozer blade on the front of my truck. Sometimes 22 in a 30 is just as unsafe as 40 in a 30. 22 is about all the dingbat in front of me could manage and look down all the sidestreets for garage sales or something.

And Jay, all I did was grouse (sp) .... :) I didn't pass her as much as I wanted to.



Apr 1, 2001
For some of us driving fast is not about getting there much quicker, as most times speeding only saves 5-15 minutes (depending on how far the trip is), but we just love speed. (Isn't that why we love dirtbikes?)

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
^^^^ reminds me of the time I was sitting in a Defensive Driving course one Saturday .....
The leader was going around the room asking why we were there. He had made a number of sarcastic comments to the effect that you only save at most a few minutes if you speed. He came to me and I told him I was stopped going 5 miles over the limit on a trip of about 600 miles so I would have saved almost an HOUR. He kinda groused,, but everyone else in the room laughed. :)


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
How did this thread become all about driving?
Maybe it's because our frame of mind while driving indicates our pace of life?
I dunno.
Eddy made a valad point about how he smells the roses.
I try not to get "wound up" while driving so that when I do reach my destination, I don't have to have a relaxation session before I can enjoy the company of the people I've gone to see.
Try this the next time you have a trip. Figure out the speed of trafic, and set your cruise control on something a mile or so below the flow. It makes for an easy drive. :)

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
PK - I have learned two things affect my inner clock. My age and my surroundings.

I agree and have for a long time about slowing down to smell the roses. My guess is that driving became the main topic of this thread because it is one of the last places left where people feel in control.

I love going just under the speed limit on most of the roads in Texas, because there are some beautiful things to see that cannot be appreciated while trying to swerve around cars, but .... 2~3 miles an hour under the prevailing speed of the surrounding cars on many freeways in Texas is still 10~15 MPH over the posted speed limit. At that point, I tend to defensively drive 1~2 MPH faster than the surrounding cars, thereby removing one dimension from the equation .... those cars shrinking in my rearview mirror ....

I have topped a rise on LBJ in North Dallas only to find a Blond in a Beemer stopped in the middle lane of a 5 lane freeway parallel with an exit, trying to get off to go to the mall. Believe you me, that woman was dangerous, and whomever hit her would have likely died.

I hate getting balled up in cars on the freeway, it makes me nervous, so I tend to drive through balls to the clear spaces between them. I know this makes me appear aggressive to the drivers I am passing, but I had rather have cars away from me than drive along in packs of 20.

BTW - I looked you up on MapQuest. It looks like you have a beautiful place to live.

I am looking at 240 acres in West Texas right now. Hope it comes through. My pace will slow down commensurate with my surroundings. I, for one, will be glad to leave the rat race of DFW. It will also be nice to have a track in my front yard ..... maybe a maze also ....


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Driving fast becasue you feel you have superior driving skills or a superior handling machine is quite a lame excuse for breaking the law.
You may or may not be quite the driver you think you are...and besides that, lil ole ladies seems to choke quite easily when confronted with experts like y'all.
Sure we like speed, but it has it's place.

I'm an expert marksman, and I hunt squirrels open sight with a .22 and only take head shots, but that does not mean that I am going to hunt them in the public park next to the playground just becasue I KNOW that I am safe and I can handle my firearm. Sheesh folks, if you want to drive fast, get a race car, other than that stay with the flow and act like you had at least a thimble full of sense.


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
I like to drive real fast and run all the red lights while I'm naked in the car with an open can of malt beverage in my hand. Don't worry, I don't do this near playgrounds because I know it will make all the kids want to grow up and be as kewl as I am.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by Jaybird
Driving fast becasue you feel you have superior driving skills or a superior handling machine is quite a lame excuse for breaking the law.

Jay, I have neither. I am at best average and drive one of the larger vehicles on the road. No excuses, just the reality of driving in one of the largest urban areas in the country.
Even with that I do get tired of getting wadded up in a convoy of folks following a mobile roadblock. Way to many people are flat dangerous when they drive. Until we are trained to drive and everyone learns that it is a privilege and not a God given right, I doubt that it will get any better out there.
It never ceases to astound me (to get back to GSRs original beef) how many people are COMPLETELY oblivious to those that surround them. In this hyper aware PC environment you would think that everyone would be focusing on the needs of others like they pretend to profess ...


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
:thumb: Nice summation.

Todd Turner

Dec 24, 2000
I used to live in L.A. and kind of enjoyed the jammin' all the time pace. However, I found So. Cal. to be comprised of one waiting line after another. Line at the bank, line at the store, line at the... It amazes me that lines seem to come grinding to a halt whenever I get in them. Fast food places are the worst. Same for Walmart. Its like I have a magnetic attraction that sucks all the MBA (measurable brainwave activity) right out of the clerks so that they turn into babbling idiots who can only do one thing at a time and only in slow motion.

One of my biggest dreads is going to the DMV for license or registration errands. But, I have learned a failproof trick that brings smooth sailing! Take a magazine (better yet two or three) that you really, really want to read. Take some work that you need a good long time to study. Go in with the expectation of getting some good "study" time in. Sure enough, the wait will be 10% of the standard wait.

This works a little when in line at Wally World but not nearly as well as at the DMV.

I'm getting to where I can take the delays in stride. There must be a reason why I'm not going as quickly as I wanted to. Maybe I'm safer right here, right now. Still has large vacuum, though.
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