
Nov 6, 2002
I just got a 97 YZ250 and dont have the owners manual. Im new to 2 strokes as well. I was wondering how to check the oil? I see the fill plug on the engine near the kickstart..but no dipstick to check the oil level?
Also I was wondering how much oil the engine holds? Is 10W-40 OK to use?

Guess I need to find a 97 YZ250 manual somewhere..but any help would be cool. Thanks!


Nov 6, 2002
OK..never mind this question. Just found out that 2 strokes dont have engine oil!?!
Im a previous 4 stroke thumper...converted to 2 stroke...still learning...

any other 2 stroke engine tips appreciated!


Sep 15, 2000
If you just bought it, plan on replacing all the fluids. I wouldn't even bother checking the oil, just change it. Clean the air filter, change the oil, might want to check the linkage/steering head bearings and grease them. It probably hold 850ml's or so. And there is no dipstick. There might be a clear plastic window that shows you the level of the oil on the right side clutch cover. (just guessing here, cause my buddy's KX has it)...

Do yourself a favour and pick up a Clymer manual for your bike. It has all the maintanence and specs for your bike.

Have fun!!!!!! :aj:


Nov 17, 2001
Do yourself another favor...get a good funnell. Can you believe where the oil filler is on this bike? I curse mine at every tranny oil change. I have been using the Yamaha 4 10-40 wt and it is working well in my 97 YZ.


Oct 16, 2000
ok here's the down low on this bike, Rcannon has the exact same model so he is your go to guy for anything, I have a 98 Yz 250 that is the same engine. I'm sure you already have found out that the fill hole for the tranny is directly under the exhaust pipe, if you can't get it off with your fingers then use a pair of pliers, to fill the engine with oil, a little trick I use is to get a large syringe. The kind used for pets. And keep filling the syringe and injecting it into the hole. Put a whole 750ml into it no matter what the oil level check hole says. Because of that I am not going to tell you where the oil level check bolt is, you'll never find it. Have fun, and you were a little confused with the engine oil thing. Two strokes use oil in their transmissions to lubricate the gears and the clutch. the oil you put in the gas lubricates the cylinder and the crank as well. But they do use oil.
Jul 12, 2000
I use Mobil 1 15-50. I also dump in the whole quart with no problems. The filler hole is a pain to get to, and the oil check hole is just as bad (near the brake lever, I dont even use it). You cant go wrong with the Mobil 1.


Nov 17, 2001
I did not even know there was an oil check bolt. To fill my bike with oil I use a old gear oil container with the long spout. I then slide a piece of clear vinyl tubing over it and insert it in the filler.

Dump the entire quart in (946cc's) figure 100cc's leaking out and it is perfect!


Oct 16, 2000
yeah, the oil check bolt is directly behind the brake lever...(oops I gave it away)..yeah really! you have to take the whole brake lever off to check the oil level! Talk about smart planning on yamaha's part:-). Nice discussion guys.


Nov 17, 2001
I found some tapes of the actual factory discussion on location the oil holes on this bike..."One Hung has been drinking too much Saki, but is so close to retirement. Let him work on the YZ project, but nothing important. Give him the powervalve stop system and the oil filler areas. He cannot hurt anything there." "He has never forgiven himself for the 1982 radiator placement"


Oct 16, 2000
:) :) :) :) :thumb: ROFLMAO!


Nov 17, 2001
I love my bike and hate making fun of it, but that oil hole is nuts. I can look at it and see it is a bad idea. How could an engineer do that? Drugs , alcohol, other problems, What gives?


Oct 16, 2000
Oh Oh Oh I think I have it...... They had to place the oil filler cap there to properly distribute the weight of the bike..thus making the center of gravity in the ideal spot!!! Because you know that they wouldn't do that intentionally now would they;)


Nov 27, 2001
The above info is spot on. youi can order an OEM Yamaha manual from your dealer. It's def worth it as the stock Yammy manuals are like Service Manuals.
One thing to watch out for w/this model is 3rd gear. Me & 4 friends had this bike, and 3 of us had 3rd gear break. Mine went after 30 hours & grenaded the tranny to the tune of $750! Ouch! Yamaha would never admit it, but they upgraded the replacement 3rd gear (much beefier!). The '98 YZ came w/ the upgraded parts. Hopefully, you got one of the good ones. Spin your rear wheel on the stand, if you hear a clicking sound inside near the countershaft, you my want to split the cases for piece of mind.
Good luck!


Nov 17, 2001
As a seperate question on this bike, do the bikes make a different sound with the clutch in vs out? Mine is slightly noisy with no load on the clutch. The basket is a Hinson and all other parts check out ok. The clutch works well, just this slightly rough noise without a load on it. Do you think it is anything to worry about?


Nov 17, 2001
Thanks Ken, I dont know if mine always did this or not. I noticed it after installing the Hinson Basket. By the way, it took a lot of swearing to install that. The removal of the stock gear is incredible!


Nov 6, 2002
had a really good day of riding!!

so i did listen to the clutch and when in neutral with the clutch pulled in...if i let it out...i do hear a difference in noise. however...i think its normal. i have noticed similar noises on cars (throw out bearing noise?)

cause with the clutch lever pulled in..the clutch is off and when you let it out...the clutch plates are rubbing and its you should hear a little difference...if it really starts to roar..its proabably the throw out bearing going bad (at least on a car it is...who knows on a 2 stroke) maybe someone else could clairify for us?

thanks! -ken


Nov 17, 2001
Ken, thanks! I appreciate this. Mine does not sound bad..just different. I may change the bearing and sleeve just to be safe! Tahnks again!
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