Help - KDX250 power valve question


May 23, 2000
Hello All,

I just replaced the rubber boot at the power valve cover on my KDX250. Now I have a question about re-assembly of the power valve arm and valve rod...

When the power valve on a KDX250 opens, does the governor rod go in or out to actuate the valves? I haven't run the bike without the cover, but I'm guessing it moves "out"...

I was surprised that there was no "keying" on the governor shaft coming out of the case to help you align the lever (like on a KDX200)... I held the valve shaft "in" (side valves closed) and put the lever in place and tightened the nut on the shaft coming out of the case... sound OK? I rode the bike and it seems OK to me. Please advise... soon!:eek:


Brett Lamb

Aug 16, 1999
Power Valve

Hi kmx125r

Everthing is all good if it feels ok when u ride !
I did mine not so long ago and i did much the same as u did to replace that rubber boot.;)


May 23, 2000

Brett and Spanky...

Thanks for the replies...

Brett, yes, my "seat-of-the-pants" dyno felt OK, but it was good to get the "official" word from Spanky!

Thanks guys!

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