Hey, a newbie here!


Mod Ban
May 7, 2002
Hey all! Hows it goin?
I am a newbie here, but I have seen the posts a few times before.
I guess I should ask a question...oh yeah, I have an 89 KDX200, which hauls ass quite nicely,:aj: but was just wondering if there are any mods out there that I should do, that is recommended.

ALSO- what is involved in cleaning out the power valve? Any links? I know it needs to be done because it has practically no power off the bottom, then it rips like hell on top. I fear what the STOCK piston looks like!

Thanks for any replies! :p :)


Apr 30, 2002
i just changed the valves on my 94 it wasnt to bad it only cost me about 100 dollars to replace all of them
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