Dec 2, 2003
Pop got his new pacemaker installed today without a hitch. He was moved out of IC this afternoon to a normal room. He should be given a clear bill of health to go home tomorrow :cool:

Doc said that his new electronics are set to kick in at anything lower than 60bpm and has a built in rev limiter at 120bmp. How cool is that.

I just got home around 8:00tonight and headed right over to the folks house to snowblow out there driveway and turn on the water / hot water heater for when they get home tomorrow. My dad can hardly wait to get out of that hospital bed and back on his feet. We left the folks truck there so Mom can drive them back tomorrow

I cannot tell you how happy I am to be out of that fricking hospital. As some know I have a deep seated hatred of hospitals. To spend all weekend at one just about peaked my ****-o-meter :bang: When I heard the nurse tell my dads roomate that they were going to install a catherder....I was outta there woosh..... :ohmy:

Thanks for all the well wishes guys. :cool:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Made me queasy just reading about it Don!!!! I think I am going to pu................
Seriously Bro, glad to hear the GREAT news about your Father!! Sounds like he got the good one if it has a rev limiter. I am with you on the hospital though, there are only a few things that will get me back into one and you just experienced one of them (having someone you love being there)!!
Now,,,,,,, is it time to celebrate yet?? Horseshoe has got to have about 8 inches of the fluffliest, softest ground imaginable AND while you were out - WOLFY got a new bike and says he can whip your BUTT and that you ride like a grandma..!!!! :nod:
Not that I would ever stir the pot :fft: :blah:

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
I'm with you on the deep sick feeling hospitals give you, and I work in one six day's a week! That's great news on your father!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 3, 2002
Don, Im glad to hear your father is all right.


Dec 2, 2003
Im all for a ride this weekend. I have to do some bike work this week I guess.

I felt like a squater this weekend at the hospital. We were camped at any spot with a chair. Catching a few minutes of sleep wherever I would find a flat spot. The cafatere folks were really cool. I dont know how but they some how knew that we were from out of town and gave us free food and drink tickets. Super nice folks.

As nice as that hospital is.....I told one of the nurses that "this is a really nice place with super nice people...but if I never see this place again it will be too soon!!!"


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 9, 2004
YZMAN400 said:
Im all for a ride this weekend.
Well good to hear everything worked out. I am having riding withdrawls and could use a ride myself. Just need to get my head back and the motor together. Looks like no more snow the rest of the week and maybe even 30+ degree weather for Saturday.


Sep 22, 2004
its good to hear your pop is doing well.

im out for a ride this weekend being my bad luck black cloud has once again struck......... yep we are realy slow and guess whos the guy most recently hired, yep i got laid off today. but i kinda saw it comming as nobody has had a 40 hour or even a good 35 hour week in a month or more.

well anybody got any side jobs they need done, or better yet any open positions where they work, for say a electrician, or maintenance.


Dec 2, 2003
I need a new porch light installed. But I dont really want to have to bang on the wall to get it to come on :yikes: Cool if your Fonzi but not for me :laugh:


Dec 2, 2003
Godzuki said:
hehehehe hahaaha yea thats funny, it will cost you some oberon and gas money hehe.

Not your truck. For the cost that it would take to get your truck to Muskegon I could hire a REAL electrician :nener:


Sep 22, 2004
hehehe haha your still funny ............................................................................................................................................................................... looking hehe :nener:

and no you couldnt afford a electrician, you would have to take out a second morgage to fund the trucks gas bill. :bang:

well i have drummed up 2 interviews tomorrow and one next week, well see cross your fingers, dont walk under ladders, stay away from black cats, and dont mock the large black clound above me :yikes:


Dec 2, 2003
I thought about stopping by as I drove down the highway past new hudson in 5:00 rush hour traffic. next time I will definately flop there.

Hmmm speaking of that I may have to talk to ya about a possible flop at your place next month. Ill e-mail ya tomorrow.
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