Hitch mount carriers...

joe neff

May 6, 2003
My low-buck solution was to buy a hitch hauler from Harbor Freight ($32 on sale) that is rated for 500lbs. I bought 2 6ft lengths of 1.5" wide angle iron at Home Depot ($8 each) and welded up a frame that I bolted to the hitch hauler. I bought 2 more 1" angles and welded up a loading ramp. Painted the whole thing with Hammertite and went riding. I'm driving a '89 Bronco and hauling a '82 YZ250. The bike clears the rear spare tire and there is room on the hitch hauler for a gas can.


May 3, 2001
After seeing shipping costs of almost $50, I did like others here and built my own. I used a buddy's store-bought one as a reference and replicated it for $45 plus $12 in paint (used the spray on bedliner stuff and it's great!). Of course you need to have and know how to use a MIG welder and a saw that can accurately cut the miter joints in the steel.

I even made a ramp for my buddy as thanks for letting me use his as reference (must have been an option he didn't get since the mount points were on it). Buddy's like it so much I built a couple more and they work great.


Oct 8, 2003
hey gixer I'm going to make my own rack after seeing yours it looks very well made,by the pictures it looked like it is held together by bolts only. were bolts enough to make it solid or did you weld at some spots? I have access to a welder if needed.It also looks like you used an aluminum track is this right? could you give me some pointers like the lenght of the tube going into the reciver,the type of materials(metals,bolts) you used,and a rough estimate on time and money and how much you think your rack weights?Thanks


Aug 12, 2001
I will take some measurements for you on my rack. There is some welding done on it. It bolts together using some grade 8 hardware. This thing is solid and works like a champ. The rail is aluminum. I don’t know about the weight I am very bad with that. The one thing with the aluminum is it tends to flex not up and down but makes the bike flex side to side. I took care of this with 1 extra strap. I used aluminum to keep the weight down as my XR400 is on the heavy side and I did not want to add to much weight. I will give you more details on it tomorrow after I measure it out for you. I will tell you what though I took my KX125 on a trip with me and put about 1300 miles on with it back there and I would almost forget its there.
More info this weekend for you.


Mar 20, 2002
The Add a Bike looks like the rack I bought direct from the manufacturer. The concept is fine but the light weight is because the materials aren't strong enough. The arm that slide up and down can easilt defore, doesn't slide so well after that. And the verticle bar slides into a a square tube, that on mine is all cracked and needed reinforcement. Perhaps MX South isn't aware or maybe it has been fortified but buyer beware.


Aug 12, 2001
just click on it....if not just highlight it and copy it. then past it in the address spot in you window and hit go. It should work that way


Oct 8, 2003
Hey Gixer thanks for taking the time to measure the rack I finally found all the stuff I need and should be getting to put it together soon I"ll post pics when is finished. Thanks a lot


Aug 12, 2001
Hey jjcobra99 I would not rule out making one. Even with paying some one to weld one piece for you it is far less expenssive than buying one.
I dont know if you saw my link above but check it out its easy to do.


Aug 12, 2001
Hey dr516
No problem. I hope it works out for you. Its real easy to do and works great.


Nov 26, 2003
I would like to build my own hitch mount carrier as well but...i have a class II hitch on a Ford Taurus SHO. The tongue weight is 300#. I ride an RM250. Can this be done? I feel the hitch is strong enough to support bike. Will the car sag too much in back (bottom out)? Thanks!


Aug 12, 2001
Most I have seen said to have a rating of 500lbs for the hitch. As far as bottoming out I guess that depends on the condition of your car.


Nov 26, 2003
When you said 500 lbs max, was that for class II hitches? If so, I'm stoked. As far as the car goes...struts are pretty soft now (122 miles). I won't hesitate to put stiff struts on! Thanks gixer!


Aug 12, 2001
Sorry I was talking about the rack. I think a class III is 500lbs. what type of bike are you taking? My KX only weighs 220lbs wet.