Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
A couple of guys that I work with called and wanted me to join them at the 500. I needed to ride so I agreed. What an awsome day. The traction was as good as it gets. The ground was moist, a few dusty spots and the usual mudholes but no big deal. It was hot though.
We did the Red loop and 75% race pace. One of the guys "claimed" he was slow. He stayed upright most of the time but took a few obligatory soil samples. We backed the pace down about 1/2 way and took a few breaks. After a long break in the pit area and a few gallons of water we hit the Blue loop. What a blast. We hauled butt, did a little dicing with one another and really picked up the pace. The same guy took another soil sample a 1/2 mile from the pits so we just putted back in and called it a good day.
As usual, someone cut the lock off the gate this morning but it will be replace tomorrow.
Does anyone think that $25.00 per year is too much to pay to be able to ride 365 days a year? Most people are paying more than that to fill the gas tank once.
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