Dudes, Store your bike in the winter??? come on, what are you going to do when you call out from work cause of the snow? I dont you will have to worry to much about the coolant if it will never get below 50 degrees either. Finding TDC is easy as has been said but I would skip the straw in the spark plug hole thing, when you kick it over and can go no furter with out using the decomp lever, your close enough to TDC and your valves are closed. Useing Stabil is a great idea, otherwise, youll have to drain the tank and the carb. I know some people when storing a bike, for a long time, will over fill the crank case with oil, to the top, to keep the tranny gears from rusting from moisture.
I also recomend plugging the exhaust and removing the seat and air box lid. Little rodents LOVE to make a home in your bikes airbox for the winter and they seem to often think that your airfilter makes very nice and convienent nesting when shredded up, I have tried blocking the airbox off but ultimatly, they git in there, the best defense I have found is to leave the airbox lid off and the seat off and then its not to their liking, NO ROOF!!! Maybe a plastic bag around your air filter to help keep moisute out too.
Oh yeah, if your storing it for a long time, also using a zip tie to take a bit of preasure off the clutch to prevent the pack form rusting or freezing togeter but not enough to cause the springs to compress. Ive had to pull clutch packs on bikes that were stored for years out and wach the disk apart from the plates, oil them and reinstall them.
Honestly the only thing I would do to a bike that was going to be stored for a year is stabil the fuel and secure the exhaust and intake from rodents.