The longest track jump I've measured was a 70' tabletop, top of face to top of descent. 3rd gear pinned on a 250 to clear it.
I've hit other jumps that were longer but didn't feel as 'big', didn't seem to shoot up as high.
I overjumped a 55ft. tabletop an an XR250 once, it was ugly. My right boot got jammed between the clutch cover and the footpeg, I couldn't pull it out. I had to unstrap my boot and remove my foot before I could unjam my boot.
Next time we're at that track, I want to launch the XR over the 70 footer.
I've hit other jumps that were longer but didn't feel as 'big', didn't seem to shoot up as high.
I overjumped a 55ft. tabletop an an XR250 once, it was ugly. My right boot got jammed between the clutch cover and the footpeg, I couldn't pull it out. I had to unstrap my boot and remove my foot before I could unjam my boot.
Next time we're at that track, I want to launch the XR over the 70 footer.