The first time:
1.) High-sided in a NASTY, off camber, rooty, slippery corner with my knee bent under me. Felt a pop, quit the race, was swollen in 10 min.
2.) 6 wks later looped out, stepped off the back, leg bowed outward at the knee. MAJOR pop, major pain, can't support weight, etc.
3.) -have already scheduled surgery by this time-went for a quick joyride on brand new CRF450, this was RIGHT when they came out. Pivoted on bad knee to swing leg over seat, knee collapses.
Had surgery 10/31/01. Torn ACL, MCL and meniscus.
This fall, I merely fell down on it--was out at the bar (but not drunk) and just fell down, leg bowed outward, felt the familiar pop. Surgery 10/17/03 on other leg.
So drinking and dancing is as dangerous as riding! It's been proven! LOL
I ride in the Asterisks, both my knee surgeons and therapists examined and approved them. I won't go without them. I also snowboard in them. Maybe I should wear them to the bar next time.