Hi guys! It's good to be back. I can't believe Dennis hasn't been on here to let you all know that our precious little bundle is finally here:( GeeWiz and I thought he was a proud daddy. (Hurrican) Hannah was born on Aug. 12th at 12:07pm. Weighing in at 8lbs 12.5oz. and being 22" long:scream: Good thing that part is over!! She was only 11 days late. I guess she had to be like her brother ans sister and have her birthday on the same day of the month. June 12th, July 12th, and now Aug.12th. Cool huh. Now I guess it's another pink dirtbike. I can't wait to get back on my bike, that is if Dennis gets it back together. I did post this on the women Forum but figured Dennis would post over here(guess not). If you would like to see her pic. check out; http://www.growingfamily.com/webnursery/babypage.asp?URLID=2Z7H8T2E5B