I keep hearing about this "attitude"


2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999
Originally posted by nikki

And we are also quick to jump on people who don't do things "right" around DRN. For example, if someone posts twice (because they didn't know which was the better spot to post), or if someone posts a question that was discussed in the past (and they didn't know there was a search function or they weren't able to find what they wanted with the search), or they ask something basic and feel that they get teased or belittled, etc....

I know that that guy with the .. lets see yellow avitar and the palying cards still "moderates"  me. :moon: :laugh: Sorry Ivan :confused: But you know I'm not sure that I know all the rules yet , my problem... but then, oh well. I sometimes still wonder what forum to post to, as more then one seem  to apply . Hey it's my little world  but Ivan still trys to bring me into the big wide world web! But I don't care if my post is moved ...  but I understand if you are new to something that you are bound to be a little more sensitive to outside input , noise, or jugment .. you pick the name. But then isn't the correct way to deal with it ( and god I hate this answer) education?  Maybe a little ditty before they can post that states the basic rules and the fact that thir post will be moved edited or deleated based on the content and measured against the rules. And also maybe an additional statement about hey don't worry, we all make mistakes( corny, but also a postive reinforcement thing) but lets try to learn from them.



PS This post makes me feel... I don't know like a Democrat :|

Sorry election year humor!

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by kmccune
This post makes me feel... I don't know like a Democrat :|

Sorry election year humor!


15 post penalty for trying to hijack the thread !!!! :laugh:


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Originally posted by Tony Eeds
Some folks (like Madearthworm) hit the site and haven't looked back. Others stumble. The first post is always the worst, getting shot down only makes magnifies the fear. Some folks are dorks and will never figure it out, some are worth the time.

My first post was a spam of some crap I wanted others to see. Ivan closed my thread. I felt like he jumped on me pretty hard. At the time, I felt that way. Now, I see that what I posted was deemed, and was, crap. It wasnt as curt as I felt it to be. We went back and forth, and I got stupid and fought with him, but we were able to hash it out and make it all OK.

Im still here, and Im stupider than most. There are some here that prolly wish I would have bolted, but I just knew I had to spread the word of Milk all around this country... ;)

When I read a post that has been closed, or see a thread where a Mod has chimed in, I giggle, cuz I know just how the person will feel. Its not that bad though. At first, it seems rude, mean, or crappy. After a bad poster thinks about it, it will make sense.

Im not sure how to fix it, but I dont think the DRN peeps are rude. We just know how it needs to be and how things work around here.

As my good buddy William James once said, "The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind."


Jun 5, 2001
We are all on track on this one, cept for 89er, he just rambles. We need to be more inviting from now on. Share the DRN jet and bus and so on. We can have "Bring your kid to DRN day" or give away free cookies or something. Face it, we are all friends and get defensive when someone chimes in but we have to keep in mind that they might really want to be a part of this group too. I am in love with Milk and 89er really is my grandpa and Pred is nice. ;)


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
How about mini-Mods, or just STM that look for certain posts by peeps that might not know how things are done around here?

If someone other than a "DRN cop" jumped in a thread early, the poster might not feel like they are being "jumped on" or "reprimanded."

I, for one, am on the boards a lot of the time during the day. There are quite a few others that are as well. I could look for peeps that might need to be steered in the right direction, all the while giving them a loving attitude and friendly computer smile.

What we think?

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by a454elk
and Pred is nice. ;)

Elk - No one likes a suck up. :moon:


Sponsoring Member
Mar 6, 2002
It's funny that this subject has come up. I have been absent for quite a few months with only the occasional quick check to see what's going on and not much active participation. When I resumed regularly following what was going on, I noticed a slight "shift" in the "tone" of DRN. I have struggled to put my finger on what it is but I noticed that I was more careful about posting due to this perception. I got the feeling that any replies were going to be more "terse" than I remember, yet I couldn't find a specific example of what I'm talking about.

The is a certain confidence (or arrogance) that comes from being part of the "in crowd". It reassures you that you won't be stomped on if you post something that lacks net-iquette.


Jun 2, 2002
I think Nikki mentioned something important that might be overlooked: The Avatars.

I remember when I first joined up, thinking the Avatar folks were the coolest kids on the block. I know that sounds kinda funny but seriously, that is how it seems to an outsider. It didn't bother me much at all but I would think to some it could seem unfair that some get "cool" avatars and others don't.

Don't get me wrong and take this as asking for an Avatar because that is not my point at all. However, it might make things easier if all subscribers could make an avatar for themselves. I know on "other" sites people are allowed to make their own.

Just a thought.

Pile on! :)


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
I think IMHO has eloquently stated a lot of truth. There has definitely been a "shift" of whatever you want to call it. From my own perspective, I find that I post more and more often in the Support Team Forum because I feel more "at ease" in here. I don't post as much in the General or Off Topic forums and maybe other regular posters have been doing the same thing, contributing to the overal "shift". I've seen a few new posters also have their posts unanswered and I feel bad about that at times too. I recall the very first time I posted (Ohhhh....nearly 2000 babbling posts ago ;) ) I PRAYED that someone would answer my post and therefore validate my thoughts.

There is so much to be gained here on DRN in general. I think Milk and Tony Eeds have the right idea, if we all got a little more interactive and became more welcoming it might shift this paradigm.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I think I'll just go kick Rich a bit, not feed him his MetRx for a few days and tell him every newbie is a proponent of mixing AV fuel with the cheapest organic oil at Walmart at 60:1. Now THAT would be a welcome wagon! ;)


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
I'll disagree with the avatar thing. Besides the fact that I like that you have to earn an avatar, the other aspect of it that I like is this is the one MX board I can surf at work and not worry about the softcore porn avatars and signatures.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by kmccune

Sorry Ivan :

Don't worry. Some forums have their own rules so if you do not frequent the forum too often you can get confused. Also, when you are active in one forum you get the feeling everyone knows you but sometimes if you venture off to a different one things can seem different.

It's all good.



Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by GETMETOCA
I think IMHO has eloquently stated a lot of truth. There has definitely been a "shift" of whatever you want to call it.

From my experience here and on other boards that is normal. It is part of being involved in the site for a while then the "newness" or something wears off and you feel a little different.

It is normal.


Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
At the risk of being NON-PC I'd like to say F'Em :)

No one in recent memory who asks a sincere question or tries to communicate is turned away or given a bad time here. I have about 13000 posts, but I've probably moved 3 times that many and delted 3 times that many posts from users who were acting rude, posting painfully useless drivel, or generally just wasting bandwidth like they do on countless other boards.

Do we have an attitude about people who :

A) parrot bad info from bad sources or try to shovel BS in an effort to appear knowledgeable?

B) make no effort to try and communicate their thoughts, instead speaking in some sort street gibberish to show they have cred ? (I'd give anything to drag these idiotic poser ass-wipes on a page-out call with me in a REAL GANGSTER neighborhood just to watch them cower in the back seat as they piss their pants)

C) try to use DRN for nothing but their own gainfull purposes while returning nothing to the site that might help it grow or prosper?

D) people who treat this place like it's just another fly-by-night half assed low rent jerkweed filled Red bikes rule and Blue Bike drool chat board?

The answer to these and many other similar questions is clearly YES. We do have an attitude, and it's one I hope will never change. Having the attitude that signal to noise ratio is more important then pure volume is worth protecting at all costs. I feel incredibly fortunate to have built the close friendships I have through this place, and it's clear to me that if it was just another forum that never could have happened. People who are passionate about the things that are dear to them tend to be far more interesting to be around then the apathetic masses we deal with day to day. With passion comes the occasional misinterpretation of intent, especially when ASCII is the medium.

Maybe things are different for me, but every place or group setting that ever became really important to me came with it a period where I felt like I needed to learn the local customs and adjust MY thinking a bit to fit in. In every case it has proven to be worthwhile and riding out the early moments with a thicker then normal skin proved an advantage.

We'll always have people who are too thin skinned for their own good, and with it we'll always have the failings of ASCII to deal with when we try communicate with new users. The wise ones will ask for clarification or try again without taking things personal, the foolish ones will take it personal and potentially miss out on an amazing community of people. Life is tricky that way. DRN follows life in oh so many ways.
Last edited:


Jun 5, 2001
Rich is nice too. :)

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by Rich Rohrich
... One last thought. If memory serves correctly this guy rockrider is a user who got the boot long long ago and re-registered under the rockrider name. He has a bad habit of bitching for no good reason, so take his views with a grain of salt.

I believe Rich is correct. People may change their name, but they are usually dumb enough to stay in the same state. We don't get many visitors from AK.

Can't say I disagree with anything Rich said. How about posting those thoughts as part of the FAQ? Let them know up front where we stand! :laugh:


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Originally posted by mrmodine
However, it might make things easier if all subscribers could make an avatar for themselves. I know on "other" sites people are allowed to make their own.
Nope... we aint opening that can of worms. The uniqueness of the avatars on DRN is that they are personal... at least I try to make them that way, ie. Tony Eeds, the Lifesaver. By allowing people to make their own we also expose ourselves to the headache of reformating different sizes, file formats and... ummm... undesireable or inappropriate designs. Ultimately it is Okie's call but I think he'll back me on this one.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by GETMETOCA
. . . shift this paradigm.
I usually double clutch when I shift paradigms.

And elk, I'm not nice. I hear I'm dead inside.


Jan 27, 2000
Originally posted by a454elk
Rich is nice too. :)

I heard he was a poo poo head. :confused:

Way to go Rich. I like your attitude. :thumb: :worship:

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
One quick thought on the Avatars.

I have keys to the gym I've been working out at for the last 24 years. Yanno how I got them? I worked (and I do mean WORKED) at 18 powerlifting meets, repaired and welded a bunch of equipment for the place, wrote the program that runs the membership list, showed up everytime the gym used to flood to help clean up, and help police the place to make sure the people who are in there actually have a valid card and don't abuse the equipment. In other words I EARNED MY KEYS.

Anyone out here can earn an avatar, and as long as Thump is willing to do the hard work I see no reason to change things.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Earning something? That goes against the idea that the Internet is free and people should get what they want because they want it. :think:


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by Rich Rohrich

Anyone out here can earn an avatar,

Exactly. I agree more than you can realize.

The Avatars are unique the way DRN does it. I consider them to be so important that you will never see me nominating anyone who is a friend / riding buddy. They have to earn it by their actions on DRN, not b/c they know somebody.



Jun 2, 2002
Originally posted by Rich Rohrich
One quick thought on the Avatars.

I have keys to the gym I've been working out at for the last 24 years. Yanno how I got them? I worked (and I do mean WORKED) at 18 powerlifting meets, repaired and welded a bunch of equipment for the place, wrote the program that runs the membership list, showed up everytime the gym used to flood to help clean up, and help police the place to make sure the people who are in there actually have a valid card and don't abuse the equipment. In other words I EARNED MY KEYS.

I see your point there Rich but I think if you want to use that analogy it would have more bearing on someone becoming a moderator...with the keys to the place.

Originally posted by Patman
That goes against the idea that the Internet is free and people should get what they want because they want it.

Remember, I said the subscribers. They have already contributed some $$$ so its not totally free to them anyway.

Originally posted by Truespode
The Avatars are unique the way DRN does it. I consider them to be so important that you will never see me nominating anyone who is a friend / riding buddy. They have to earn it by their actions on DRN, not b/c they know somebody.

I'm glad to hear you wouldn't nominate a friend/riding buddy and I agree with that decision. The issue is: Who decides who gets the avatars?

Obviously, those who already have the avatars. The "in" crowd. The "cool" kids. I'm sure to some it would appear as a DRN Fraternity/Sorority.

Again, I couldn't give a rats ass who gets an avatar and who doesn't. I'm just trying to point out a possible reason for the sentiments being posted.


Dec 31, 1969
The moderators decide who get avatars (nominate and vote).
When Thump has time, he makes them.

No way will we ever allow folks to upload their own.. not becuase they aren't "special" but becuase we build them all to have a certain look and quality. Check out some of the other boards that allow it.

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