
Aug 29, 2007
Lastnight I could not get my bike to start or even fire at all. The last time I put it away it ran like a dream. I know my jetting is set pretty close, my timing is ok. I finally got it to fire and it died. It seemed to fire for a longer period each time I got it running. Finally she got warmed up enough to run. Off and on it would run really strong then die for no reason. It sputtered like it was missing a fire, ran like crap. Tried to kickstart it 1 too many times. My kickstarter snapped. :bang: After I did that I walked away, drank a beer, and cooled off. Then I went back too it and pulled off the flywheel. My magneto looks to be burnt up or as if it has gotten very hot. the white wrap that they used on it was dark brown. So I have on order a new magneto, and a new kicklever assembly. Am I attacking this correctly or should I be looking at what caused the magneto to get so hot? Possibly the igniter coil?

Oh yeah this is on my 97 KDX220R
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