kdx 220 for hare scrambles?


Mar 18, 2001
i m gonna do hare scrambles next year. i m thinking will the kdx 220 be a good bike for hare scrambles. i look at the kdx220 becasue of its price. i love the price and with that price 3995 i can get a couple mods for it once i buy the bike. i will be coming off a ttr 125L and i learn very very fast learned how to ride on the ttr in 15 mins. but anyway will the kdx suit me well, 5'9 134lbs. i was thinking to try out the hare scrambles with my ttr but i said i might break the little bike. please give me some info on how the kdx220 is and what to do to it for hare scrambles. also i will be jumping it not on anythink super big and trail riding.


Mar 23, 2001
I've ridden both TTR125L and I have a KDX220. They are night and day different machines. I think you'll love the KDX once you get used to it. But make sure you have some practice time in there first. The KDX is a big step from something like that TTR. Wait until you hit the powerband in 3rd gear and you pull your first wheelie. It'll take some time to wipe the grin off your face.:cool:

Oh yeah, to answer your question. The 220 is ideal for scrambles.



Jan 17, 2001
I wanted to do the same thing so I bought the 200. This way I can race in the 200 class and not have to race against the 250's. Just a thought. The 250 classes are huge.

joe woj

Oct 29, 1999
if your plan is to hare scramble the 200 is the ticket, "keeps you out of the 250 class" but this wood weapon gives 250 power with some simple mods like a fmf pipe air box and jetting, the downside is that if your more than about 145 lbs you will need to do a bit of stiffening to the suspention, this bike is the most bang for your bike trail bike out there period!:eek:


Jun 7, 1999
A couple of things about the 220; first, it does NOT have power anything like a 250 at any engine speed. Trust me, I've been there and done that. The truth is, that a 250 will shred the 220, even if the 220 has port work. This, however, can be a GOOD thing; a 250 can be a brute in the woods, whereas the 220 can be more co-operative.
Second, forget all those fears about racing the 250's. In MN, we have some fast woods riders. In the C & B classes, the fastest guys are typically aboard 200's and most often 125's! Often times, these guys are fresh from the mini classes, where they've been shooting roostertails for the past few years. I would suggest to buy the 220 to get away from those up and coming young hot shoes on 125's. Besides, if you feel a 220 would be more appropriate for you to ride, then ride one and forget the score card.

Now to the original question... If you search this forum, and check the JustKDX site, you will find a wealth of info to help you decide.


Jun 20, 2001
Made my first attempt at a Hare Scramble three weeks ago..and I am 33 yrs old.....Entered the beginner class..Open D...All sizes up to 250's..Got blown away!! Beginners my butt!!! Any way my KDX 200 handled just fine ...I was the weak link....Can't wait to do it again! I will catch them eventually.....

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