kdx forks with rebound,midvalve,compression who does this ?


Apr 13, 2002
Are these worth getting done if you alreadey have gold valves front and rear. will i notice any significant performance over fredett gold valves.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
I have them


A better question is are you happy with your suspension now? If not and you have the money then try the MX Tech treatment. I can tell you having the rebound adjustment has helped me go faster this season over last season because I can tune the bike to handle better. As far as a comparison between the Gold Valves and the MX Tech stuff I can't tell you because I didn't do them with gold valves first. I can tell you that MX Tech has top knotch products and service, highly regarded and works well...at least for me. The midvalves make for a smooth transition through the stroke and I don't feel any harshness even though I set my suspensiuon on the firm side so I can go fast. (in my mind anyway!) I suspect that if rode a sotck suspended KDX with just stiffer fork springs that I'd be scared to death to try some of the tihings I do now. I hope this helps, but I suspect it's a concern over spending money and thats a personal decision you must make because you'll never get a return on it when you sell your bike. But for me I live to today....I'll worry about resale later.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
I think it would be best if you called them for prices, I don't want to mis quote them because I forgot now. It also depends what you have had done to the forks previously. For me this was the second time MX Tech worked on my forks so I also had them change oilk, seals and bushes too. I think it took them 2 weeks because he was waiting for parts - so he may be quicker now. Call him and discuss it with him.
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