kdx200 or ktm200exc


Feb 24, 2004
Hey its me again wit another bike comparison.I just posted a thread a few days ago about whether i should get a kdx 200 or 220.But before i go ahead and get the kdx 200 i was wondering if i should consider a ktm 200exc.I dont know much about ktm's except that they are supposed to be great bikes.But i also heard they are pretty expensive to repair and i'm not to good at repairing bikes.
I have to keep it in the $3000 to $4000 price range so it would have to be a used ktm. Any advice on which one to pick? Also i am only 5'6" so if the ktm is any taller than the kdx it might be a problem.Thanks


Dec 30, 2003
The 200exc is a very nie bike. It is also a pretty expensve bike.

In all honesty - they dont cost any more to repair than Japanese bikes. I own a KTM and they are very nice bikes. Their claim to fame is they are practically race ready out of the crate. KDXs take a few dollars in mods to make them competitive.

If you are racing at an A level or even high end of the B's - then the KTM is probably your beter bet. You willpay alot more though.

If you are a C or just looking for an ultra reliable trail bike that can be competitive if you need it to - thee is no better bike than the KDX.

If you dont plan to race at all - then the KTM would be wasting your money. Buy a KDX and use the extra $3k to go riding.

FWIW - the 200exc rides very different than the KDX. It is alot more pipy and demands alot of skill keeping it in the power. The 250exc is a very nice bike with a much more manageable power delivery.

Dont get me wrong - I love my KTM - but ride my KDX alot more. It is just plain fun. If I was going to get serious in off-roading - there is no better bike than the 250exc.

Hope that didnt confuse the issue more.



Jun 14, 2001
Never owned anything other than a 2001 200 Exc KTM. My 200 Exc has provided me many an hour of fun. The bike may have cost a bit more than a KDX upfront but it hasn't cost me a dime more since. Basic maintenance, oil changes, etc. The KTM is built tough and keeps going. I do not ride it as tough as it is designed but is fun every time I take it out. I am 6'3" and adjusted the bars to fit me. Sweet ride without being to much. Plenty of mods including bars, sprocket, pipe and flywheel weight. I ride HS and find it to fit the woods just fine with all the power I need.


Jul 12, 2003
I met up with a couple of KTM riders in the Arizona moutains last winter. They had 200EXC and 300 EXC. I have no idea how much experience either rider had, the 200 seemed to be a bike that had to be kept in the pipe much of the time. The 300 did great. If it was me I would buy the KDX and put the extra cash towards gear etc. I stopped in a KTM dealer in Phoenix a couple of weeks ago, the 200 EXC was $5875! Our local Kawasaki shop has an 04 KDX 200 for $3999 out the door. From what I saw, not worth the 2 grand. Just my 2 cents worth.


Oct 14, 1999
re: had to be kept in the pipe..

Then it was tuned to do that (read, 'tuned fer crap').

I spent a few weekends on a 200exc over the past couple months. It has a DFII and a RB modded carb. The pull off the bottom was perfect. It has a moose 'soft' seat, and it's STILL hard!

It's fast! Faster than the kdx. Without a scotts it's also useless! You'll kill youself.

The narrow-ness..the top-light-ness is a joy to ride. The kdx is a bit of a tank compared.

Like already said, if competition is in your playbook...the exc is much easier to ride much faster.


Jul 14, 2002
I started back on a 250EXC after riding a XL350 for a year (just didn't like the suspension). Damn near killed myself! I hit a tabletop jump not expecting much... well I cleared it by 60 feet and went so high and so far, when I hit it bounced and I was trying to hold on... one of the handles had a throttle on it...so that got turned pretty good too.... needless to say, I looped it out at full throttle.(suspension was setup for a much heavier guy). I was hurtin for certain! Couldn't walk for week and lost my big toenail. Soon after... sold it, bought a KDX and haven't looked back! (Thus the reason for my sig!)

P.S... I now call KTM's KILL THE MAN! :laugh:


Jul 31, 2000
I've had both and would say that moridin has it pegged.
While I really enjoyed the KTM, and loved racing it, I found myself loading the KDX in the truck more often, even for races. I still have the KDX, the KTM is gone.
That does not mean that a KTM 450 isn't in my future :)....yup, its in the future...waaaayyyyy in the future.
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