
Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
** I'm posting this for Darla (KTMster) since she is having some difficulties with DRN being slow. Hope some of you can join in. **

We are planning a trip to Kennedy Meadows the weekend of August 25 & 26. We hope that if you don't already have plans that maybe you can come out & ride/camp with us all for a fun-filled weekend of fun and fellowship with other fellow riders.

Below you will find a list of the folks all definitely going or
contemplating. We hope that we can add your names to those "definitely going!"

Thom & Darla Lyons

Mark Abbatoye & his two boys (Checkers M.C.) Definitely going!
Thom & Darla Lyons (no club) Definitely going!
Alice Bremer (no club) Definitely going!
Dennis & Sheila Patterson (Checkers M.C.) Definitely going!
Kevin, Sue & Amy Hasten (Checkers M.C.) Definitely going!
Dan & Nikki Stoy (no club) Definitely going!
Dean & Tim Alexander (Checkers M.C.) Definitely going!
Victor & Katie Romero (no club) Definitely going!
Eddie (TTRGuy) & Aimee Cser (gospeedracer) Probably going
Buddy & Mary Bosh (Checkers M.C.) ?
George & Frosty Cannon (Badgers' M.C.) ?
Alan & Amy Wright (100's M.C.) ?
Jeff Parker (Lost Angels M.C.) ?
Curt Reeder (Vikings M.C.) ?
Steve Fry (Checkers M.C.) ?

P.S. If you have never been to Kennedy Meadows we have a map that we can fax to you, and if you do not have a fax we can e-mail you the directions. Hope to see you ALL there!


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
I'm a definite mabye!

After all the good thing that were said about KM at the big bear ride it sounds like this is another ride that I should not miss. And now that I am nolonger required to get a kitchen pass I see no reason why I can't join in on the fun.

GSR - How far is it from Los Angeles area and what kind of accommodations are there for tent trash like myself.:)


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
It would be great if you could make it Tony. Eric was up there with us last weekend and had a good time. I believe it took him 3.5 hours from Hollywood.
Fish Creek camp ground is pretty nice and if we can secure one of the larger spots several of us can camp together. Troy Meadows campground is just up the road if Fish Creek gets full. Both campgrounds are improved, there are picnic tables, fire pits, water and restrooms. Drag Eric with ya while you're at it. :)

Originally posted by thumbs
And now that I am nolonger required to get a kitchen pass
:think Is that a good thing or a bad thing?


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Originally posted by gospeedracer
:think Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

At the moment it's a bad thing:( but time heals and in the long run it will be a good thing.:) The worst part is having to sell my home.:( and the best part is all the free time to ride with my other family (DRN).:)

I'll try and see what other So. Cal. DRNers I can drag with me.


Jul 1, 2000
Hmmm, 319mi, 6.5 hr., not to bad. Sounds like a good destination for my Aug. vacation, if there's room on the list for a northerner. A ranger gal faxed me some info, just need to figure out how to get there and what campground every one's staying at.
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Oct 31, 2000
It's a crapshoot whether to take 58 across to Mojave or 178 across Kernville and over to 14/395. The drive across 178 is a bit nicer IMO but if I was towing a trailer I'd go across 58.


scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
I'm pretty sure I'm in. I'll probrably be headingup with thumbs. Does anyone Know the fastest way to go from south OC. I have Yankees tickets on the 24th. so I'd leave early sat am I just have to figure out hong long it'll take and when everyone on else is meeting up. :cool:

Just curious, does anyone know how the fishing is, if any, up there?
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Apr 11, 2001
Originally posted by scar tissue
Does anyone Know the fastest way to go from south OC.

Just curious, does anyone know how the fishing is, if any, up there?

1) Being south of LA, it's best to take the toll road to Corona, then up 15, 395, as opposed to going thru LA.

2) They plant weekly @ the south fork of the Kern near the bridge, >1 mi. west of and perhaps a second spot futher up near the community of Kennedy Meadows.

Another spot (seen several CEO/Orvis type on the way in) is Monache Meadows; again, on the south fork of the Kern (native fish?). A 4WD is needed to get there, although we (legally) rode in on the ATV/ M/C /4WD trail; my wife & I doubled up. When there last month, we scoped all of the trail spurs, and found one spot further back (north) in Monache where you are virtually alone; you'd need a map so I can point it out.

A third option, and my favorite, is Rattlesnake creek via the Rattlesnake M/C trail; there are native golden trout outside of the wilderness, adjacent to the M/C trail! Some friends & I did this in the early 80's - caught our limit (regular trout fishing reulations apply as you are outside of the wildnerness there). They are awfully coloful, but lose some of their luster @ the lower elevations; nonetheless, small stream fishing @ it's best

GSR, Eel: where's our report?


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Originally posted by placelast
GSR, Eel: where's our report?
Not really much to report. Had a great time as usual. Rode more than I have ever ridden in one day. Just over 40 miles on Saturday. I was pretty slow most of the weekend just pokin' along, at one point I actually began to hum to my self. :confused: Rode back of the pack... what am I talking about, "the pack" left me ;) No one played sweep to me this time, which is fine with me but on several stretches of the ride, one in particular, I was riding by myself for days!! Every bend in the trail I expected to see the others resting, waiting for me. Nope. I began to wonder if I was even on the right trail! :eek: I finally got a hold of TTRGuy on the walkie talkie and he assured me they were waiting just up the trail a bit. Had to go up that really rocky section we came down on the way to Monache Meadows during the last ride you led us on up there. :scream:
On the last stretch, Kiwi insisted on riding behind me. (I hate that!) So I figured I better step it up a notch. I didn't want him giving me grief about what a spode I am, "elbows up, yadda, yadda". ;) So I'm really pushing myself flyin down this rocky ass trail. Big mistake, now he tells me he was really impressed, that except for remembering to keep my elbows up I was doing great and that he thinks I'm ready to go on one of his "Kiwi rides"!! Hell No! I'm not crazy!! :p
And as usual it all came to an end too quickly.
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the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
I'm pretty sure I can make those dates... might be able to wrangle Jack into it also.

As far as ride report - here's a quick one:

Got up there early Saturday morn around 1 AM ... saw Kiwi's trailer but he was asleep so I found an open spot and hit the hay. During the night I got out to relieve byself and got freaked out when I heard some very guttural growls about 15 yds. from my truck out there in the pitch black. Next morn I released it wa

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
... realized it was only some dirty old bikers in sleeping bags !

The next hurdle was getting Kiwi to dress - this guy was difficult to motivate so early in the morning - though I guess me being suited up and ready to go at 7 AM was pushing it a bit.

Anyway - they took us out on a 40 miler on Saturday through some really great woods trails. Jackass, Albanita and some others. Lots of fun rock sections and trees to navigate through. I also got to ride some other bikes. The most fun for me was getting to really try out GSR's KTM 200 and Kiwi's GG 300. Thanks a lot you two - that was generous and very brave. They not only let me ride the bikes - they let me blast on their bikes ! I rode both for at least a half hour apiece on some gnarly trails. All I can say is that these are amazing bikes. Kiwi's beat me up pretty good though - very stiff for my weight. Getting back on my XR was a real downer after riding those bikes. Along those lines, someone said "That's why we don't swap w$ves." :p

Once again TTRGuy, Amy and Chris DirtJunkie were great hosts - they cooked up a feast for dinner and a feast for breakfast the next morn.

Anyway, if anyone's interested Jim at Smackover Motorsports in Arkansas has a 2001 XC300 and a 2001 XC to EC300 conversion that he will sell for $5,800 out the door. These were available as of yesterday. He also has an XC125 that he'll sell for $5,200 out the door. These prices include shipping in the continental US. Search for Smackover on the net ... these GGs rock !

I went home Sunday and frankly it was way too short. It's a long drive and I was kinda looking forward to one of Kiwi's torture tours. Alas, it was not to be.

Kennedy Meadows is an amazing place to ride. Red sticker is A-OK all year long and there are plenty of camping facilities plus a general store close by.

Thanks folks - I had a great time.


Jan 27, 2000
Can I go, can I go? Huh, can I, can I?;)

Scar, LT, let me know when you guys are leaving. I will try to get dj129 to go with me. Scar, it takes a long time to get up there. About 2 - 2 1/2 Hrs. from here.
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scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
LT & Ol'89er,

Thumbs and others are heading up fri. am, Does that sound good to you guys? if so I'll bail on the ball game fri night to get an extra day in. If you'd rather leave early sat am. that's good to, just let me know. :cool:


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
I have a better scanned image of the trail map the rangers hand out if anyone would like to see it let me know and I'll e-mail it to you. It also includes the descriptions of each trail. It's much more legible than the one in the link I posted earlier. Just post your e-mail address or send me an e-mail at [email protected] and I will reply with the map.

For those of you who are going to be there early on Friday, with this large of a group, camping spots in Fish Creek are going to be limited, if any of you can save some spots (place something at the entrance of the spot, cooler, table, whatever) that would be great.
I would be especially greatful if someone could save one of the last spots on the way out for me. It's right next to the restrooms and is located down in a big meadow. This spot is ideal for me and dirtjunkie since we have dogs. If it's not taken and you're there before us I would be eternally greatful to you if you could save it! :) :)


Jul 1, 2000
Almost afraid to ask, but what are the temps like at Kennedy in Aug.? Since Fish creek will be full Fri., I might cruise down on Thurs.


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Fremontguy, we were just there last weekend and the weather was beautiful. The elevation is nearly 9,000 ft. I don't know if it ever gets too hot up there. Air conditioning is definately a must though through the Mojave before you ascend into the mountains!! :scream: It was 104 down in the desert. You will notice a very rapid drop in the temp as you go up the grade (Nine Mile Canyon) into the mountains. :)


Mar 27, 2001
Thom & I are going to try & leave Friday if we can hit the road by 3:00 or 3:30. If not, we will be up early Saturday morning. It is a 4 to 4 1/2 hour drive for us. We will be in a white Dodge truck with a Fun Chaser trailer.

We look forward to meeting other DRNers! :)

KTMster (aka Darla)


Mar 27, 2001
I tried to talk our group into parking at the Fish Creek Campground since that is where it sounds like the DRNers are parking, but they are set on camping at the first Troy Meadows Campground off to the right because it has paved parking spurs & it makes it easier to level the trailers--like we have paved parking spurs in the dez :think No biggie though! From looking at the map I have it looks like these two camp sites are almost within walking distance, and definitely within dirtbikin' distance.

GSR, are there any other female riders from DRN going besides us? Nikki is going (you already met her), Katie (Novice Dez Racer), Katie's friend Jennifer (good rider), Amy Hasten (only 15, but kicks some serious butt--Amateur Dez Racer), Erin (Expert Dez Racer--she will probably ride with the boys), Frosty (Novice Dez Racer), Amy Wright (good rider) and Sue (recent knee surgery--might ride, but definitely going...Amy's mom). The guys are almost all bringing their wives or girlfriends, but this is just a list of the female riders that I know of for sure so far. Gosh, to think that us females can all actually go on a ride and not have to kill ourselves trying to keep up with our husbands or boyfriends sounds quite enjoyable.:confused: Also, thanks for posting this for me--I don't know what happened, but I am getting around DRN just fine now.

P.S. As for the female riders going, there is Aimee Cser, Amy Hasten, Amy Wright, and there might be one more Amy coming that rides as well. Hmmmm, could get a little confusing out there. :)
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Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Paved parking spurs?? If that's what I think it is, Fish Creek has that as well. I've been through Troy Meadows campground. It's not as nice as Fish Creek but it does appear to be larger. The "Parking Spurs" may be larger as well but they are paved in both Campgrounds. They vary in size (length) at Fish Creek though. Troy is just up the street. I'm not sure about walking distance... (I'm lazy ;) ) but definitely a short riding distance.

No other female DRN members that I know of. I was hoping Sgr would want to go but she hasn't responded. We met a couple up there the last time we were there. Brian and his wife. She rides but doesn't have a bike yet. Still shoppin' around. ;) I have offered to loan her my bike. If I had gotten off my butt and put my RM back together, I would've had a spare bike for her to ride. :( Although, it doesn't help that TTRGuy keeps breakin' stuff! :p


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000

If you’re coming via 395,

Highway 14 out of Mojave eventually turns into highway 395 shortly after you cross over highway 178 on both sides.
The turnoff to Kennedy Meadows is called Nine Mile Canyon and it is on the left side approximately 3 miles past Pearsonville. Look for the Kennedy Meadows sign on the right.

Nine Mile Canyon is a narrow steep grade into the mountains. It is approximately 30 minutes to the Grumpy Bear Restaurant on the left. Shortly after you pass Grumpy Bear’s you will come to a fork in the road. Veer to the left towards Black Rock Ranger Station; you will pass the General Store on your right. I believe it’s approximately another 20 minutes to Fish Creek.

Fish Creek campground will be first on the left; Troy will be just up the road on the right.

If you need gas, it is my opinion Mojave is the place to do it. After that there is only a Shell station in Pearsonville.

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
Originally posted by KTMster
[ Gosh, to think that us females can all actually go on a ride and not have to kill ourselves trying to keep up with our husbands or boyfriends sounds quite enjoyable.:confused: . [/B]

I thought it was the other way around, Right Ladies;) Or is that just what my wife tells me:confused: We'll see you all there.


Mar 27, 2001
Originally posted by scar tissue

I thought it was the other way around, Right Ladies;) Or is that just what my wife tells me:confused: We'll see you all there.

You betcha!!! :)

Below is a list of people going. Let me know if I missed anybody. Thx!

Eddie (TTRGuy) & Aimee Cser (gospeedracer) (DRN)
Brian & wife (DRN)
Thom & Darla (KTMster) (DRN)
Alice Bremer (KTMster's sister)
thumbs (DRN)
fremont guy (DRN)
scar tissue (DRN)
Long Time (DRN)
the Eel (DRN)
Ol'89r (DRN)
Mark Abbatoye & his two boys (Checkers M.C.)
Dennis & Sheila Patterson (Checkers M.C.)
Kevin, Sue & Amy Hasten (Checkers M.C.)
Dan & Nikki Stoy (no club)
Tim Kleckner (no club)
Tim Rowin (no club)
Dean & Tim Alexander (Checkers M.C.)
Victor & Katie Romero (no club)
Kelly & Jennifer (no club)
Buddy & Mary Bosh & cousin, Mark (Checkers M.C.)
George & Frosty Cannon (Badgers M.C.)
Alan & Amy Wright (100's M.C.)
Jeff Parker (Lost Angels M.C.)
Curt Reeder (Vikings M.C.)
Phil & Marie Cloward (Checkers M.C.)
John Mangus (Checkers M.C.)
Rob & Erin Larson (Badgers M.C.)
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