Labour day in Canada Aug 29- Sept 1


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Kyle, those are some fantastic pictures of real devastation :( Stay safe.


Dec 3, 2001
Where we live we have a fire coming from both sides of town. Not in danger yet but feeling wary and am packed and ready to move at a moments notice. Moved my bike, quad, and travel trailer to a safer location last weekend.Hope to get this over with so we can ride.We hope to rescedule this ride for early October.


Aug 13, 1999
Found the calendar, and a couple notes from my son's teacher I was supposed to sign & return! :think: Guess I should make him clean his room as often as he cleans his bike!!

The day off is a Friday, October 10th, bummer I was thinking it was a Monday which works better with Karl's work. If he can get Fri/Sat off that weekend the kids might be sick on Monday, the 13th. If not then whichever weekend we can workout my poor kids might just get sick on THAT Monday!

Ooops, cancel that, Karl checked the vacation calendar and no way to get anything off from 10/10 to 10/20 - it's already taken by someone else.

Sooo that leaves the weekend of the 3rd or the 24th of October as the only remotely feasible ones for us.
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Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
You'd think those fires would make the news :|
Sorry to hear about them!!

If I'm lucky I should be able to ride this weekend. I have a small window of opportunity on Monday to go play in the wheat fields. No fear of fire, but lots of dust. The summer follow can be a few inches deep. Only once I year can I ride in them, before they prep the fields and plant the winter wheat.


Jul 3, 2001
Well today the government put a backcountry restriction in place banning ALL backcounty activity. Penalties of $10000 and 6 months in jail if you are caught! This is in effect until Sept 14, when they will re-evaluate the situation. bsmith, I saw it on the NBC nightly news, and some Seattle stations, but not on CNN, eventhough I saw some CNN vans near my hosue. Good news is, everyone is going home! Out of the 30000 evacuees, about 27000 are back at home, if they have a home.
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